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Created October 3, 2015 19:46
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Facebook Python Login Script
import argparse
import requests
import pyquery
def login(session, email, password):
Attempt to login to Facebook. Returns user ID, xs token and
fb_dtsg token. All 3 are required to make requests to
Facebook endpoints as a logged in user. Returns False if
login failed.
# Navigate to Facebook's homepage to load Facebook's cookies.
response = session.get('')
# Attempt to login to Facebook
response ='', data={
'email': email,
'pass': password
}, allow_redirects=False)
# If c_user cookie is present, login was successful
if 'c_user' in response.cookies:
# Make a request to homepage to get fb_dtsg token
homepage_resp = session.get('')
dom = pyquery.PyQuery(homepage_resp.text.encode('utf8'))
fb_dtsg = dom('input[name="fb_dtsg"]').val()
return fb_dtsg, response.cookies['c_user'], response.cookies['xs']
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Login to Facebook')
parser.add_argument('email', help='Email address')
parser.add_argument('password', help='Login password')
args = parser.parse_args()
session = requests.session()
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0'
fb_dtsg, user_id, xs = login(session,, args.password)
if user_id:
print '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(fb_dtsg, user_id, xs)
print 'Login Failed'
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Plawn commented May 25, 2018

login should always return a tuple with a length of 3

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ledderio commented May 1, 2019

Working 2 april 2019. Thanks!

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Sureya commented Sep 5, 2019

September 5 2019, Working. Thanks

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Bouzazi commented Sep 25, 2019

September 25, 2019, Working!

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otaku1 commented Dec 1, 2019

i am facing facebook checkpoint.....


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December 4, 2019 Working! Thanks

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Please help me? Where is the session taken? How to get a session?

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Dec 17, 2020 Working! Thx

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i am facing facebook checkpoint.....


hey bro type in google my user agent and copy ur user in >>> 'User-Agent':

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pf5179vr commented Jan 6, 2021

Jan 6 2021, Working. Thanks bro

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kanxck commented Jan 6, 2021

How run

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doesn't work anymore

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doesn't work anymore

you have to compile it with python2 or try this python3

import argparse
import requests
import pyquery

def login(session, email, password):
    Attempt to login to Facebook. Returns user ID, xs token and
    fb_dtsg token. All 3 are required to make requests to
    Facebook endpoints as a logged in user. Returns False if
    login failed.

    # Navigate to Facebook's homepage to load Facebook's cookies.
    response = session.get('')
    # Attempt to login to Facebook
    response ='', data={
        'email': email,
        'pass': password
    }, allow_redirects=False)
    # If c_user cookie is present, login was successful
    if 'c_user' in response.cookies:

        # Make a request to homepage to get fb_dtsg token
        homepage_resp = session.get('')
        dom = pyquery.PyQuery(homepage_resp.text.encode('utf8'))
        fb_dtsg = dom('input[name="fb_dtsg"]').val()

        return fb_dtsg, response.cookies['c_user'], response.cookies['xs']
        return False 

if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Login to Facebook')
     parser.add_argument('email', help='Email address')
     parser.add_argument('password', help='Login password')

     args = parser.parse_args()

    session = requests.session()
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0'

    fb_dtsg, user_id, xs = login(session,, args.password)
    if user_id:
        print('{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(fb_dtsg, user_id, xs))
        print ('Login Failed')

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Can anyone work now?(2021/07/31)

I can not login successfully anymore

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Not Working In 28 Sep 2021

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Facebook change to session policy : O so is normal not working

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Can anyone specifiy why is it not working? Has facebook changed the required data we should pass with a request to login? And if so
can someone figure out what is the new data?

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I will fix and repost over the weekend. I've been away for a very long time.

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Thanks man, and welcome back.

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renelc30 commented Jul 4, 2022

is FB login doable with the facebook session policy? @UndergroundLabs ? if so I can try to make it work

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on commented May 28, 2023

is FB login doable with the facebook session policy? @UndergroundLabs ? if so I can try to make it work

it definitely is

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error: the following arguments are required: email, password
i am trying to put username and password but it gives error

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Working 2 april 2019. Thanks!

it doesn't work!!!!how it works with you ,please.??

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Riadhcoding commented Nov 24, 2023 via email

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T31337 commented Mar 18, 2024

File "C:\Users\Admin\Dev\Python\PyProject\", line 57, in
fb_dtsg, user_id, xs = login(session,, args.password)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable bool object

This Might Be A Parsing Error Due To {and} in user password?

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