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JVinceW / cmakeAndTaglib
Created April 25, 2024 08:45 — forked from phatfly/cmakeAndTaglib
compile taglib for iOS
I wanted to document the process that I went through to compile taglib for my iOS project.
At the time of this writing I used TagLib 1.9.1
1. Download taglib at:
2. Download ios-make at:
3. The ios-make file that you need is in the toolchain directory. Copy the whole directory “toolchain” from inside the ios-make directory to taglib directory.
JVinceW / pom.xml
Created April 16, 2024 02:00 — forked from timmolderez/pom.xml
Adding dependencies to local .jar files in pom.xml
If you'd like to use a .jar file in your project, but it's not available in any Maven repository,
you can get around this by creating your own local repository. This is done as follows:
1 - To configure the local repository, add the following section to your pom.xml (inside the <project> tag):
<name>In Project Repo</name>
JVinceW / SceneObject.cs
Created March 1, 2023 15:39 — forked from Hertzole/SceneObject.cs
Unity scene object to easily assign scenes in the inspector.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class SceneObject
private string m_SceneName;

Commit Message Guidelines

Short (72 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text. Wrap it to 72 characters. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely).

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug" or "Fixes bug." This convention matches up with commit messages
JVinceW /
Created March 14, 2019 04:26 — forked from jobsamuel/
Run NodeJS as a Service on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Run NodeJS as a Service on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

With Node you can write very fast JavaScript programs serverside. It's pretty easy to install Node, code your program, and run it. But > how do you make it run nicely in the background like a true server?

  • Go to /etc/init/
  • $ sudo vim yourapp.conf
  • Paste script.conf
  • $ sudo start yourapp
  • And when you wanna kill the process $ sudo stop yourapp
JVinceW /
Created December 25, 2018 02:33 — forked from LotteMakesStuff/
UPM: How to make a custom package

UPM: How to make a custom package So, Unity has this shiny new package manager, and you have code you want to share between projects - wouldn't it be great if we could bundle up our shared code and plug it into all the projects that need it? Let's figure out how to make our own Package!


  • Modify the project manifest
  • Make a package manifest
  • Package the manifest up with some test code
  • Try it out in Unity!

JVinceW / SpecificInstanceOfGameExample.cs
Created December 20, 2018 03:22 — forked from mattbenic/SpecificInstanceOfGameExample.cs
Example of using Win32 API to get specific window instance in Unity. This is useful for when running multiple instances of the same application, as the window handle can then be used to correctly position and size the different windows for multi screen use.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
public class SpecificInstanceOfGameExample : MonoBehaviour
#region DLL Imports
private const string UnityWindowClassName = "UnityWndClass";
- General
[ ] The code works
[ ] The code is easy to understand
[ ] Follows coding conventions
[ ] Names are simple and if possible short
[ ] Names are spelt correctly
[ ] Names contain units where applicable
[ ] Enums are used instead of int constants where applicable
[ ] There are no usages of 'magic numbers'
[ ] All variables are in the smallest scope possible