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Title | URI | |
Flurry by Yahoo | https://dev.flurry.com/secure/signup.do | |
Google NikCollection | https://dl.google.com/edgedl/photos/nikcollection-full-1.2.11.dmg | |
Bitbucket | http://bitbucket.org/ | |
SoftLayer | http://softlayer.com/ | |
VirtualBox | http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.0.16/VirtualBox-5.0.16-105871-OSX.dmg | |
Docker Hub | https://hub.docker.com/ | |
Oracle | http://oracle.com/ | |
Java | http://java.com | |
Sun | http://sun.com | |
Mysql | http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.12-osx10.11-x86_64.dmg | |
MongoDb Download | https://fastdl.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.2.5.tgz | |
MongoDb University | https://university.mongodb.com/ | |
Adobe | http://www.adobe.com/ | |
Bintray | http://bintray.com/ | |
Adobe FlashPlayer | https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ | |
Adobe Reader | https://get.adobe.com/reader/ | |
PaymentWall | http://paymentwall.com/ | |
Stripe | https://dashboard.stripe.com/login | |
Paypal | http://paypal.com/ | |
Google AdMob | https://apps.admob.com/admob/signup | |
Google Adword | https://adwords.google.com/um/signin | |
ServerPilot | http://serverpilot.io/ | |
Google Adsense | https://www.google.com/adsense | |
Realm | http://realm.io/ | |
MaxCDN | http://cp.maxcdn.com | |
CoinBase | https://www.coinbase.com/account_notice | |
Themeforest | http://themeforest.net/ | |
CodeCanyon | http://codecanyon.net/ | |
VideoHive | http://videohive.net/ | |
AudioJungle | http://audiojungle.net/ | |
GraphicRiver | http://graphicriver.net/ | |
PhotoDune | http://photodune.net | |
3dOcean | http://3docean.net | |
Wix | https://users.wix.com/signin | |
BlueHost | http://bluehost.com | |
Visa | http://visa.com | |
Visa Developer | https://developer.visa.com/ | |
Nirsoft | http://nirsoft.net | |
Nvidia | http://www.nvidia.com/ | |
Nvidia Developer | https://developer.nvidia.com/ | |
Amd | http://www.amd.com/ | |
Geforce | http://www.geforce.com/ | |
DriverEasy | https://www.drivereasy.com/ | |
DriverGuide | http://driverguide.com | |
Jira by Atlassian | https://jira.atlassian.com/ | |
Atlassian Developers | https://developer.atlassian.com/ | |
ArcGIS | https://arcgis.com/ | |
ArcGIS Developer | https://developers.arcgis.com/ | |
GoPro | https://gopro.com/ | |
IBM Developer | https://developer.ibm.com | |
ARMmbed | https://www.mbed.com/ | |
Autodesk | http://autodesk.com | |
Autodesk PLM 360 | http://www.autodeskplm360.com/ | |
McAfee | https://home.mcafee.com/secure/cart | |
Norton by Symantec | http://norton.com/ | |
Netbeans | https://netbeans.org/ | |
Vmware | http://www.vmware.com/ | |
Nanobox | https://nanobox.io/ | |
BestBuy | http://www.bestbuy.com/ | |
Splunk | https://www.splunk.com/ | |
Splunk > Mint | https://mint.splunk.com/ | |
Docker Cloud | https://cloud.docker.com/ | |
DNA Stack | https://dnastack.com | |
SimilarWeb | https://similarweb.com | |
Target | http://target.com/ | |
Capital One Credit Cards | http://capitalone.com/ | |
Google Wallet | https://wallet.google.com/ | |
Game Stop | http://www.gamestop.com/ | |
Cisco WebEx | http://www.webex.com/ | |
Garmin | http://www.garmin.com/ | |
Dreamstime | http://dreamstime.com/ | |
TD Bank | http://www.tdbank.com/ | |
K Mart | http://www.kmart.com/ | |
Funds Express | http://fundsxpress.com/ | |
First Data | https://www.firstdata.com/ | |
AAA | http://www.aaa.com/ | |
Level3 | http://www.level3.com/ | |
Merrill Lynch | https://www.ml.com | |
PayChex | http://www.paychex.com/ | |
Spotify | https://www.spotify.com/int/why-not-available/ | |
Pandora | https://www.pandora.com/restricted | |
Just Cloud | http://www.justcloud.com/ | |
PagodaBox | https://pagodabox.io | |
Twilio | https://www.twilio.com/ | |
UnrealEngine | https://www.unrealengine.com/login | |
Unity 3d | https://unity3d.com | |
Element14 | https://www.element14.com/community/themes/e14/pages/denied-IR.html | |
Texas Instruments | http://www.ti.com/ | |
SolarWinds | http://www.solarwinds.com/ | |
Vue | http://vue.com | |
PluralSight | http://app.pluralsight.com/embargo | |
Matrix ITA Software | https://itasoftware.com/ | |
Unity Certification | https://certification.unity.com | |
Sony Drivers | http://dlv.update.sony.net/ | |
Intel Drivers | https://downloadcenter.intel.com/info/exportcompliance | |
Android Source | http://android.googlesource.com/ | |
Sign in to IBM | https://idaas.iam.ibm.com | |
Strong Loop | https://strongloop.com/ | |
AT&T | https://www.att.com/ | |
Dominos | http://www.dominos.co.uk/ | |
Google Domains | https://domains.google.com/registrar | |
Oracle Cloud | https://cloud.oracle.com | |
Google Apies Storage (Images,Go binaries,Dart binaries,...) | https://*.googleapis.com/ | |
Android Studio | https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/install/ | |
Android Repositories (i.e. Android SDK) | http://dl.google.com/android/* | |
Android Repositories (SSL) | https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/* | |
Google Analytics | https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ | |
Android Developer | http://developer.android.com/ | |
Google Developers | https://developers.google.com/* | |
Google API Console | https://console.developers.google.com/ | |
Google Doodles | https://www.google.com/doodles/finder/ | |
Google Primer | https://www.yourprimer.com | |
DNS Google | http://dns.google.com/ | |
Google App Engine | http://appengine.google.com/ | |
Google Cloud | https://cloud.google.com/* | |
Google Cloud Console | https://console.cloud.google.com/ | |
Chrome Experiments | https://www.chromeexperiments.com | |
Chrome Experiments Projects | https://*.chromeexperiments.com | |
Google Fiber | https://fiber.google.com | |
DartLang | https://www.dartlang.org/ | |
GoLang | https://golang.org/ | |
Google Polymer | https://www.polymer-project.org/ | |
Html5Rocks | http://www.html5rocks.com/ | |
Google - Cube Game | http://www.playmapscube.com/ | |
Google - with google | https://*.withgoogle.com/ | |
Google Material Design Lite (MDL) | http://www.getmdl.io/ | |
Google Chrome Racer | https://www.chrome.com/racer | |
Google Digital Attack Map | http://www.digitalattackmap.com/ | |
VirusTotal | http://www.virustotal.com/ | |
Blossom | https://www.blossom.io/ | |
Google Chrome Developer | https://developer.chrome.com/ | |
Switch.co | http://switch.co/ | |
Draw | https://draw.io/ | |
Gramfeed | http://www.gramfeed.com/ | |
SnapChat | https://www.snapchat.com/ | |
Google Appspot | http://*.appspot.com/ | |
PayDesk | http://www.paydesk.co/ | |
Affini Tech | http://www.affini-tech.com/ | |
FreeNom | http://www.freenom.com/ | |
Humble Bundle | https://www.humblebundle.com/ | |
Defold | http://www.defold.com/ | |
Google Science Fair | https://www.googlesciencefair.com/ | |
DoubleClick | https://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com/ | |
Made With Code | https://www.madewithcode.com/ | |
Think With Google | https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/ | |
Google Creative Lab | https://www.creativelab5.com/ | |
Google Apps Certification | http://certification.googleapps.com/ | |
Optimizely | https://app.optimizely.com/signin | |
Rich Media Gallery | https://www.richmediagallery.com/ | |
How Google Works | http://www.howgoogleworks.net/ | |
Android Experiments | https://www.androidexperiments.com/ | |
Urban Galaxy | https://www.urbangalaxyonline.com/ | |
Ingress | https://www.ingress.com/ | |
Synergyse | https://www.synergyse.com/ | |
Cube Slam | https://www.cubeslam.com/ | |
Project Re:Brief | http://www.projectrebrief.com/ | |
Google Apps Sign-up | https://www.google.com/a/signup/?hl=en-IN&source=gafb-alpha_homepage_6800649-globalnav-&ga_region=japac&ga_country=in&ga_lang=en | |
PushBullet API | https://api.pushbullet.com/* | |
Made With Unity | https://madewith.unity.com/ | |
Wix Media | http://media.wix.com/* | |
Cloud Serve Point (CPMStars) | http://cloudservepoint.com/ | |
Aff Clicker (CPMStars) | http://www.affclicker.com/ | |
Serving Clicks (CPMStars) | http://servingclks.com/ | |
CloudZone (CPMStars) | http://cloudzonetrk.com/ | |
VonVon | http://vonvon.me/ | |
VonVon (English) | http://en.vonvon.me/ | |
Українська правда | http://pravda.com.ua/ | |
United Services Automobile Association (USSA) | https://www.usaa.com | |
Shop Bloomingdale's | http://www.bloomingdales.com/ | |
EpochTimes (大纪元) | http://epochtimes.com/ | |
Sears | http://www.sears.com/ | |
PNC Bank | https://www.pnc.com | |
Kohl's | http://www.kohls.com/ | |
Apartments | http://www.apartments.com/ | |
Google Firebase | https://firebase.google.com/ | |
Firebase Auth | https://auth.firebase.com/ | |
Firebase Console | https://console.firebase.google.com | |
Scoompa | http://www.scoompa.com/ | |
SeatGeek | https://seatgeek.com/ | |
App in the air | https://www.appintheair.mobi/ | |
Google's Women Techmakers program | https://www.womentechmakers.com/ | |
Google Cast | https://www.google.com/cast/ | |
Google GWT | http://www.gwtproject.org/ | |
US Bank | https://www.usbank.com/ | |
US Bank Focus | https://www.usbankfocus.com/ | |
US Bank Connect | https://www.usbankconnect.com/ | |
US Bank Convenient Cash | https://www.usbconvenientcash.com/ | |
US Bank Go Mobile | https://www.usbankgomobile.com/ | |
FlexPerks | http://www.flexperks.com/ | |
US Bank Visa Buxx | https://usbank.visabuxx.com/ | |
Visa USA | https://usa.visa.com/ | |
Elan Financial Services | https://www.elanfinancialservices.com/ | |
Credit Card Account Access | https://www.myaccountaccess.com | |
With Youtube | https://*.withyoutube.com | |
Tables Generator | http://www.tablesgenerator.com/ | |
GPS Essentials | http://www.gpsessentials.com/ | |
Java TrueLicense | truelicense.java.net | |
Alexa Registration | https://www.alexa.com/secure/plans/login | |
ZXing | http://zxing.org/ | |
Playster | https://signup.playster.com/global | |
Laravel Blogify | http://www.blogify.io/ | |
Mockable.io | https://www.mockable.io/ | |
Intel Software | https://software.intel.com/sites/common/403_compliance.htm | |
Intel | https://intel.com/ | |
Gantt Project | https://www.ganttproject.biz/ | |
MongoDB | https://www.mongodb.com/ | |
Google Code Projects | https://code.google.com/p/* | |
Schema | https://schema.org/ | |
Timer Tab | http://www.timer-tab.com/ | |
Sentry | https://getsentry.com | |
Rollbar | https://rollbar.com | |
RetailMeNot Coupons | https://www.retailmenot.com/ | |
Udemy | https://www.udemy.com/ | |
Ebay | http://www.ebay.com/ | |
Seagate | http://www.seagate.com/ | |
SendGrid | https://sendgrid.com/ | |
BombSquadGame | http://bombsquadgame.com/ | |
Wowza | http://www.wowza.com/ | |
Html5Up | https://html5up.net/ | |
FirebaseIO Subdomains (eg: hacker-news) | https://*.firebaseio.com/ | |
ActiveTcl Dwonload (ActiveState) | http://www.activestate.com/no-export?country_id=IR | |
Sentry | https://sentry.io | |
Sentry Documentation | https://docs.sentry.io | |
Material IO | http://material.io/ | |
Relative Wave | http://relativewave.com/ | |
Google Cloud Platform Podcast | https://www.gcppodcast.com/ | |
TeamViewer | https://www.teamviewer.com/unavailable/ | |
Google/Trimble SketchUp | http://dl.trimble.com/sketchup/SketchUpMake-en-x64.exe | |
Toggl Support (hosted on Google Cloud) | https://support.toggl.com | |
flag-icon-css | http://flag-icon-css.lip.is/ | |
Toggl (hosted on Google Cloud) | https://toggl.com/ | |
Toggl Jobs | https://jobs.toggl.com | |
Toggl SuperDay | https://superday.toggl.com/ | |
Toggl Blog | https://blog.toggl.com/ | |
Tableau | http://www.tableau.com/ | |
Atlassian marketplace | https://marketplace.atlassian.com/ | |
Prey Control Panel | https://panel.preyproject.com | |
Prey Api | https://solid.preyproject.com | |
MalwareBytes | https://www.malwarebytes.com/ | |
MalwareBytes CDN | http://data-cdn.mbamupdates.com/ | |
Hortonworks | http://hortonworks.com/ | |
Airbnb | https://www.airbnb.com | |
Kaleidoscope App | http://www.kaleidoscopeapp.com/ | |
Google AI | http://google.ai/ | |
Elasticsearch Downloads | https://artifacts.elastic.co/* | |
Upwork | https://www.upwork.com | |
Nic.io - My Account | https://my.nic.io/ | |
Codefresh Console | https://g.codefresh.io/ | |
Google Data Studio | https://datastudio.google.com/ | |
Plotly | https://plot.ly/ | |
Kinsta | https://kinsta.com/ | |
DELL EMC | https://www.dellemc.com/ | |
Flynn | https://flynn.io/ | |
Creative Market | https://creativemarket.com/ | |
Hugo | https://gohugo.io/ | |
CancerIQ Engineering | http://engineering.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Specialist | https://specialist.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Login | https://login.canceriq.com/ | |
CancerIQ Navigator | https://navigator.canceriq.com/ | |
PHP.net | http://php.net/ | |
Secure PHP.net | https://secure.php.net/ | |
CA | http://www.ca.com/ | |
AVG CDN | https://install.avcdn.net/avg/iavs9x/avg_antivirus_free_setup.exe | |
CCleaner Downloads | https://download.ccleaner.com/ | |
FileHippo | https://filehippo.com/ | |
Avast | https://www.avast.com/ | |
Sandisk | https://www.sandisk.com/ | |
Toptal | https://www.toptal.com | |
ePayments | https://www.epayments.com/ | |
Onesignal | https://onesignal.com/ | |
Gitlab | https://gitlab.com/ | |
GCP Ping | http://www.gcping.com/ | |
FortiClient | https://forticlient.com/ | |
MariaDB | https://mariadb.com/ | |
Ambassador | https://getambassador.io/ | |
Kong | https://konghq.com/ | |
Istio | https://istio.io/ | |
Samsung Developer | https://developer.samsung.com | |
Fresh Works | https://www.freshworks.com/ | |
Message Bird | http://messagebird.com/ | |
Redhat Registry | https://registry.access.redhat.com/ | |
Zoom.us | https://zoom.us/ | |
Lenovo | http://www.lenovo.com/ | |
SecurityTrails | https://securitytrails.com/ | |
PandaSecurity | https://www.pandasecurity.com/ | |
Sophos | http://www.sophos.com/ | |
League | https://league.com/ | |
SightMachine | sightmachine.com | |
Shujinko | https://www.shujinko.io/ | |
Sysdig | https://sysdig.com/ | |
IBM | https://www.ibm.com/ | |
Fluentd | https://www.fluentd.org/ | |
Netdata | https://www.netdata.cloud/ | |
Uber | https://uber.com/ | |
Uber Mobile | https://m.uber.com/ | |
UberEats | https://www.ubereats.com/ | |
Uber Auth | https://auth.uber.com/ | |
Redhat Registry | http://registry.redhat.io/ | |
StackShare.io | https://stackshare.io/ |
github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code
github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code
you login or upload repository with iran ip ?
github.com private repository they are blocking me out of my repository and not letting me even delete my code
you login or upload repository with iran ip ?
No, they send me an email and just blocked no warning nothing !!!!
why?! I am from Iran. why you do this?!?!
why?! I am from Iran. why you do this?!?!
everybody here is from Iran body, we gathering evidence of the other countries blocking the internet on us. so when we reach a website that shows us Access denied with Iran IP, we take screenshots and put it here.
https://www.playstoreinfo.com has been not banned from Iran, it working fine-free
@ShahinSorkh I know and it's sad, but since it doesn't block any IPs from Iran, I can't add it to the list :(