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LenweSaralonde / MSA_EasyMenu.lua
Last active May 31, 2019 17:26
EasyMenu to use with MSA-DropDownMenu
-- Simplified Menu Display System
-- This is a basic system for displaying a menu from a structure table.
-- See UIDropDownMenu.lua for the menuList details.
-- Args:
-- menuList - menu table
-- menuFrame - the UI frame to populate
-- anchor - where to anchor the frame (e.g. CURSOR)
-- x - x offset
LenweSaralonde / SendAddonMessage_Unknown_Channel_bug.lua
Last active December 21, 2019 14:48
YELL and SAY chat channels identified as UNKNOWN on CHAT_MSG_ADDON
-- Reproduction steps
-- Each line can be entered in game with the /run command
local f = CreateFrame("Frame"); f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON"); f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, prefix, text, channel) print("Received", event, prefix, string.len(text), channel, text) end);
C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("BlzBug", "Hello world!", "WHISPER", UnitName("player")) -- OK: WHISPER channel
C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("BlzBug", "Hello world!", "YELL") -- KO: UNKNOWN channel
C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage("BlzBug", "Hello world!", "SAY") -- KO: UNKNOWN channel
LenweSaralonde / SendAddonMessage_truncated_characters_bug.lua
Created December 21, 2019 14:55
String with special characters truncated when sent with C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage() over SAY and YELL
-- Reproduction steps
-- Each line can be entered in game with the /run command
local f = CreateFrame("Frame"); f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON"); f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, prefix, text, channel) print("Received", event, prefix, string.len(text), channel, text) end);
-- All characters from 1 to 255 allowed by SendAddonMessage()
ALL_MSG_ADDON_CHARS = ''; local i; for i=1,255 do ALL_MSG_ADDON_CHARS = ALL_MSG_ADDON_CHARS .. string.char(i) end

This tutorial is obsolete and quite complicated to set up. Check the dedicated MusicianMIDI add-on instead to achieve this easily.

Play live using a MIDI Keyboard

As you may expect, there is no native support for MIDI keyboards in WoW. The trick is to use an external software that emulates keyboard keystrokes from a MIDI keyboard.

OBSOLETE: This feature is now included in the addon.


Synchro start macros

These macros allow party members to play as a band and start playing different parts of the same song at the same time.

Enable synchro start

~~This macro has to be run by all the party members of the band to enable synchro start. ~~ /run Musician.Comm:RegisterComm("MusicianGPlay", function(_, _, t) if t == "PARTY" then MusicianFrame.Play() end end); Musician.Utils.Print("Synchro start enabled !")

LenweSaralonde / WoW-multi-monitor.ahk
Last active August 1, 2021 10:22
Expand the World of Warcraft window over multiple monitors
; Resize World of Warcraft window over multiple monitors
; ======================================================
; 1. Install AutoHotkey:
; 2. Set World of Warcraft to run in Windowed mode (Main menu > System > Graphics > Display > Display mode > Windowed then OK)
; 3. Set the Windows task bar to hide automatically (right click on the task bar > ⚙️ Task bar settings > Toggle Automatically hide the task bar in desktop mode to on)
; 4. Edit the values below accordingly to your monitor setup
; 5. Save the script
; Run the script to resize the WoW window
LenweSaralonde / Configuration audio Twitch OBS replay sans
Last active January 1, 2022 20:35
Voici comment streamer sur Twitch en toute tranquillité en utilisant de la musique DMCA en fond sans que celle-ci ne soit présente dans les rediffusions et les clips et éviter de se faire striker.

Voici comment streamer sur Twitch en toute tranquillité en utilisant de la musique DMCA en fond sans que celle-ci ne soit présente dans les rediffusions et les clips et éviter de se faire striker.

Ce tuto est pour OBS sous Windows 10 uniquement.


  1. Acheter et installer les drivers VB Cable ( ) :
    • VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device (gratuit)
    • VB-Cables A+B (5 €)
LenweSaralonde / wow-quests-tts.lua
Created January 25, 2022 20:32
Enable text-to-speech for WoW quest texts
/run for _, f in pairs({QuestInfoDescriptionText, GreetingText, GossipGreetingText}) do hooksecurefunc(f, "SetText", function(self, text) C_VoiceChat.StopSpeakingText(); C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(0, text or "", 1, 1.5, 100) end) end
LenweSaralonde / bloquage_appels_entrants.tsv
Last active February 4, 2022 14:51
Liste anti relous
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 7 columns, instead of 1. in line 1.
Nom Numéro Action Jours Heures
Arnaques +33899* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33898* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33897* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33893* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33892* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33891* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaques +33836* Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaque +33601749926 Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée
Arnaque +33644819158 Bloque les appels Toute la semaine Toute la journée