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Anne van Kesteren annevk

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annevk / gist:722491359ba366dd81aa
Created June 29, 2015 08:37
Basic fetch flow
Drastic simplification of the browser networking model.
API (<img>, <script>, XMLHttpRequest, fetch(), etc.)
Creates a request with various settings
Invokes Fetch with that request
Uses the returned response in various ways.
Fetch (takes a request, returns a response)
If scheme is not http/https, follow scheme-specific rules to create a response.
If there's a service worker (and this invocation of Fetch did not come from a service worker), invoke Service worker.
annevk / sole.txt
Created July 28, 2015 16:53
Ideas on collaboration in standards
<sole_> so essentially - unless you're paid to read email (e.g. as anne is) email lists are super time consuming and very few people can spend the time on doing that
<sole_> can/want
<sole_> so yeah email can be very exclusionary :)
<jgraham> My experience is that putting the same volume of discussion on a forum or bugtracker doesn't magically reduce the amount of work you have to do to pay attention to the bits you care about
<annevk> sole_: I think it's about being paid to work on this stuff in general
<annevk> sole_: standards is actually a lot of work, so expecting people to work on it in their free time is like expecting people to work on open source in their free time
<sole_> yes!
<annevk> sole_: it's not really about communication medium, although some people like to invoke that distraction
<annevk> (I mean, I do think that GitHub over W3C Bugzilla is more new-folks-friendly, but it's peanuts compared to the overall cost.)
<annevk> sole_: I'd be interested in learning how you folks communicate though a
callback EventCallback = void (Event event);
dictionary EventOptions {
DOMString filter; // selector (only useful if target is an element)
boolean capture = false; // (!capture && !bubble) target
boolean bubble; // (capture && !bubble) capture + target
// (capture && bubble) capture + target + bubble
boolean ignoreBubbles = true; // ignore bubbles attribute
partial interface EventTarget {
annevk / gist:5238964
Last active December 15, 2015 09:29
on() / off() sketch.
Using some experimental JS IDL syntax:
augment EventTarget {
EventTarget on(String type, EventListener callback,
{boolean ignoreBubbles?,
String? filter = null,
enum("capturing", "target", "bubbling") phase = "bubbling",
String? marker = null});
EventTarget off(String type, EventListener callback);
EventTarget off({ String? type = null, String? marker = null });
annevk / gist:6295844
Last active December 21, 2015 10:59
zip fragments


This is a revision of focusing on putting the semantics in the fragment identifier instead. The fragment identifier would follow (media-frags) and we'd introduce a new keyword "path":

The general structure would be:

{URL-to-zip}#{media-frags} would be modified to support sub-responses for zip resources. First the resource would be fetched and then if it's a zip resource (signature sniffing) the fragment identifier would be processed per media-frags. The "path" keyword would be used to locate the sub-resource.

annevk / gist:6609620
Created September 18, 2013 14:05
Stream sketch.
class Stream {
Promise<StreamItem> read();
class StreamItem {
any attribute value;
boolean attribute done;
class ByteStreamItem extends StreamItem {
annevk /
Last active April 15, 2016 08:45
Formatting conventions for standards

Use a column width of 100 characters.

Do not use newlines inside "inline" elements, even if that means exceeding the column width requirement.

<dfn method for=DOMTokenList lt=remove(tokens)|remove()><code>remove(<var>tokens</var>&hellip;)</code></dfn>
method, when invoked, must run these steps:

is okay and

annevk /
Created July 26, 2017 09:40
ECMAScript agent tests

ECMAScript has a concept of agents. Browsers support multiple agents (see the HTML Standard):

  • Similar-origin window agent
  • Dedicated worker agent
  • Shared worker agent
  • Service worker agent
  • Worklet agent (this might actually end up being several more, but is not really part of the scope for now as worklets haven't shipped yet)

TC39 maintains a test suite, but this is only run in a single browser agent I'm told, the similar-origin window agent. That means it's highly likely that SharedArrayBuffer objects are poorly tested. It also means that we don't know for sure that all features ECMAScript defines work in each agent. And while there's unlikely to be differences, it would be good to verify that assumption. Goals:

annevk /
Last active July 27, 2017 15:02
Navigation in HTML

The HTML Standard defines a navigate algorithm that is frought with interoperability issues. There are various endpoints that end up triggering it:

  • <iframe>
  • <a>
  • <form>
  • location.href
  • ...

Although the algorithm is based on reverse engineering browsers, the browser landscape has changed and not all choices made were necessarily optimal for the current environment. Furthermore, browsers have not actively aligned with the standard and things have drifted. In order to do better we need to study the algorithm again and:

annevk /
Created July 28, 2017 09:29
Globals for promises, streams, exceptions, and objects in general

Due to unfortunate legacy reasons the HTML Standard had to define a rather complicated global setup. There's not just "the current global" (ECMAScript's current realm), but also entry and incumbent.

Which globals entry and incumbent are is not always well-defined:

There's also a more general issue with which global to use for objects in IDL and which global to use for report the exception.

Solving these problems requires a bunch of investigative testing, recommendations for changes to browsers (and corresponding bugs being filed), and recommendations for changes to standa