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darcyparker / vimModeStateDiagram.svg
Last active June 21, 2024 22:01
Vim Modes Transition Diagram in SVG Note, most of the nodes in this graph have clickable hyperlinks to documentation.
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ericclemmons /
Last active April 24, 2024 18:09
HTML5 <details> in GitHub

Using <details> in GitHub

Suppose you're opening an issue and there's a lot noisey logs that may be useful.

Rather than wrecking readability, wrap it in a <details> tag!

 Summary Goes Here
# Luke's config for the Zoomer Shell
# Enable colors and change prompt:
autoload -U colors && colors
PS1="%B%{$fg[red]%}[%{$fg[yellow]%}%n%{$fg[green]%}@%{$fg[blue]%}%M %{$fg[magenta]%}%~%{$fg[red]%}]%{$reset_color%}$%b "
# History in cache directory:
rpigott / _swaymsg
Last active April 28, 2024 13:39
swaymsg zsh completions w/ sway command completion
#compdef swaymsg
typeset -A opt_args
__swaymsg() {
# Reuse socket path from command line if present
swaymsg ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-s|--socket]} "$@" 2>/dev/null
# _sway
# sway ipc {{{
Nikolaj-K /
Last active June 11, 2024 20:49
Recomended reading for the undergrad category theorist
Hans5958 / Vaporeon
Last active May 31, 2023 13:58
Response to the Vaporeon copypasta


Earliest known instance:

Well well well. It appears [insert user who used the copypasta] is a fellow vappy fucc connoisseur. However screw the female version. You get those same ol two holes in literally everything else. the MALE vappy is the real star of the show. Those long slippery diccs they have full mobility control with like a tentacle are the perfect ass filler for the ultimate in deep reaching experience nothing else could possibly provide. Naturally lubed at all times due to their aquatic hydrodynamic nature, you can pull off anywhere to the side of the road, or go into a public restroom at the beach, get each other aroused, and have the fucc of a lifetime. The extraordinary squishyness of the vappy alone rubbing against you would be enough to lose yourself in pleasure as it simply mounts you. Let alone with that perfect tool of pleasure slips into you. Its ability to snake around your bends and its perfect le

mjlbach /
Last active September 17, 2022 18:30
Asking effective questions


The open source community depends on the efforts of a small group of volunteers relative to the number of users. In order to make the most of contributors' time, here is some advice for asking “good questions”. This is largely paraphrased from this article by Eric Steven Raymond and Rick Moen, with edits for brevity and tone. If you have the time (and tolerance), I strongly recommend reading that article over this one. Let's start with the procedure.

The procedure

  1. Try to find an answer by searching the archives of the issue-tracker, IRC, matrix-room, discord, forum or mailing list you plan to post to.
  2. Try to find an answer by searching the Web.
  3. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.
  4. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ.
  5. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation.