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Created August 4, 2013 00:43
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Dan Kaminsky's DefCon RNG challenge
// TLDR: Oi, Barnes. We'll miss ya. Here's a grimy RNG in your honor.
// node oi.js or paste the below into your favorite browser's JS console.
// DEFCON CHALLENGE: Break this!
function millis() { return; }
function flip_coin() { n=0; then = millis()+1; while(millis()<=then) { n=!n; } return n; }
function get_fair_bit() { while(1) { a=flip_coin(); if(a!=flip_coin()) { return(a); } } }
function get_random_byte(){ n=0; bits=8; while(bits--){ n<<=1; n|=get_fair_bit(); } return n; }
report_console = function() { while(1) { console.log(get_random_byte()); }}
//Oi 1.0: The 'Obviously Incorrect' Random Number Generator
// (so go break it!)
// From: Dan Kaminsky
// Greetz: Barnaby Jack -- there's a pile of awesome reasons to name this
// Oi, but this one's for you.
// Date: 1-Aug-2013
// Idea:
// A man with one clock knows what time it is.
// A man with two clocks is never sure.
// Or: Anyone who thinks computers are deterministic
// systems has never tried to write realtime code :)
// In 2011, Nadia Heninger et al found that at least 1 of 200 RSA
// keys on the Internet were crackable due to random number generators,
// and that generally those RNGs lived on embedded devices.
// Can we do better?
// In the real world, when we need to make a random choice, we don't
// go out and buy a hunk of radioactive material and stick a
// Geiger counter next to it. We just flip a coin. Coin flipping
// ultimately is just measuring a slow system (how many seconds
// does it take for a coin to rise and fall) against a fast system
// (how many spins, or bit flips, a coin can complete before it
// lands).
// That can be done in code. Lets compare janky millisecond timers
// (1000 cycles/sec AT BEST) to CPUs themselves (millions to
// billions of cycles/sec). And, lets just get one bit, heads
// or tails.
// Interrupts ain't cycle accurate.
// Oi, like Dakarand and Matt Blaze's Truerand before it, might very
// well not work. But, you know, this is four lines of JavaScript,
// The Language That Must Never Be Allowed To Do Cryptography
// Ever Because Ew. So here's a Defcon challenge, in honor of our
// fallen friend. Lets break this!
// Pick any hardware, pick any language. Even be an
// active attacker, doing pesky things to available CPU.
// If you can influence a bit, greater than chance, you
// win! I'm sure this fails _somewhere_.
// This isn't a production version of Oi, by any means. I'm
// only doing simple Von Neumann debiasing (throwing away
// any two 'coin flips' that return the same value). I'm not
// scrambling the output with even a basic hash, allowing
// an active attacker some access to the direct bitstream.
// And there's no PRNG, so speed is actually too slow for
// lots of production uses. 5 seconds in IE6 for 128 bits
// is too much, for instance.
// But, I wanna give attackers a fighting chance here. And the
// more an attack falls to a fifth line of code, the more
// obvious it is that our threat models perhaps need adjusting.
// This'll definitely fail to a cycle accurate emulator, but
// anything else is fair game.
//Execution: node oi.js, or paste into a JS console in your favorite
// browser.
//Note: You may need a "nicer" emitter of bytes. Do this.
//report_console = function() { console.log(get_random_byte()); setTimeout(report_console, 0); }
Output from ent (unlike diehard/dieharder, ent doesn't emit bad results on small bitstreams):
$ ent rand_js.bin
Entropy = 7.999967 bits per byte.
Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 7006068 byte file by 0 percent.
Chi square distribution for 7006068 samples is 316.67, and randomly
would exceed this value 0.50 percent of the times.
Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.5564 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.139320943 (error 0.07 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.000659 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).
Simple packer:
import sys
import struct
for line in open(sys.argv[1], "r").xreadlines():
n=struct.pack("B", int(line.rstrip()))
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atoponce commented Jan 8, 2024

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