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anon0mys /
Last active January 14, 2018 20:25
Turing pre-work

Prework for Turing

Day 1

  1. Everything went pretty smooth. I feel that this will be easier once I am working on a Mac.
  2. $ atom.
  3. .rb
  4. cmd + \
  5. cmd + p
  6. pwd stands for "print working directory" and lets you know which directory you are currently in and its parents
  7. ls lists the files and child directories in the current directory. cd changes which directory you are in, and mkdir makes a new directory
  8. hostname tells you the name of the computor you are working on. The hostname for my codeacademy terminal online 2a3b1de782d1
anon0mys /
Last active January 11, 2018 20:57
Professional Development Prework

Professional Development Prework

  1. "Use Google very aggressively" resonates with me the most. From what I have learned so far of coding, there is way more information than I will ever truly be able to learn. Being able to reasearch effectively and assimilate other people's understanding of a language is an invaluable tool. I also agree that becoming a power user of your development environment is critical. If the environment can help do some of the work, or speed up coding times, it is an asset and should be used to its fullest. Finally, move fast and break things. You learn more from failure than from success.

  2. In his book "The Checklist Manifesto" Atul Gawand expands on what he learned from Boeing. Boeing had introduced a new model, and were experiencing a large number of crashes, mostly on takeoff and landing. The new model plane was complex and requried very specific actions from the pilots that were being forgotten. They introduced a checklist and the number of crashes dropped dramatically. It had

anon0mys /
Last active January 11, 2018 21:09
Gear Up Prework

Gear Up Prework

Article 1

“The Surprising (Nontechnical) Skill You Need to Succeed in Tech”, The Muse

I agree with Anne, that understanding your team-mates is a critical element of working successfully as a team. Of the three empathy building excercises she recommends, I think active listening is the most important. Self awareness and the ability to take feedback are both excellent tools to understand how you view and interact with others, but active listening is the best way to understand what another person is saying or feeling. We have a tendency to wait for our turn to talk, especially during problem solving activities. This can lead to missed opportunities, misunderstandings, and cause frustration among team members. By engaging in active listening we can learn a lot about the subject, and our team.

Article 2

“Can you teach people to have empathy?”, BBC (Jun 29, 2015)

anon0mys / gist:22fde76775dbe0d53fe11aa7ce46ea24
Created January 24, 2018 22:07
Strengths Finder Reflection
**Directions:** Copy this template into your own gist.
# Introductory Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request
### In-Class Reflections Using the Signature Themes Report
**Read through the definitions**:
1. What words or phrases stick out to you for each theme?
2. How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
anon0mys /
Last active February 26, 2018 06:37
DTR for Black Thursday Project

DTR Memo

Project: Black Thursday

Group Member Names: Adam Lusk, Eliot Swank, Evan Wheeler

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Better understanding of OOP, experience working with databases and CSVs, data analytics in Ruby

anon0mys /
Last active February 26, 2018 06:17

Storytelling Reflection

Part 1: Strengths Finder Themes

  • Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?

My main themes are all related to strategizing, learning, and actively pursuing goals. I identify strongly with the ‘Learner’ strength, which is one of the main reasons I enjoy Turing so much. Much of my life has been defined by this strength, driving me to experience new things and challenge myself. This goes hand in hand with the ‘Achiever’ strength which drives me to accomplish something every day. Learning is an accomplishment, and so these two strengths supplement each other, especially in learning code. The ‘Strategic’ and ‘Activator’ strengths are almost at cross purposes, and can effect how I approach new challenges. I do tend to think through strategies, but I am constantly driven by the ‘Activator’ to start as soon as I hav

anon0mys /
Last active March 13, 2018 21:35
Little Shop DTR

DTR Memo for Little Shop

Project: Little Shop of Orders

Group Member Names: Kolya Venturi, Evan Wheeler

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

  • Build a better understanding of front end styling and HTML/CSS languages
  • Get a better understanding of implementing MVC frameworks

Goals and expectations:

anon0mys /
Last active April 16, 2018 06:21
Outreach & Networking Plan

Outreach & Networking Plan for Module 3


Identify a contact you will reach out to by the end of Module 3. This could be a mentor, alum, anyone from your current network, or a completely cold contact. Describe:

  • Why you want to connect with this person and what you hope to talk about
    • I want to get back in touch with Chris Gilstrap from Optiv. He is great with data and analytics, and works in the cyber-security field. I am interested in both subjects and feel like Chris would be an excellent resource for both information and as a contact in the industry.
  • When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet
    • Before Turing we had an email conversation going. I reached out to him already, asking to meet up for coffee and catch up. We will be meeting Wednesday 4/18.
  • What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
anon0mys /
Last active April 16, 2018 06:16
Feedback Conversation Reflection

Feedback Conversation

Date of feedback conversation: 3/22/18

How did you prepare for the conversation?

  • I wrote down some salient bullet points in my journal to help me stay on track during the conversation.

How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

  • I find feedback conversations difficult. I wind up getting sidetracked and talking about easier subject material. It was easier for me to receive feedback than it was to give it. I tried to stick to the bullet points I had, and give actionable feedback to my partner.
anon0mys /
Last active April 16, 2018 04:34
Agile Reflections

Agile Reflctions

How you've used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project management tools you utilized. Address these questions:
  1. What were you already doing?
  • I learned LEAN Six Sigma in my previous job, so I have been using a variety of project management soft skills. I personally like SIPOC as a method for planning work.
  1. What did you put into place in Module Two?
  • I started using Agile methodologies, with management tools like Waffle and Pivotal. I have been working on building projects in increments similar to the iteration set up we had in mod 1.
  1. What was effective?
  • So far Pivotal Tracker was the most effective tool for me. It let me break projects into features and stories, and helped our group keep on track.
  1. What do you want to improve on in future projects?
  • I need to define clearer iterations for projects. Separating work into clear segments will help me reach goals and avoid getting sidetracked.