Install convmv if you don't have it
sudo apt-get install convmv
Convert all files in a directory from NFD to NFC:
convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfc --notest .
Convert all files in a directory from NFC to NFD:
convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfd --notest .
Hey Henk,
I tried your command, after installing the homebrew package + convmv (see : Because I understood that the script is based on these two package, right?
When launching the script with your command, even by adding 'sightseeing paris utf.rtf' it doesn't do anything : the file is still not synchronized with my syno.
francois@Francoiss-MacBook-Air ~ % cd /Users/francois/Downloads/synology-scripts-master/mac-nfd-conversion
francois@Francoiss-MacBook-Air mac-nfd-conversion % ./mac2syn /Users/francois/Documents/01.\ Documents/2008_03_26\ -\ A\ voir\ à\ paris.rtf 'sightseeing paris utf.rtf'
\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 * Caf'e9 Branly + mus'e9e
m'e9tro alma marceau
rer, pont de l'alma
15 rue Lepic _ Montmartre
-> fait
m'e9tro gd boulevard}cat: sightseeing paris utf.rtf: No such file or directory
Once it works with a file, i'll try you command on a folder.
Thank you Henk!!