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brunobord /
Last active October 23, 2024 16:46
import random
from time import sleep
def answer():
return random.choice([
"No, I don't want to say anything about that!",
"There's no need asking, you know the answer.",
"I'm just a computer program, nothing more…",
"I'm not authorized to tell you.",
format = "($conflicted$staged$modified$renamed$deleted$untracked$stashed$ahead_behind(fg:$style))"
conflicted = "[✖ ](bg:52 fg:white)[  ${count} ](bg:52 fg:white)"
staged = "[ $count ](green)"
modified = "[✚ ${count} ](208)"
renamed = "[ ${count} ](148)"
deleted = "[ ${count} ](fg:#cb4b16)"
untracked = "[…${count} ](117)"
stashed = "[ ${count} ](bg:darkblue fg:yellow)"
ahead = "[ ${count} ](214)"
brunobord / translation.typ
Created December 1, 2023 15:35
Two-column translations with Typst
#let translations(english, german) = grid(
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
column-gutter: 1em,
text(lang: "en", english),
text(lang: "de", german),
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
brunobord / main.typ
Created November 19, 2023 15:50
exemple de variabilisation
#import "names.typ": homme, village
Il était une fois l'histoire de #homme, qui habitait le village de #village.
brunobord / git-search
Last active January 23, 2025 18:08
Git case-insensitive search
brunobord /
Last active March 1, 2021 22:38
Earthquakes / Iceland
curl $URL | jq '.features[]
| select( | contains("Iceland"))
| {
timestamp: .properties.time | (. / 1000 | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %R")),
mag: .properties.mag,
brunobord /
Last active February 19, 2021 10:49
What's the distance (in light-seconds and light-minutes) from Earth to Mars?
Compute and display the Earth-Mars distance in light-seconds, light-minutes
and kilometers.
The easiest way is to install both ``skyfield`` & ``skyfield-data`` to compute
$ pip install skyfield skyfield-data
You can also install `skyfield` only, but it'll force you to download the
brunobord /
Created October 8, 2020 21:29


Un petit jeu d'aventures fantastique

Vous aurez besoin de : 1 jeu de dés polyhédriques (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20).

Comment jouer ? Choisissez un personnage, communiquez avec précision, soyez de bons camarades de jeu.

Personnages :

brunobord /
Last active December 27, 2020 01:16
Various Digirule programs

Various Digirule 2U programs

  • d6.asm a six-sided dice roller
  • k2000.asm K2000-like flash-light.
  • k2000-loop.asm same as above, with 2 loops (This version is stored in fewer RAM slots, but it's slower because of an extra instruction).
  • fibonacci.asm a basic Fibonacci series computation, displayed on the Data LEDs. The maximum result will be 233, and then it "crashes", all Data LEDs will blink as if it was an error signal.
  • christmas.asm a XMas light using RANDA for the data LEDs + Speed for blinking delay.
  • christmas-advanced.asm Expanded version, still using a random SPEED + blinking both DATA & ADR LEDs.

How can I use this?


Un jeu pour 2+ personnes sur une grande étendue (un parc, un terrain de sport, un champ ?).

Convenez collectivement des rôles de chaque personne. Une de ces personnes sera l'ORIGINE. L'ORIGINE a pour rôle d'arbitrer la partie. Soyez juste. Les autres incarnent des PERSONNAGES. Chaque PERSONNAGE a un nom, un métier, un objectif dans l'existence, une phobie, un secret… Les PERSONNAGES peuvent se connaître, s'apprécier ou se détester ; avoir des objectifs communs ou opposés. Soyez enthousiastes.

Chaque joueuse devra se munir d'un dé à 6 faces.