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Jim Campagno JimCampagno

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Home Screen

How It Is Now

When the app launches, the user doesn't have to input anything. It might appear as if it's noisy but the user doesn't have to interact with any of it. They can go straight to search. We're displaying all of the choices they can make (date, location, insurance, HSS) but making the decision for them (on all except Insurance) to get the user viewing clinics asap.

Different Take

Testing the iOS App

version 2.0.10

Brief Overview

First thing you should notice is that there's a Tab-Bar in the app. The Practices tab is currently being worked on (and will be complete by Thursday). You will notice that the Practices tab currently displays the correct view when a user is logged out, but when they are logged in it will display just a blue background.

When selecting the Account tab, you should see the following (if you're NOT logged in):

Web Q.A.

tested using Safari Version 11.0.3


▪️ Contact Us Button

Registration Flow - iOS

A crucial type in the app is the CognitoStore. There's only ever one instance of this type that lives throughout the life-cycle of the app. Everywhere in our app, a dev has access to this one instance through the sharedInstance static stored property on the CognitoStore.

Important to note is the init function on this type. It sets everything up, most imporantly the userPool stored property of type AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool. This in turn will provide access to the AWSCognitoIdentityUser that exists on the AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool. This is done by calling currentUser() on the AWSCognitoIdentityUserPool instance.

We expose the AWSCognitoIdentityUser in the form of a computed property named currentUser.

Here's how accessing this currentUser looks like throughout the app:

Credit Agency Advice

There are three players in this game as follows:


P.O. Box 9532
Allen, TX 75013


Sprint Planning

General Notes

  • DON'T think of Pivotal Tracker as a hinderance to the creative hive-mind of the company.
  • DO think of it as one of the members of the team. This mindset will allow us to properly integrate it into our flow.

After our sprint planning meeting is over, we are off to the races:



To tap into a large group of patients and connect them with physical therapists in their area. Tackling this problem requires us to keep this goal in mind along ever iteration of a new feature. In the most stupefyingly simple scenario, if the idea/feature is not contributing to the goal then it needs to wait.

Story, Task, Bug Creation

1. Select Create Issue

2. Dropdown box to the left allows you to adjust the type

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jimcampagno on github.
  • I am jimpt ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBkZEtiRRnXE2aNiLoC1r4dy7aDsxr79EEEpN_0hXm_aAo

To claim this, I am signing this object: