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Vinny Fonseca VinnyFonseca

Working from home
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adrianlzt / sharescreen
Last active January 7, 2022 07:14
Scripts to share only a portion of the screen
# Modified version of
# Script to share a portion of the screen in VLC to be used by Chrome/Firefox to share the screen
# By default, when run, it asks to click in some window. The area of that window is what is going to be shared.
# If executed with "sharescreen area", it asks for a portion of the screen to be shared.
unset x y w h
# Old code to choose a monitor
paulirish /
Last active September 19, 2024 14:30
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

What forces layout / reflow

All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout thrashing, and is common performance bottleneck.

Generally, all APIs that synchronously provide layout metrics will trigger forced reflow / layout. Read on for additional cases and details.

Element APIs

Getting box metrics
  • elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
ghostwords / .eslintrc
Last active February 13, 2024 07:35 — forked from cletusw/.eslintrc
"ecmaFeatures": {
"arrowFunctions": false, // enable arrow functions
"binaryLiterals": false, // enable binary literals
"blockBindings": false, // enable let and const (aka block bindings)
"classes": false, // enable classes
"defaultParams": false, // enable default function parameters
"destructuring": false, // enable destructuring
paulirish / bling.js
Last active August 27, 2024 04:55
bling dot js
/* bling.js */
window.$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
Node.prototype.on = window.on = function (name, fn) {
this.addEventListener(name, fn);
NodeList.prototype.__proto__ = Array.prototype;
jakebathman / jsonToCsv.php
Last active June 5, 2022 21:02 — forked from Kostanos/json-to-csv.php
A function to convert a JSON string (or a PHP array) to a CSV file or CSV string echoed to the browser
* Based on (forked from) the work by
* This revision allows the PHP file to be included/required in another PHP file and called as a function, rather than focusing on command line usage.
* Convert JSON file to CSV and output it.
* JSON should be an array of objects, dictionaries with simple data structure
cjaoude / gist:fd9910626629b53c4d25
Last active August 22, 2024 13:38
Test list of Valid and Invalid Email addresses
Use: for testing against email regex
List of Valid Email Addresses
duellsy /
Last active October 2, 2019 12:58 — forked from kbl/
Import tasks and notes from wunderlist dump to todoist (and mark completed tasks as completed)
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import json
import urllib2
import urllib
import sys
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import defaultdict
addyosmani /
Last active September 4, 2024 11:40 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
108 byte CSS Layout Debugger

CSS Layout Debugger

A tweet-sized debugger for visualizing your CSS layouts. Outlines every DOM element on your page a random (valid) CSS hex color.

One-line version to paste in your DevTools

Use $$ if your browser aliases it:

~ 108 byte version

pburtchaell / styles.css
Last active February 25, 2024 12:24
VH and VW units can cause issues on iOS devices. To overcome this, create media queries that target the width, height, and orientation of iOS devices.
* VH and VW units can cause issues on iOS devices:
* To overcome this, create media queries that target the width, height, and orientation of iOS devices.
* It isn't optimal, but there is really no other way to solve the problem. In this example, I am fixing
* the height of element `.foo` —which is a full width and height cover image.
* iOS Resolution Quick Reference:
zxbodya / S3-CORS-config.xml
Last active April 6, 2024 03:40
Client side uploads to s3, with pre-signed upload form (PHP/JS)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">