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aussiehash /
Created January 20, 2021 10:38 — forked from LiEnby/
Removing the timebomb from Adobe Flash Player

In Adobe Flash Player versions newer than they added a "Timebomb" for the EOL. the player would refuse to run any custom flash content after 12/01/2021, instead it would just show this image

So knowing this, Lets crack it!

I acturally started looking into this before the 12/01/2021 hit, but only recently did i acturally discover a way to bypass the killswitch

(also- im aware i was not the first to do this, but i still did do it)

A description of known problems in Satoshi Nakamoto's paper, "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", as well as notes on terminology changes and how Bitcoin's implementation differs from that described in the paper.


The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power.

#### Copy over block data to your Dojo ####
## Written for use with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS ##
## On your machine running Dojo, open 2 terminals, we'll call them [terminal A] & [terminal Doc]
## In [terminal A] Check the size of your .bitcoin directory
$ df -hf ~/.bitcoin
## In [terminal A] Ensure you have enough hard drive space to copy over the content to the container.
###### User friendly interface script for interaction with ./dojo [command] ######
## Written for use with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS ##
This script is setup to run locally from the machin that your Dojo is installed on, but if you wanted to use it via SSH
there is a write up below the script on how to set that up.
## Open a terminal
$ mkdir scripts
$ cd scripts && touch
All credit goes to Mark Engelberg ( for figuring this out!
His original writeup can be found at:
Thought I'd just write more of a follow along tutorial for the less technical
## Written for use with Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS ##
## Stop your Dojo
## Getting LND working with Dojo
## Start Dojo
$ cd /path/to/docker/my-dojo/ && sudo ./ start
## Login to the bitcoind docker container as root
$ sudo docker exec -u root -it bitcoind /bin/bash
## Update and install a text editor
$ apt-get update && apt-get install nano
aussiehash /
Created April 17, 2019 02:22 — forked from johncantrell97/
How I Obtained Satoshi's Treasure Keys 1, 2, and 3 in Minutes

Today (April 16th 2019 at noon) the first major clues to discover key #1 was set to be released in a few cities. A QR code with the words 'orbital' were found at these locations and looked like this: ( If you read the QR code with your phone you will be directed to this url:

At this URL you are prompted to input a passphrase to decrypt the first shard. An obvious first guess was to try the word 'orbital' from the QR code. Not suprisingly this worked! This reveals a congratulations page and presents the first key shard:


Now, we were supposed to wait until April 17th to get clues from the other cities for keys #2 and #3 but that wouldn't stop me from digging around with all the new information we had. All that time "playing" notpron ( years ago was going to help me here.

The first thing I noticed was

aussiehash / trezor_one_fw_upgrade.cmd
Created February 28, 2019 01:56 — forked from brianddk/trezor_one_fw_upgrade.cmd
Windows batch trezor FW upgrade
@echo off
rem choco install -y openssl.light
rem choco install -y wget
rem choco install -y cygwin
rem tail -c +257 trezor.signed.bin | sha256sum
set tail=%ChocolateyToolsLocation%\cygwin\bin\tail.exe
set sha256sum=%ChocolateyToolsLocation%\cygwin\bin\sha256sum.exe
set openssl="%ProgramFiles%\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.exe"
aussiehash / htc_vive_watchman_codes
Created December 10, 2016 22:04 — forked from cnlohr/htc_vive_watchman_codes
HTC Vive Watchman Hacking Codes!
So, the way this goes is I post my AVR code, then I post what the HTC Vive does.
The output is: POST 0: (# of bytes) (IMU Timecode MSBs) (All raw light data)
(All raw light data ends with [3 bytes, LSB timecode] [OTA CRC (probably ignore)])
//NOTICE: The funky encoding of the numbers, and the fact that paramters are read from the end of the data going forward.
//We know we're done when the # of parameters read is (# of bytes left*2)-1