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Dan Gisselquist ZipCPU

  • Gisselquist Technology, LLC
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module vtb;
reg clk, d, q;
initial clk = 0;
always @(*)
clk <= #5 !clk;
always @(posedge clk)
q <= d;
// This is the core as it was originally given to me, and without any modifications
module wb2axi
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire [31:0] i_wb_adr,
input wire [31:0] i_wb_dat,
input wire [3:0] i_wb_sel,
prf: mode prove
prf: depth 17
cvr: mode cover
cvr: depth 60
multiclock on
// Filename: fwb_slave.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: This file describes the rules of a wishbone interaction from the
// perspective of a wishbone slave. These formal rules may be used
// with yosys-smtbmc to *prove* that the slave properly handles outgoing
// responses to (assumed correct) incoming requests.
ZipCPU / onehotsel.v
Last active May 10, 2019 19:33
One hot Verilog
// Here's the goal: imagine you have a return from a set of values.
// One of those data returns will set the i_valid line high. In that
// case, we want to return the corresponding bit. Hence, if i_valid[N],
// for any N, then the output should always be i_data[N] and the output
// valid signal should also be high.
// The goal:
// 1. How low can you get the logic for such a design.
// 2. Can you make the code to do that generic
// This example was provided by Clifford Wolf
module foo;
parameter X = 9;
initial begin
if (X % 3 != 0) begin
$display("Parameter X in %m must be divisible by 3! Value %d is not.", X);
module miter (
input i_clk,
input i_reset,
input i_tap_wr,
input [11:0] i_tap,
input i_ce,
input [11:0] i_sample
wire [30:0] ref_result;
wire [30:0] uut_result;
// Filename: wbxbar.v
// Project: AutoFPGA, a utility for composing FPGA designs from peripherals
// Purpose: A configurable wishbone cross-bar
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
always @(posedge i_clk)
tb_0_0_0 <= i_a[0]&i_b[0];
tb_0_1_1 <= i_a[0]&i_b[1];
tb_0_2_2 <= i_a[0]&i_b[2];
tb_0_3_3 <= i_a[0]&i_b[3];
tb_0_4_4 <= i_a[0]&i_b[4];
tb_0_5_5 <= i_a[0]&i_b[5];
tb_0_6_6 <= i_a[0]&i_b[6];
tb_0_7_7 <= i_a[0]&i_b[7];
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// Module which sends the total calculated output signal to the PmodI2S
// stereo audio output device
module pmod_out(sig, i_clk, o_i2s_mclk, o_i2s_lrclk, o_i2s_sclk, o_i2s_sdin);
input [15:0] sig;
input wire i_clk; // 500MHz clock
output reg o_i2s_mclk; // Master clock to send to PmodI2S to maintain
// synchronization
output reg o_i2s_lrclk; // Left-right clock stereo audio output