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Created August 7, 2012 18:55
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Save TooTallNate/3288316 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Node.js installation script using the precompiled binary tarballs
mkdir -p "$PREFIX" && \
curl$VERSION/node-v$VERSION-$PLATFORM-$ARCH.tar.gz \
| tar xzvf - --strip-components=1 -C "$PREFIX"

Starting with node v0.8.6, we're gonna be releasing official binary tarballs of the releases for the most common platform+architecture combos.

Here's a simple script that will install node using a simple curl | tar piping. By default the files will get installed into your HOME directory. Change the PREFIX variable to /usr/local if you're feeling ambitious (note: you may need to run this as root depending on the PREFIX).

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tj commented Aug 7, 2012

:D this should have been done like 2 years ago haha

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Better late than never!

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rauchg commented Aug 8, 2012

Very hot @TooTallNate

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niloy commented Aug 8, 2012

Where is the make command to install node?

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niloy commented Aug 8, 2012

Oh sorry, got it, this is directly downloading the binary.

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3rd-Eden commented Aug 8, 2012

@visionmedia can't wait to have this integrated in to n ;)

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For those who don't need a full fledged 'n', I edited the script a bit to always download the latest stable version, if it's not already installed:

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This is great but I'm having trouble using npm. I see that npm is included with the binaries but it seems that we need environment variables for where the global repository is. Can anyone provide details on how to configure npm this once you download the binaries?

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