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Last active February 17, 2024 10:12
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  • Save JamieMason/4761049 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JamieMason/4761049 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Check if a program exists from a bash script.Thanks to and for the help with detecting npm packages.
# Functions ==============================================
# return 1 if global command line program installed, else 0
# example
# echo "node: $(program_is_installed node)"
function program_is_installed {
# set to 1 initially
local return_=1
# set to 0 if not found
type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; }
# return value
echo "$return_"
# return 1 if local npm package is installed at ./node_modules, else 0
# example
# echo "gruntacular : $(npm_package_is_installed gruntacular)"
function npm_package_is_installed {
# set to 1 initially
local return_=1
# set to 0 if not found
ls node_modules | grep $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; }
# return value
echo "$return_"
# display a message in red with a cross by it
# example
# echo echo_fail "No"
function echo_fail {
# echo first argument in red
printf "\e[31m✘ ${1}"
# reset colours back to normal
printf "\033\e[0m"
# display a message in green with a tick by it
# example
# echo echo_fail "Yes"
function echo_pass {
# echo first argument in green
printf "\e[32m✔ ${1}"
# reset colours back to normal
printf "\033\e[0m"
# echo pass or fail
# example
# echo echo_if 1 "Passed"
# echo echo_if 0 "Failed"
function echo_if {
if [ $1 == 1 ]; then
echo_pass $2
echo_fail $2
# ============================================== Functions
# command line programs
echo "node $(echo_if $(program_is_installed node))"
echo "gulp $(echo_if $(program_is_installed gulp))"
echo "webpack $(echo_if $(program_is_installed webpack))"
echo "eslint $(echo_if $(program_is_installed eslint))"
echo "tsc $(echo_if $(program_is_installed tsc))"
echo "brew $(echo_if $(program_is_installed brew))"
echo "gem $(echo_if $(program_is_installed gem))"
# local npm packages
echo "lodash $(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed lodash))"
echo "react $(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed react))"
echo "angular $(echo_if $(npm_package_is_installed angular))"
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JamieMason commented Feb 12, 2013

Check if a program exists from a bash script

$ sh

Example output

node    ✔
gulp    ✔
webpack ✔
eslint  ✔
tsc     ✘
brew    ✘
gem     ✔
lodash  ✔
react   ✘
angular ✔

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Updated, thanks to and for the help with detecting npm packages.

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Updated, added coloured output and ticks/crosses

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Updated, fixed typo in echo_if's if statement

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Great code. Thanks.

Note: in some system, need use { echo -e "\033[0m" } to reset colours.

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@edgardleal Thanks! On my system colors were not being reset. The -e flag fixed the issue.

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npm_package_is_installed contains serious flaw
grep $1 should be grep -w $1 to match whole words only...

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FliiFe commented Jul 14, 2016

Is this licensed ?

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MostHated commented Sep 9, 2016

Hello, when I run this I just get "nodejs ? \033[0m" and then everything just stays green no matter what.

**Edit - made a few adjustments, but still I only now get a green question mark no matter what the npm package I try and use.

The first one was with nodejs actually installed and checking for that, I change the name to nodej2s because it was not a real thing and got the same outcome.

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@FliiFe feel free to use this without restriction.

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Love this!

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jpaulin commented Mar 20, 2018

@MostHated Change 2 lines in the script.
Both occurrencies (there's two of them) of these:
echo "\033[0m"
printf "\033\e[0m"

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thanks @jpaulin, I'll update

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hoshang82 commented Apr 9, 2018

great work, thank you so much :-)do you know maybe whe I get the "sign" beside the green/red sign ?
printf "\e[32m✔ ${1}" , ${1} <- what does this variable ?
the sign is comming from reset to normal colours: printf "\033\e[0m"

Ubuntu 16.04


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@hoshang82 I got this too. I Added this function and swapped the color and color reset codes to use the color variables provided by the fuction and it now works.

function loadcolor(){
# Colors
# More info about colors in bash
esc_seq="\x1b["  #In Bash, the <Esc> character can be obtained with the following syntaxes:  \e  \033  \x1B
NC=$esc_seq"39;49;00m" # NC = Normal Color

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muratgozel commented Feb 5, 2019

I have modified the function a bit to use inside if conditions efficiently:

function program_doesnt_exist {
  local return_=1
  type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; }
  # return $return_ instead of printing
  return $return_

# install nodejs
if program_doesnt_exist node; then
  curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  sudo apt install -y nodejs

# install certbot
if program_doesnt_exist certbot; then
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot -y
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install -y python-certbot-nginx

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flaxel commented May 30, 2020

Maybe you can write the functions a little more compact. For example, the code snippet for program_is_installed:

	type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "1" || echo "0"

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