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For large files, submit multiple parallel jobs of omero import

P1. find all the files to be uploaded, write the file paths to a csv (mosaics.csv), and review the list. For example, type the following in the terminal to save matching files to mosaics.csv

find /n/scratch3/users/y/yc296/216-OMS_2022MAR-2022MAR/mcmicro -type f -wholename */registration/*.ome.tif | sort >> mosaics.csv
find /n/scratch3/users/y/yc296/216-OMS_2022MAR-2022MAR/mcmicro -type f -wholename */qc/*.ome.tif | sort >> mosaics.csv

P2. follow step 1 and 3 here

let infotab = document.getElementById('infoTab').children[0].children[2];
let channels = infotab.children[0].children[1].children[0].lastElementChild.textContent.trim().split(', ');
let channelsliders = document.getElementById('channel_sliders').children[0];
for(i=0;i<channels.length;i++) {
let p = document.createTextNode(channels[i]);
let br = document.createElement('br');
Yu-AnChen / export-cycif-channel-metadata.js
Last active December 15, 2021 00:32
Export CyCIF Experiment Tracker plans in HTAN metadata format
var project_number = 111;
var exp_number = 1;
var exp_name = '168-tumor';
var href = `${project_number}/${exp_number}`;
var csv_name = `${exp_name}-${project_number}-${exp_number}`;
var use_actual_cycles = false;
.all([parse_vocab(), get_exp(href)])
Yu-AnChen /
Created October 12, 2021 00:46
Fetch pixel data of an image at specific resolution (level) from omero server
# ref
import numpy as np
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.model import enums as omero_enums
import omero
def connect_hms_omero(session_id):
SESSION_ID = session_id
HOST = ''
import argparse
import json
import sys
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.cli import cli_login
from omero.model import StatsInfoI
from omero.rtypes import rdouble
Yu-AnChen /
Created June 8, 2021 22:35
Write pyramidal ome-tiff using tifffile with channel names and crop positions
import tifffile
import numpy as np
def per_channel_per_tile(img, tile=(1024, 1024)):
num_channels, num_rows, num_columns = img.shape
h, w = tile
for c in range(num_channels):
for y in range(0, num_rows, h):
for x in range(0, num_columns, w):
yield img[c, y:y+h, x:x+w]
import imagej
import numpy as np
# initialize imagej
ij = imagej.init()
import jnius
# get Java class representations
BackgroundSubtracter = jnius.autoclass(
Yu-AnChen /
Last active April 17, 2021 00:20
Approximate objects in a binary image with polygon outline using opencv
import cv2
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def binary_to_patches(binary_img):
assert np.unique(binary_img).shape[0] == 2, \
'Input image must be a binary image'
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
Yu-AnChen /
Last active April 25, 2022 06:55
Upload recursively to sage synapse using synapse python client
import synapseclient
import pathlib
from synapseclient import Folder, File
exclude_folders = (
var imgIds = [
1203716, 1203756, 1203720,
const omeroUrls = {
hms: '',
idp: ''
// choose omero instance between the HMS and the IDP OMERO
const whichOmero = 'hms';