So, we figured creating our own chatroom could be fun.
It's something we can all work together on.
We don't plan on moving there but the project itself could be interesting for the whole room to collaborate work on.
What we need to discuss now:
- What technologies we want to use (Node/Express seems natural for serverside. What about clientside?)
- What features to we want? Do we just want to start with a clone of the SO chat?
- Adding features should be easy
- Responsive and fast
- Works on IE10+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
- Mobile interface that actually works
- AngularJS as clientside MVW, libraries (like jQuery) accepted gladly on a need to basis.
- NodeJS/ExpressJS/SQL for server side.
I don't think we should go with a framework server side, the REST API should be quite small.
Postgresql of course, it's a no brainer for the transcript. Maybe a redis frontend for pub/sub would be nice, but I think I'm over engineering.
Client side I'd go with angular + bootstrap because I'm lazy and it does what we need it to do.
On the architecture side, going full events is probably the best way since it will allow us to easily plugin new features. And it's familiar to everyone. Events should propagate objects that are modifiable, and promises with bluebird will be used whenever necessary to avoid callback hell.