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Writing code and working retail


Writing code and working retail
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mzabriskie /
Last active May 22, 2024 16:53
Check git status of multiple repos

If you're like me you have a dir like ~/Workspace/Github where all your git repos live. I often find myself making a change in a repo, getting side tracked and ending up in another repo, or off doing something else all together. After a while I end up with several repos with modifications. This script helps me pick up where I left off by checking the status of all my repos, instead of having to check each one individually.


git-status [directory]

This will run git status on each repo under the directory specified. If called with no directory provided it will default to the current directory.

chris-piekarski / start_stop_services_via_adb
Last active December 22, 2021 06:50
android am force-stop and start services
adb -d shell am force-stop
adb -d shell am startservice
#list intent receivers
adb shell dumpsys package com.ubnt.restapi | grep intent
adb shell pm list packages
#force factory reset
adb shell "am broadcast -n "" -a android.intent.action.FACTORY_RESET"
Flafla2 / Perlin_Tiled.cs
Last active July 23, 2024 07:09
A slightly modified implementation of Ken Perlin's improved noise that allows for tiling the noise arbitrarily.
public class Perlin {
public int repeat;
public Perlin(int repeat = -1) {
this.repeat = repeat;
public double OctavePerlin(double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double persistence) {
double total = 0;
jaames / dsi_browser_crash.html
Last active February 26, 2021 09:29
POC code that crashes the Nintendo DSi Browser on load (see
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=256">
<div id="readout"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var readout = document.getElementById("readout");
jaames /
Last active April 27, 2023 20:21
convert Flipnote Studio .lst and .pls files to and from .txt
from sys import argv
import hashlib
import numpy as np
xorkey = [
0xF7, 0x4C, 0x6A, 0x3A, 0xFB, 0x82, 0xA6, 0x37,
0x6E, 0x11, 0x38, 0xCF, 0xA0, 0xDD, 0x85, 0xC0,
0xC7, 0x9B, 0xC4, 0xD8, 0xDD, 0x28, 0x8A, 0x87,
0x53, 0x20, 0xEE, 0xE0, 0x0B, 0xEB, 0x43, 0xA0,
0xDB, 0x55, 0x0F, 0x75, 0x36, 0x37, 0xEB, 0x35,
SciresM /
Last active October 13, 2023 14:06

This is being hosted here, until the reddit post I made gets approved.

I saw, in the recent reddit thread about sighax, a lot of information being posted that's factually incorrect. I'd like to go ahead and clarify how sighax works, and how it's different from arm9loaderhax, while also clearing up some misconceptions I'm seeing (I really dislike misinformation).

What is sighax?

Sighax is an exploit taking advantage of a flaw in the arm9 bootrom, causing the signatures (which those of you less technically oriented may think of as "proofs of authenticity" that normally only Nintendo can generate) for arbitrary firmwares to be read as valid. On a normal boot, if one modifies the header for the firmware partition stored in NAND, the signatur

WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r NSA-Cyberweapon-Powered Ransomware Worm

  • Virus Name: WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY
  • Vector: All Windows versions before Windows 10 are vulnerable if not patched for MS-17-010. It uses EternalBlue MS17-010 to propagate.
  • Ransom: between $300 to $600. There is code to 'rm' (delete) files in the virus. Seems to reset if the virus crashes.
  • Backdooring: The worm loops through every RDP session on a system to run the ransomware as that user. It also installs the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. It corrupts shadow volumes to make recovery harder. (source: malwarebytes)
  • Kill switch: If the website is up the virus exits instead of infecting the host. (source: malwarebytes). This domain has been sinkholed, stopping the spread of the worm. Will not work if proxied (source).

update: A minor variant of the viru

Necroforger / embed.go
Last active April 6, 2024 02:22
Needs a fallthrough
//Embed ...
type Embed struct {
// Constants for message embed character limits
const (
EmbedLimitTitle = 256
EmbedLimitDescription = 2048
EmbedLimitFieldValue = 1024
* binaryadd.cpp (C++11)
* Adds two numbers and returns the results in hexadecimal
* Usage: binaryadd <0xHEX|0octal|decimal> <0xHEX|0octal|decimal>
* Copyright © 2017 thejsa <>
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
anonymous / server.txt
Created September 26, 2017 10:56
All Users in: Sudomemo
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