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maxvt /
Last active February 28, 2024 20:53
Infrastructure Secret Management Software Overview

Currently, there is an explosion of tools that aim to manage secrets for automated, cloud native infrastructure management. Daniel Somerfield did some work classifying the various approaches, but (as far as I know) no one has made a recent effort to summarize the various tools.

This is an attempt to give a quick overview of what can be found out there. The list is alphabetical. There will be tools that are missing, and some of the facts might be wrong--I welcome your corrections. For the purpose, I can be reached via @maxvt on Twitter, or just leave me a comment here.

There is a companion feature matrix of various tools. Comments are welcome in the same manner.

dannycoates /
Last active July 22, 2019 12:40
AWS Lambda for ETL

Experimenting with AWS Lambda for ETL

A lot of us are interested in doing more analysis with our service logs so I thought I'd share an experiment I'm doing with Sync. The main idea is to transform the raw logs into something that'll be nice to query and generate reports with in Redshift.

The Pipeline

Pipeline Diagram

Logs make their way into an S3 bucket (lets call it the 'raw' bucket) where we've got a lambda listening for new data. This lambda reads the raw heka protobuf gzipped data, does some transformation and writes a new file to a different S3 bucket (the 'processed' bucket) in a format that is redshift friendly (like json or csv). There's another lambda listening on the processed bucket that loads this data into Redshift.

chaeplin / mqtt-tls.ino
Last active January 10, 2022 01:59
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include "/usr/local/src/ap_setting.h"
#define DEBUG_PRINT 1



  • 申請網址:

  • 需要環境:windows (mac 錯了嗎..?)

  • 申請流程: 填寫資料的部分沒什麼太大的難度,比較要注意的是 繳費表單列印

    • 繳費 - 可以透過線上 ATM 轉帳或是拍下銀行帳戶自己去轉帳。
ftvs /
Last active October 11, 2023 10:05
Detecting an incoming call coming to an Android device. Remember to set the appropriate permissions in AndroidManifest.xml as suggested in the Stackoverflow link. Usage example in comments. Source: Gabe Sechan Explanation:
import java.util.Date;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
public abstract class PhonecallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
danawoodman /
Last active March 9, 2024 00:32
React Hello World Examples

React "Hello World" Examples

Below are a small collection of React examples to get anyone started using React. They progress from simpler to more complex/full featured.

They will hopefully get you over the initial learning curve of the hard parts of React (JSX, props vs. state, lifecycle events, etc).


You will want to create an index.html file and copy/paste the contents of 1-base.html and then create a scripts.js file and copy/paste the contents of one of the examples into it.

staltz /
Last active June 21, 2024 12:27
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
kevin-smets /
Last active June 21, 2024 14:48
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Source Code Pro Powerline + Font Awesome + [Powerlevel10k] - (macOS)





yetithefoot / stuns
Last active April 2, 2024 10:49 — forked from zziuni/stuns
STUN+TURN servers list
A Minimal Capture Program
This program opens an audio interface for capture, configures it for
stereo, 16 bit, 44.1kHz, interleaved conventional read/write
access. Then its reads a chunk of random data from it, and exits. It
isn't meant to be a real program.
From on Paul David's tutorial :