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paucoma /
Created July 28, 2022 18:15
Python Script to convert Flipper RAW .sub file to a Basic VCD Value Change Dump format
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Flipper RAW .sub format
# Having a look at some of the code in lib/subghz/protocols/raw.c
# - Decoded data is stored as a line starting with the text "Raw_Data: " followed by space delimited integers.
# - Each line stores a maximum number of integers limited to SUBGHZ_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE ,defined as 512. Then a new line is written.
# - The sign of each integer represents a decoded signal logic level, positive / negative , logic level 1 / 0
# - The absolute value of each integer represents the signal level duration. I am guessing this is in micro-seconds
jinschoi /
Created April 17, 2022 18:00
Python script to clean up and recover an OOK bitstream from a Flipper RAW .sub file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Find the raw bitstring from a captured Flipper RAW .sub file.
# Must provide the bitlength in ms, and the allowable error which can be tolerated.
import re
import sys
import math
filename = sys.argv[1]
jinschoi /
Last active May 18, 2024 13:42
Python script to generate Flipper RAW .sub files from OOK bitstreams
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Iterable, Union, Any
# freq: frequency in Hz
# zerolen: length of space bit in μs
# onelen: length of mark bit in μs
# repeats: number of times to repeat sequence
# pause: time to wait in μs between sequences
# bits: string of ones and zeros to represent sequence
thesauri /
Created February 22, 2022 15:38
Change MAC address macOS 12 Monterey

Change MAC address in macOS Monterey

I was unable to change the MAC address of the Wi-FI device on a MacBook Air (M1 2020) running macOS Monterey due to the following error: ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): Can't assign requested addres.

By running the commands in following sequence I was able to change it successfully:

  1. Turn WiFi device off
  2. Turn the WiFi device on again: networksetup -setairportpower en0 on
  3. Change the MAC: ifconfig en0 ether <mac-address-here>
  4. Run: networksetup -detectnewhardware
yorickdowne /
Last active July 22, 2024 16:26
Pruning Geth 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x

Note: PBSS in Geth >=1.13.0 removes the need to prune manually.

Old content for reference


Geth (Go-Ethereum) as of July 2022 takes about 650 GiB of space on a fast/snap sync, and then grows by ~ 14 GiB/week with default cache, ~ 8 GiB/week with more cache.

matiaslopezd / webhook.header.txt
Last active June 12, 2024 15:53
Woocommerce webhook payload and header example
expect 100-continue
content-length 1998
connection close
x-wc-webhook-delivery-id 36e520ebabc2fa725092ff4a47acedf2
x-wc-webhook-id 3
x-wc-webhook-signature 5poyFy4qB6fdvvT5pGbefZmfkpL48uD47F0WYwfmpo4=
x-wc-webhook-event created
x-wc-webhook-resource order
x-wc-webhook-topic order.created

I spent a lot of time in high school and college (2005-07) modifying the game Halo—a dark art I learned by finding experts willing to teach me.

I first approached David Skotnicki (TocaEdit) to ask how he added a knob to the Field of View in Halo. He taught me how to use TSearch and Cheat Engine to analyze the effects of in-game actions on locations in memory, how to find locations in code which accessed its values, how to reroute the game to use custom code, and how to package the edits into a VB6 app for distribution.

I set out to use this for a bit of vanity—to keep the camera floating behind

stephenwoodford / sphinx.rb
Created November 1, 2018 20:05 — forked from korny/sphinx.rb
Sphinx Homebrew formula for MySQL 5.7
class Sphinx < Formula
desc "Full-text search engine"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "6662039f093314f896950519fa781bc87610f926f64b3d349229002f06ac41a9"
head ""
bottle do
sha256 "b890cf523db9777c7d125842fd6b0a53fe9a7a5a4cb816389ba6f5ee6483c78d" => :high_sierra
sha256 "55ce34bdedf13946fa614bde50839d93135eae720f1021e2c87807d04515ab18" => :sierra
soderlind / Install.txt
Last active September 7, 2024 05:45
macOS DoH! (DNS over HTTPS) using cloudflared
1) Install cloudflared using homebrew:
brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared
2) Create /usr/local/etc/cloudflared/config.yaml, with the following content
proxy-dns: true
decent-dev /
Last active February 21, 2018 16:08
Instructions to setup a local Rinkeby node and run's Slots Testnet Slots Testnet Instructions

The slots runs on the Rinkeby test network. Users are given options to use Infura's mainnet nodes or their local Geth node.

You can access the testnet by visiting the following URL:

If you'd like to use your own local Geth node, follow the instructions below. For Mac OSX, you could follow our tutorial video. Otherwise, skip to the usage instructions

Setting up a local Rinkeby node