As a seller, I can sell my own products Senario:
- Click Become Seller on header menu
- Sign-in or Registr as seller
- Show seller dashboard including products and orders
- Manage products
- Manage orders
- Seller page as /seller/:sellerId
- Manage commissions and payouts
As a user, I can switch between product list so that I have not to see them in one page Senario:
- Open home page
- Search for a keyword
- There is load more button at the end if items are more than 20
- click on load more button and it shows more 20 items until it is done.
As a user, I can choose my location on map so that I have not to enter it manually. senario:
- Add item to cart
- Proceed to checkout
- Sign-in or Register
- Enter Shipping data
- Beside entring address manual, there should be a button to choose location on map. when use select an address the address field will be filled automatically.
As a user, I can see shipping cost based on my location so that I pay fairly the shipping cost. senario:
- User select location on the map
- It saves gps point
- It calculates distance between ecommerce location and user location
- It uses a shipping rate based on distance to calculate the shipping cost.
As a user, I can save my address in my profile so that I have not to enter it everytime I have an order senario:
- Add item to cart
- Proceed to checkout
- Sign-in or Register
- Enter Shipping data
- Address information will be loaded from user profile. if it does not exist, show empty form.
- when user place an order, the user address will be saved on user profile as user.address {city:'XX', country: 'XX', ... }
As a user, I can get email from ecommerce website so that I notice of any change to my order or account.
- Place an order
- Send email for order details
As a user I want to reset my password.
- Click forget password
- Get reset email from ecommerce
- Click on the link and enter new password
As a user, I can see logout link on header menu so that I have not to go to profile page to logout
- Click or move mouse over user name on the header menu
- show account setting, order history and logout
- click on logout
- all login information removed from the browser.
As a user, I can refund an order so I have not pay for a product that I do not want anemore
- Click on profile
- Select order
- Click Refund button
- Enter reasons for refund
- Change state to pending for refund
- Admin view orders
- Add select order to refund
- Add Accept or Reject the refund
- User will be informed from the result.
As a user, I can checkout as guest user so I do not need to create account to buy from the website.
- Click product
- Add to cart
- Checkout
- Show checkout as guest in signin form
- Enter email and name
- Login as guest user
- Complete the order
Admin panel improvement
Would like to have an admin pannel with
Features like sort the add products screen according to category or with remaing quantity existing
Would be good if the panel could show the order details of people who had only paid for an order....and to categorise the orders which has finished delivering and orders remaining to be delivered...
The adress information could be like an editable savable form in the user account...that doesnt require the user to add address multiple times..