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James Kane JamesKane

  • Marshfield, WI
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JamesKane /
Created November 11, 2023 17:39
A script template for macOS for aligning short-reads with minimap2 from FASTQ files using varying references.
# Usage: [b37|b38|chm13] [illumina|cg]
# A simple script to align short-read WGS FASTQ files to a CRAM for a target build reference
# on macOS with Homebrew installed. There are four major assumptions:
# 1) The script is run from a work path where the directory name is the Sample ID
# 2) The system Library contains a Genomics folder, which it can read/write a reference file
# 3) The system has adequate memory to allocate 1GB of ram per CPU core
# 4) The source FASTQ files are named [SAMPLE]/[SAMPLE]_[1|2].fastq.gz
JamesKane /
Last active November 20, 2024 11:35
Realign a BAM to the Telomere-to-telomere reference
# USAGE: [Source BAM/CRAM]
# ./ source.GRCh38.bam
# The script produces a new BAM aligned on the reference specified in the variable. Once complete it will apply CallableLoci
# for some quick QC. The script assumes that the working directory name matches the Sample e.g.
# /mnt/md0/B6564/source.GRCh38.bam
# There's a generation of Big Y 500 which do not have the pairs marked correctly. This results in treating the reads as SE.
JamesKane /
Last active March 3, 2021 16:23
Take paired FASTQ files and create a CRAM file containing chrY and chrM reads with their mates.
# USAGE: sh
# This simple script was originally developed to automate aligning and filtering samples from ENA for It has
# become the default workflow for all NGS data needing to be standardized for keeping samples as consistent as possible from the
# menagerie of D2C vendors.
# The script is built on the assumption your FASTQ read data is pre-trimmed and organized with this structure.
# SAMPLE/SAMPLE_[1|2].fastq.gz
JamesKane / build_cohort.rb
Created June 17, 2018 23:57
Collect gVCF files and add chrY to a GenomicsDB using GATK4.
# Very basic Ruby script that collects all the gVCFs in a directory, and puts the results
# into a GenomicsDB for later genotyping. The batch size is limited to 200 files at a time
# since memory usage is quite demanding. This currently consumes 18GB of RAM on a Fedora 28
# workstation. Reader threads does not appear to have significant impact.
# TODO: Parameterize the contig, since GenomicsDBImport doesn't support multiple
# chromosomes at present.
command = "gatk --java-options \"-Xmx32g -Xms32g\" GenomicsDBImport \\\n"
command += "-R /mnt/genomics/GRCh38_reference_genome/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa \\\n"
JamesKane /
Last active May 28, 2018 12:32
Use GATK to create an unaligned BAM from FASTQ data
# USAGE: sh <fastq1> <fastq2> <sample_name> <read_group> <platform_unit>
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx8G" FastqToSam \
-FASTQ=$1 \
-FASTQ2=$2 \
-OUTPUT=$3.unmapped.bam \
JamesKane /
Last active May 25, 2018 16:52
Use GATK to mark optical duplicates, apply base recalibration, and call a clean BAM
# USAGE: sh <sample name>
# CONFIG VARIABLES: Update to match environment
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx4G" \
MarkDuplicates -I=$1.bwa.clean.bam -O=$1.dedup.bam -METRICS_FILE=metrics.txt
JamesKane /
Last active May 25, 2018 17:22
Prepare the Clean BAM for an Illumina Sample with GATK
# USAGE: sh <sample name>
# Based on
# CONFIG VARIABLES: Update to match environment
# Mark the Illumina adapters (if present. The sequencing lab should have removed them
# prior to delivering the results.)
$gatk --java-options "-Xmx8G" MarkIlluminaAdapters \
JamesKane /
Last active May 28, 2018 12:33
Use GATK to revert an aligned BAM to an unaligned BAM
# USAGE: sh <sample name>
# Assumes GATK is on the path. Based on
gatk RevertSam \
-I=$1.bam \
-SANITIZE=true \