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Kent Nordström KentNordstrom

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KentNordstrom / SynchronizeSelectedMVObjects.ps1
Created September 1, 2022 08:30
A script to synchronize only selected objects in MIM MetaVerse
This script serves as example on how to find and run scripted sync on selected objects in MIM.
Queries are run against MetaVerse to find the objects and then it finds the ConnectorSpace object and runs sync.
Import-Module LithnetMIISAutomation
$CStoSync = "ADviaPS" #The name of the ConnectorSpace you want the sync to run in.
KentNordstrom / BulkUpdateFromCsv.ps1
Last active June 6, 2022 19:02
Bulk update objects in FIM/MIM based on CSV file
Example script to bulk update users from CSV file.
The CSV file needs to have columnnames in row 1.
Columnnames need to correspond to the attribute name in FIM/MIM.
The column specified as "anchor" will not be updated all other columns will be updated based on content in csv file.
Multivalue and Reference data types are not supported in this version.
The script requires that the Lithnet Power Shell module is installed on the computer running the script.
The account running the script requires write permission to all attributes in the csv file except for the anchor attribute.
KentNordstrom / InstallMIMUpdate.ps1
Created November 30, 2018 08:28
Install MIM 2016 Updates (Hotfix Rollups)
Installs updates for MIM Synchronization Service and MIM Service.
Add support for Languagepack updates.
[string]$Version = "",
KentNordstrom / ClearRunHistory.ps1
Created March 10, 2019 08:30
Clears Run History in FIMSynchronizationService after saving to xml file.
Clears run history in FIM Synchronization Service and stores the history.
The Number of days to keep.
.PARAMETER exportDirectory
The folder where deleted history is saved.
KentNordstrom / UpdateSyncRules.ps1
Last active February 23, 2019 07:37
Script to Synchronize only the Sync Rules and no other object in the FIM Service MA Connector Space.
Script to update only synchronization rules.
Import-Module LithnetMiisAutomation
$MA = "FIMService"
$OldSyncRules = New-MVQuery -Attribute displayName -Operator IsPresent | Get-MVObject -ObjectType synchronizationRule
foreach($rule in $OldSyncRules)
{$void = Sync-CSObject (Get-CSObject -DN ($rule.CSMVLinks.ConnectorSpaceDN) -MA $MA) -Commit}
KentNordstrom / EnableHybridReportingInMIM.ps1
Created May 3, 2018 19:14
Enable Hybrid Reporting in MIM 2016 without installing the MIMReportingAgent
Script to manually configure MIM 2016 Hybrid Reporting without installing the Agent as described in
# Step 1. Create the EventLog to store the MIM Request Events in.
New-EventLog -LogName "Identity Manager Request Log" -Source "Microsoft.IdentityManagement.Service"
# Step 2. Add hybrid reporting setting in FIMService config file. Setting hybridReportingRequestLoggingEnabled="true"
KentNordstrom / RedirectToMIMPortal.ps1
Last active January 29, 2019 10:06
Redirect to MIM Portal to make it the Welcome Page in the underlying SharePoint.
Script to Redirect to /IdentityManagement on MIM Portal Server.
Defaults to expecting the only SPSite to be MIM Portal Site.
Intended to be run from SharePoint Management Shell.
Users need Read Access to RootFolder for this to work.
Script gives Read to Authenticated Users by default.
KentNordstrom / InstallMIMSync.ps1
Last active December 16, 2018 18:43
Script to install MIM Synchronization Service
Installs MIM Synchronization Service
Expects the MIM ISO file to install from in the MediaFolder.
Script will ask for ServiceAccount password.
Typically the SQL Server is an SQL Alias
Please update the Parameters region to meet your own needs.
KentNordstrom / RemoveMultiValueValues.ps1
Last active November 12, 2018 18:04
Remove Values from MultiValue Attribute
Script to remove values from MultiValue attribute based on search criteria.
[string]$MultiValueAttribute = 'emailAlias',
[string]$SearchValue = '',
KentNordstrom / BeginImport.ps1
Created April 15, 2018 14:43
Use the Microsoft Generic PowerShell Connector to connect to MS Graph
param (
[System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection[[string], [Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.ConfigParameter]]] $ConfigParameters,
[PSCredential] $PSCredential,
[Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.OpenImportConnectionRunStep] $OpenImportConnectionRunStep,
[Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.Schema] [ValidateNotNull()] $Schema
[string]$watermark = $OpenImportConnectionRunStep.CustomData #Used if Delta Import
if($OpenImportConnectionRunStep.ImportType -eq 'Delta' -and !$watermark){throw ("Full Import Required. No watermark found.")}