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Last active January 21, 2025 04:54
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  • Save ayyybe/a5f01c6f40020f9a7bc4939beeb2df1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ayyybe/a5f01c6f40020f9a7bc4939beeb2df1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adobe Offline Package Builder v0.1.2 (macOS only) --- No longer being maintained.
CYAN="$(tput bold; tput setaf 6)"
RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
if command -v python3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ $(python3 -c "print('ye')") = "ye" ]; then
echo "${CYAN}python3 found!${RESET}"
echo "python3 found but non-functional" # probably xcode-select stub on Catalina+
echo "${CYAN}If you received a popup asking to install some tools, please accept.${RESET}"
read -n1 -r -p "Press [SPACE] when installation is complete, or any other key to abort." key
echo ""
if [ "$key" != '' ]; then
echo "${CYAN}installing python3...${RESET}"
if ! command -v brew > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo | /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python
python3 -c 'import requests' > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "${CYAN}requests found!${RESET}"
echo "${CYAN}installing requests...${RESET}"
python3 -m pip install requests --user
echo "${CYAN}starting ccdl${RESET}"
python3 <(curl -s
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# CHANGELOG (0.1.2-hotfix1)
# + updated script to work with new api (newer downloads work now)
# + added workaround for broken installer on big sur
# + made everything even more messy and disgusting
import os
import json
import argparse
import requests
session = requests.Session()
import shutil
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
VERSION_STR = '0.1.2-hotfix1'
const app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
name: 'HandleDataAction',
methods: {
'outData:': {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: function(sender) {
const data = sender.object.availableData
if (data.length !== '0') {
const output = $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(data, $.NSUTF8StringEncoding).js
const res = parseOutput(output)
if (res) {
switch (res.type) {
case 'progress':
Progress.additionalDescription = `Progress: ${}%`
Progress.completedUnitCount =
case 'exit':
if ( === 0) {
$.puts(JSON.stringify({ title: 'Installation succeeded' }))
} else {
$.puts(JSON.stringify({ title: `Failed with error code ${}` }))
} else {
function parseOutput(output) {
let matches
matches = output.match(/Progress: ([0-9]{1,3})%/)
if (matches) {
return {
type: 'progress',
data: parseInt(matches[1], 10)
matches = output.match(/Exit Code: ([0-9]{1,3})/)
if (matches) {
return {
type: 'exit',
data: parseInt(matches[1], 10)
return false
function shellescape(a) {
var ret = [];
a.forEach(function(s) {
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9_\\/:=-]/.test(s)) {
s = "'"+s.replace(/'/g,"'\\\\''")+"'";
s = s.replace(/^(?:'')+/g, '') // unduplicate single-quote at the beginning
.replace(/\\\\\'''/g, "\\\\'" ); // remove non-escaped single-quote if there are enclosed between 2 escaped
return ret.join(' ');
function run() {
const appPath = app.pathTo(this).toString()
//const driverPath = appPath.substring(0, appPath.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/products/driver.xml'
const driverPath = appPath + '/Contents/Resources/products/driver.xml'
const hyperDrivePath = '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/Setup'
// The JXA Objective-C bridge is completely broken in Big Sur
if (!$.NSProcessInfo && parseFloat(app.doShellScript('sw_vers -productVersion')) >= 11.0) {
app.displayAlert('GUI unavailable in Big Sur', {
message: 'JXA is currently broken in Big Sur.\\nInstall in Terminal instead?',
buttons: ['Cancel', 'Install in Terminal'],
defaultButton: 'Install in Terminal',
cancelButton: 'Cancel'
const cmd = shellescape([ 'sudo', hyperDrivePath, '--install=1', '--driverXML=' + driverPath ])
app.displayDialog('Run this command in Terminal to install (press \\'OK\\' to copy to clipboard)', { defaultAnswer: cmd })
const args = $.NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments
const argv = []
const argc = args.count
for (var i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
delete args
const installFlag = argv.indexOf('-y') > -1
if (!installFlag) {
app.displayAlert('Adobe Package Installer', {
message: 'Start installation now?',
buttons: ['Cancel', 'Install'],
defaultButton: 'Install',
cancelButton: 'Cancel'
const output = app.doShellScript(`"${appPath}/Contents/MacOS/applet" -y`, { administratorPrivileges: true })
const alert = JSON.parse(output)
alert.params ? app.displayAlert(alert.title, alert.params) : app.displayAlert(alert.title)
const stdout = $.NSPipe.pipe
const task = $.NSTask.alloc.init
task.executableURL = $.NSURL.alloc.initFileURLWithPath(hyperDrivePath)
task.arguments = $(['--install=1', '--driverXML=' + driverPath])
task.standardOutput = stdout
const dataAction = $.HandleDataAction.alloc.init
$.NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(dataAction, 'outData:', $.NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification, $.initialOutputFile)
let err = $.NSError.alloc.initWithDomainCodeUserInfo('', 0, '')
const ret = task.launchAndReturnError(err)
if (!ret) {
title: 'Error',
params: {
message: 'Failed to launch task: ' + err.localizedDescription.UTF8String
Progress.description = "Installing packages..."
Progress.additionalDescription = "Preparing…"
Progress.totalUnitCount = 100
ADOBE_PRODUCTS_XML_URL = ',sti&platform=osx10,osx10-64&productType=Desktop'
DRIVER_XML = '''<DriverInfo>
<Name>Adobe {name}</Name>
DRIVER_XML_DEPENDENCY = ''' <Dependency>
'X-Adobe-App-Id': 'accc-hdcore-desktop',
'User-Agent': 'Adobe Application Manager 2.0',
'X-Api-Key': 'CC_HD_ESD_1_0'
def dl(filename, url):
with session.get(url, stream=True, headers=ADOBE_REQ_HEADERS) as r:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
def r(url, headers=ADOBE_REQ_HEADERS):
req = session.get(url, headers=headers)
req.encoding = 'utf-8'
return req.text
def get_products_xml():
return ET.fromstring(r(ADOBE_PRODUCTS_XML_URL))
def parse_products_xml(products_xml):
cdn = products_xml.find('channel/cdn/secure').text
products = {}
parent_map = {c: p for p in products_xml.iter() for c in p}
for p in products_xml.findall('channel/products/product'):
displayName = p.find('displayName').text
sap = p.get('id')
version = p.get('version')
dependencies = list(p.find('platforms/platform/languageSet/dependencies'))
if not products.get(sap):
if p.find('productInfoPage'):
products[sap] = {
'hidden': p.find('platforms/platform').get('id') != 'osx10-64' or parent_map[parent_map[p]].get('name') != 'ccm',
'displayName': displayName,
'sapCode': sap,
'versions': OrderedDict()
products[sap]['versions'][version] = {
'sapCode': sap,
'version': version,
'dependencies': [{
'sapCode': d.find('sapCode').text, 'version': d.find('baseVersion').text
} for d in dependencies],
'buildGuid': p.find('platforms/platform/languageSet').get('buildGuid')
return products, cdn
def get_application_json(buildGuid):
headers = ADOBE_REQ_HEADERS.copy()
headers['x-adobe-build-guid'] = buildGuid
return json.loads(r(ADOBE_APPLICATION_JSON_URL, headers))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-l', '--installLanguage', help='Language code (eg. en_US)', action='store')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sapCode', help='SAP code for desired product (eg. PHSP)', action='store')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='Version of desired product (eg. 21.0.3)', action='store')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', help='Directory to download installation files to', action='store')
args = parser.parse_args()
ye = int((32 - len(VERSION_STR)) / 2)
print('= Adobe macOS Package Generator =')
print('{} {} {}\n'.format('='*ye, VERSION_STR, '='*(31-len(VERSION_STR)-ye)))
if (not os.path.isfile('/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/Setup')):
print('Adobe HyperDrive installer not found.\nPlease make sure the Creative Cloud app is installed.')
print('Downloading products.xml\n')
products_xml = get_products_xml()
print('Parsing products.xml')
products, cdn = parse_products_xml(products_xml)
print('CDN: ' + cdn)
print(str(len([p for p in products if not products[p]['hidden']])) + ' products found:')
sapCode = None
if (args.sapCode):
if products.get(args.sapCode):
print('\nUsing provided SAP Code: ' + args.sapCode)
sapCode = args.sapCode
print('\nProvided SAP Code not found in products: ' + args.sapCode)
if not sapCode:
for p in products.values():
if not p['hidden']:
print('[{}] {}'.format(p['sapCode'], p['displayName']))
while sapCode is None:
val = input('\nPlease enter the SAP Code of the desired product (eg. PHSP for Photoshop): ')
if val == 'APRO':
print('\033[1;31mAcrobat is currently broken, please sit tight while I try to find a solution.\nAll other products are functional.\033[0m')
elif products.get(val):
sapCode = val
print('{} is not a valid SAP Code. Please use a value from the list above.'.format(val))
product = products.get(sapCode)
versions = product['versions']
version = None
if (args.version):
if versions.get(args.version):
print('\nUsing provided version: ' + args.version)
version = args.version
print('\nProvided version not found: ' + args.version)
if not version:
for v in reversed(versions.values()):
print('{} {}'.format(product['displayName'], v['version']))
while version is None:
val = input('\nPlease enter the desired version (eg. 21.2.3): ')
if versions.get(val):
version = val
print('{} is not a valid version. Please use a value from the list above.'.format(val))
langs = [ 'en_US', 'en_GB', 'en_IL', 'en_AE', 'es_ES', 'es_MX', 'pt_BR', 'fr_FR', 'fr_CA', 'fr_MA', 'it_IT', 'de_DE', 'nl_NL', 'ru_RU', 'uk_UA', 'zh_TW', 'zh_CN', 'ja_JP', 'ko_KR', 'pl_PL', 'hu_HU', 'cs_CZ', 'tr_TR', 'sv_SE', 'nb_NO', 'fi_FI', 'da_DK' ]
installLanguage = None
if (args.installLanguage):
if (args.installLanguage in langs):
print('\nUsing provided language: ' + args.installLanguage)
installLanguage = args.installLanguage
print('\nProvided language not available: ' + args.installLanguage)
if not installLanguage:
print('Available languages: {}'.format(', '.join(langs)))
while installLanguage is None:
val = input('\nPlease enter the desired install language, or nothing for [en_US]: ') or 'en_US'
if (val in langs):
installLanguage = val
print('{} is not available. Please use a value from the list above.'.format(val))
dest = None
if (args.destination):
print('\nUsing provided destination: ' + args.destination)
dest = args.destination
print('\nPlease navigate to the desired downloads folder, or cancel to abort.')
p = Popen(['/usr/bin/osascript', '-e', 'tell application (path to frontmost application as text)\nset _path to choose folder\nPOSIX path of _path\nend'], stdout=PIPE)
dest = p.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8').strip()
if (p.returncode != 0):
install_app_name = 'Install {}_{}-{}.app'.format(sapCode, version, installLanguage)
install_app_path = os.path.join(dest, install_app_name)
print('sapCode: ' + sapCode)
print('version: ' + version)
print('installLanguage: ' + installLanguage)
print('dest: ' + install_app_path)
prodInfo = versions[version]
prods_to_download = [{ 'sapCode': d['sapCode'], 'version': d['version'], 'buildGuid': products[d['sapCode']]['versions'][d['version']]['buildGuid'] } for d in prodInfo['dependencies']]
prods_to_download.insert(0, { 'sapCode': prodInfo['sapCode'], 'version': prodInfo['version'], 'buildGuid': prodInfo['buildGuid'] })
print('\nCreating {}'.format(install_app_name))
install_app_path = os.path.join(dest, 'Install {}_{}-{}.app'.format(sapCode, version, installLanguage))
with Popen(['/usr/bin/osacompile', '-l', 'JavaScript', '-o', os.path.join(dest, install_app_path)], stdin=PIPE) as p:
icon_path = '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/'
shutil.copyfile(icon_path, os.path.join(install_app_path, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'applet.icns'))
products_dir = os.path.join(install_app_path, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'products')
for p in prods_to_download:
s, v = p['sapCode'], p['version']
product_dir = os.path.join(products_dir, s)
app_json_path = os.path.join(product_dir, 'application.json')
print('[{}_{}] Downloading application.json'.format(s, v))
app_json = get_application_json(p['buildGuid'])
p['application_json'] = app_json
print('[{}_{}] Creating folder for product'.format(s, v))
os.makedirs(product_dir, exist_ok=True)
print('[{}_{}] Saving application.json'.format(s, v))
with open(app_json_path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(app_json, file, separators=(',', ':'))
print ('Downloading...\n')
for p in prods_to_download:
s, v = p['sapCode'], p['version']
app_json = p['application_json']
product_dir = os.path.join(products_dir, s)
print('[{}_{}] Parsing available packages'.format(s, v))
core_pkg_count = 0
noncore_pkg_count = 0
packages = app_json['Packages']['Package']
download_urls = []
for pkg in packages:
if pkg.get('Type') and pkg['Type'] == 'core':
core_pkg_count += 1
download_urls.append(cdn + pkg['Path'])
if ((not pkg.get('Condition')) or installLanguage in pkg['Condition']): # TODO: actually parse `Condition` and check it properly (and maybe look for & add support for conditions other than installLanguage)
noncore_pkg_count += 1
download_urls.append(cdn + pkg['Path'])
print('[{}_{}] Selected {} core packages and {} non-core packages'.format(s, v, core_pkg_count, noncore_pkg_count))
for url in download_urls:
name = url.split('/')[-1].split('?')[0]
print('[{}_{}] Downloading {}'.format(s, v, name))
dl(os.path.join(product_dir, name), url)
print('\nGenerating driver.xml')
driver = DRIVER_XML.format(
name = product['displayName'],
sapCode = prodInfo['sapCode'],
version = prodInfo['version'],
dependencies = '\n'.join([DRIVER_XML_DEPENDENCY.format(
sapCode = d['sapCode'],
version = d['version']
) for d in prodInfo['dependencies']]),
language = installLanguage
with open(os.path.join(products_dir, 'driver.xml'), 'w') as f:
print('\nPackage successfully created. Run {} to install.'.format(install_app_path))
CYAN="$(tput bold; tput setaf 6)"
RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
curl -o "/Applications/Adobe Packager.command"
chmod +x "/Applications/Adobe Packager.command"
echo "${CYAN}Done! You can now start /Applications/Adobe Packager.command to begin${RESET}"
Copy link

idarek commented Aug 23, 2021

Hello I got this error after successfully downloaded lightroom and patched it
I tried to download photoshop but it didn't work. Could anyone help? Thanks a lot!!
sapCode: PHSP
version: 22.4.3
installLanguage: en_US
dest: /Users/onionleung/Downloads/Install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
KeyError: '2.2.1'
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

This script is not made for purpose of piracy, you will not get support about that here.

Copy link

thpryrchn commented Aug 23, 2021

Hello I got this error after successfully downloaded lightroom and patched it
I tried to download photoshop but it didn't work. Could anyone help? Thanks a lot!!
sapCode: PHSP
version: 22.4.3
installLanguage: en_US
dest: /Users/onionleung/Downloads/Install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
KeyError: '2.2.1'
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

The version here is outdated, and is no longer being updated. Which is why I forked it, and fixed it.
Checkout my fork:
and if you want to install mine instead, just run:
curl | bash

Tested mine, and it created the Photoshop package perfectly.

as @idarek said, this is not for Piracy. It is for making Offline Installs, or for Rolling back to older versions in case there are bugs with newer versions, or to support older Mac's. Also saves bandwith for installing on multiple machines. Like for schools, or for people who have very limited bandwidth.

Copy link

@thpryrchn Thank you for the link! Though when I'm installing the applications, it appeared " error code 103" . Is there any way to fix this? Please help me, thank you!

Copy link

I have only got an error code when I have had an adobe app open.Like upgrading PhotoShop. Try rebooting, and then install again.

Copy link

rafpi12 commented Aug 24, 2021

Hello @thpryrchn I got this error now, your script was working fine when I tried it 2 weeks ago

Creating Install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/dev/fd/63", line 421, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 259, in copyfile
    with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc, open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/'

Copy link

I created a repository with a working version of the script. I suggest that the development of the script continue in this repository -

Copy link

@Drovosek01: Sweet!

Copy link

Hi, when using the app, it will say:

starting ccdl

= Adobe macOS Package Generator =
========= 0.1.2-hotfix1 =========

Downloading products.xml

Parsing products.xml
27 products found:

[AEFT] After Effects
[AEFTBETA] After Effects (Beta)
[AERO] Aero (Beta)
[AME] Media Encoder
[AMEBETA] Media Encoder (Beta)
[AUDT] Audition
[AUDTBETA] Audition (Beta)
[CHAR] Character Animator
[CHARBETA] Character Animator (Beta)
[DRWV] Dreamweaver
[ESHR] Dimension
[FLPR] Animate
[KBRG] Bridge
[LTRM] Lightroom Classic
[MUSE] Muse CC
[PHSP] Photoshop
[PPRO] Premiere Pro
[PPROBETA] Premiere Pro (Beta)
[PRLD] Prelude
[RUSH] Premiere Rush
[RUSHBETA] Premiere Rush (Beta)
[SBSTA] Substance 3D Sampler
[SBSTD] Substance 3D Designer
[SBSTP] Substance 3D Painter
[STGR] Substance 3D Stager
[UXPD] UXP Developer Tools

Please enter the SAP Code of the desired product (eg. PHSP for Photoshop): PHSP

Photoshop 22.0
Photoshop 22.0.1
Photoshop 22.1
Photoshop 22.1.1
Photoshop 22.2
Photoshop 22.3
Photoshop 22.3.1
Photoshop 22.4
Photoshop 22.4.1
Photoshop 22.4.2
Photoshop 22.4.3
Photoshop 22.5
Photoshop 22.5.1
Photoshop 22.5.2
Photoshop 22.5.3

Please enter the desired version (eg. 21.2.3): 22.5.3

Available languages: en_US, en_GB, en_IL, en_AE, es_ES, es_MX, pt_BR, fr_FR, fr_CA, fr_MA, it_IT, de_DE, nl_NL, ru_RU, uk_UA, zh_TW, zh_CN, ja_JP, ko_KR, pl_PL, hu_HU, cs_CZ, tr_TR, sv_SE, nb_NO, fi_FI, da_DK

Please enter the desired install language, or nothing for [en_US]: en_US

Please navigate to the desired downloads folder, or cancel to abort.

sapCode: PHSP
version: 22.5.3
installLanguage: en_US
dest: /Users/daniel/Downloads/Install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in
KeyError: '2.2.1'

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

I enter PHSP for Photoshop, and the version, and language, and location. It will come up with KeyError: '2.2.1' and (Process completed) I look, and there is no installer. How can I fix this?

Copy link

That is because this is no longer maintained.... is what you want!!!

Hi, when using the app, it will say:

starting ccdl

= Adobe macOS Package Generator = ========= 0.1.2-hotfix1 =========

Downloading products.xml

Parsing products.xml CDN: 27 products found:

[AEFT] After Effects [AEFTBETA] After Effects (Beta) [AERO] Aero (Beta) [AME] Media Encoder [AMEBETA] Media Encoder (Beta) [AUDT] Audition [AUDTBETA] Audition (Beta) [CHAR] Character Animator [CHARBETA] Character Animator (Beta) [DRWV] Dreamweaver [ESHR] Dimension [FLPR] Animate [KBRG] Bridge [LTRM] Lightroom Classic [MUSE] Muse CC [PHSP] Photoshop [PPRO] Premiere Pro [PPROBETA] Premiere Pro (Beta) [PRLD] Prelude [RUSH] Premiere Rush [RUSHBETA] Premiere Rush (Beta) [SBSTA] Substance 3D Sampler [SBSTD] Substance 3D Designer [SBSTP] Substance 3D Painter [SPRK] XD [STGR] Substance 3D Stager [UXPD] UXP Developer Tools

Please enter the SAP Code of the desired product (eg. PHSP for Photoshop): PHSP

Photoshop 22.0 Photoshop 22.0.1 Photoshop 22.1 Photoshop 22.1.1 Photoshop 22.2 Photoshop 22.3 Photoshop 22.3.1 Photoshop 22.4 Photoshop 22.4.1 Photoshop 22.4.2 Photoshop 22.4.3 Photoshop 22.5 Photoshop 22.5.1 Photoshop 22.5.2 Photoshop 22.5.3

Please enter the desired version (eg. 21.2.3): 22.5.3

Available languages: en_US, en_GB, en_IL, en_AE, es_ES, es_MX, pt_BR, fr_FR, fr_CA, fr_MA, it_IT, de_DE, nl_NL, ru_RU, uk_UA, zh_TW, zh_CN, ja_JP, ko_KR, pl_PL, hu_HU, cs_CZ, tr_TR, sv_SE, nb_NO, fi_FI, da_DK

Please enter the desired install language, or nothing for [en_US]: en_US

Please navigate to the desired downloads folder, or cancel to abort.

sapCode: PHSP version: 22.5.3 installLanguage: en_US dest: /Users/daniel/Downloads/Install Traceback (most recent call last): File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in File "/dev/fd/63", line 379, in KeyError: '2.2.1'

Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.

[Process completed]

I enter PHSP for Photoshop, and the version, and language, and location. It will come up with KeyError: '2.2.1' and (Process completed) I look, and there is no installer. How can I fix this?

Copy link

mass-221 commented Mar 7, 2022

when Indesign and illustrator will come in the list?

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@thpryrchn @Drovosek01 and probably others. Thanks for getting the ayyybe ccdl script working again. After I noticed this, with many months delay, I have also incorporated your changes into my CC-Offline-Package-Generator which is an application packaging the Drovosek01 version of the ccdl script. CC Offline Package Generator already has all dependencies included in a small 8 MB app, whereas the adobe-packager script may need to download and install about 500 MB of dependencies in order to work.

You may download and try the updated app here: CC Offline Package Generator - Download

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chriswayg commented Mar 14, 2022

@ponziipo - this is not really the reason why we are sharing the ability to download selected versions of Adobe CC applications, and I would request that these questions would not be raised or answered here as I am concerned that they could violate the Github TOS. Maybe r/piracy would be a more appropriate place where you can ask that question. - I think @Drovosek01 explained the purpose of ccdl well:

This can help system administrators who need to install the same program from Adobe on several computers, as well as those people who do not want to use the latest version of programs from Creative Cloud or install the application on an officially unsupported version of macOS ...

See also:

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thanks and sorry for my inappropriate comments


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chriswayg commented Mar 14, 2022


thanks and sorry for my inappropriate comments.

No problem, mate! : -)

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Hello, Any idea why it's failing now days ?

= Adobe macOS Package Generator =
============= 0.1.4 =============

Do you want to make M1 native packages (y/N): y
Downloading products.xml,sti&platform=macuniversal,osx10-64,osx10&productType=Desktop
Source URL is:,sti&platform=macuniversal,osx10-64,osx10&productType=Desktop
Source URL is:,sti&platform=macarm64,macuniversal&productType=Desktop
Parsing products.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 655, in <module>
  File "", line 362, in runccdl
  File "", line 276, in parse_products_xml
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
[74244] Failed to execute script 'ccdl' due to unhandled exception!

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DanielCrompton123 commented Oct 11, 2022 via email

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That is because when you select M1, it only shows apps that are for the M1. Some apps are still only Intel, therefore they won't show up..

also make sure you are using the script on

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kevin25 commented Mar 24, 2023

Not working anymore

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Does anyone here have access to After Effects 2020 and Media Encoder 2020?? Please help

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