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Last active October 9, 2024 13:04
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Telegram HTTP bot API via CURL | Send text, photos, documents, etc.

Here are some examples on how to use Telegram bot api via CURL


For getting messages in private chat with bot

  • Create a bot using @BotFather, get it's token
  • Start conversation with bot
  • Run following curl command
curl<TO:KEN>/getUpdates | grep -Po '"from":{"id":.+?,'


For getting messages in public/private chat where bot invited

  • Create a bot using @BotFather, get it's token
  • Invite your bot to desired chat
  • Write message like this /test @your_bot_tag
  • Run following curl command
curl<TO:KEN>/getUpdates | grep -Po '"chat":{"id":.+?,'

You will get output like the one below, keep chat id: "chat":{"id":-1001182736542,

Sending messages either to yourself in the chat with bot or to the group chat

Environment variables used in examples

# bot token
# your acc or group chat id
To supress curl output, add -s key + > /dev/null in the end

Send text messages

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F chat_id=$CHAT_ID -F text="message" "$TOKEN/sendMessage"

Send document from disk

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F document=@"path/to/some.file" "$TOKEN/sendDocument"

Example of piping an image from stdout to curl

Creating qr code from string, piping stdout to curl, sending it as an image

qrencode -s 6 -o - "Some text to encode" | curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F chat_id=$CHAT_ID -F photo=@- "$TOKEN/sendPhoto"

For sending other entity types, replace /sendPhoto and photo with the following:

/sendAudio audio /sendPhoto photo /sendVideo video /sendAnimation animation /sendVoice voice /sendVideoNote video_note

More types, as well as required/optional fields for each type, could be found here
Some examples that might help you - here
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Good gist.

For Unix users replace "|" with ";" to make commands work.

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Yobb17 commented Oct 18, 2023

<script src=""></script>

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HI, how to download file from chat group with curl?

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