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baali baali

Working from home
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baali /
Created September 17, 2012 02:41 — forked from anonymous/
def swear(self, mess, args):
"swears randomley from a list of high level swear words"
swears = ["neech","kameen","kuttey", "howley", "saaley", "monkey", " kaachina vennela to tea pettukune mohavu nuvvu nu ","thitlu adukkunne mohamu nuvvoonu ", " currentu teegaki uyyala eskune ooge mohavu nuvvu" , "donkey", "vudathalu patte mokam", "chapathi mokam", "washbasin lo chepalu patte mokam", "gaali vaanalo visnakarrlu ammukune mokam", "Chunchu mokam", "ghootley", "jaffa", "tussha", "daffa", "jumper mein bumper", "panther pagdi" ,"lapaki paapa" ]
from random import choice
self.message_queue.append(choice(swears)+ " " + choice(swears) + " " + choice(swears) + " "+ args)
baali /
Created December 15, 2011 07:12 — forked from lrvick/
Manually train an NLTK NaiveBayes Classifier
from nltk.probability import ELEProbDist, FreqDist
from nltk import NaiveBayesClassifier
from collections import defaultdict
train_samples = {
'I hate you and you are a bad person': 'neg',
'I love you and you are a good person': 'pos',
'I fail at everything and I want to kill people' : 'neg',
'I win at everything and I want to love people' : 'pos',
'sad are things are heppening. fml' : 'neg',