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Avril Coghlan avrilcoghlan

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avrilcoghlan /
Created June 18, 2019 11:18
script to retrieve UniProt ids for an input list of PDB ids.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example from
# edited to use the python 'requests' module, and to get the UniProt id. for particular PDBe entry ids
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
avrilcoghlan /
Created June 18, 2019 10:37
script to retrieve the UniProt id for a particular PDB id
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example from
# edited to use the python 'requests' module, and to get the UniProt id. for a particular PDBe entry id.
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
avrilcoghlan / "
Created June 18, 2019 10:15
Script to retrieve PDB entry ids for PDB entries that contain PDB ligand ids in an input list of PDB ligand ids.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example from
# edited to use the python 'requests' module, and to get the PDB ids. for an input list of PDB ligand ids.
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
avrilcoghlan /
Created June 18, 2019 09:21
Script to retrieve the PDB ligand ids. for a list of input ChEMBL compounds
#!/usr/bin/env python
# script to find out the PDB three-letter ligand id. for a ChEMBL id., using UniChem
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
if PY3:
avrilcoghlan /
Created June 17, 2019 11:39
Script to use the UniChem REST API to get the PDB ligand identifier for a particular ChEMBL identifier
#!/usr/bin/env python
# script to find out the PDB three-letter ligand id. for a ChEMBL id., using UniChem
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
if PY3:
avrilcoghlan /
Created June 17, 2019 10:58
Use the PDB REST API to get a list of PDB entries that contain a particular ligand
#!/usr/bin/env python
# adapted example from
# edited to use the python 'requests' module
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
avrilcoghlan /
Created May 30, 2019 10:11
Python script to query the ChEMBL database to retrieve a list of compounds with bioactivities for certain target proteins, and then retrieve information on the molecular properties of those compounds
import pandas as pd # uses pandas python module to view and analyse data
import requests # this is used to access json files
# using a list of known targets, find compounds that are active on these targets:
def find_bioactivities_for_targets(targets):
targets = ",".join(targets) # join the targets into a suitable string to fulfil the search conditions of the ChEMBL api
avrilcoghlan / Find_compounds_for_NTD_targets_and_filter_those_compounds.ipynb
Created May 29, 2019 09:56
Python notebook to query ChEMBL, to retrieve compounds with bioactivities for certain targets, and obtain properties of those compounds
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avrilcoghlan /
Created November 28, 2018 10:04
Script to correct EMBL files so that CDSs with >50% internal Ns are marked as /pseudo
import sys
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# read in the line numbers of dodgy CDS:
def read_error_file(error_file):
avrilcoghlan /
Created November 28, 2018 09:44
Script to make a list of dodgy genes in an EMBL file, based on the VAL_ERROR.txt file produced by the ENA's file validator
import sys
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# read in the set of lines with dodgy genes on them in the embl file:
def read_lines_with_dodgy_genes(input_error_file):