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Bryan Gin-ge Chen bryangingechen

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ydewit /
Last active July 18, 2024 16:06
Understanding Lean's Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

Understanding Lean's Foreign Function Interface (FFI)


Note on FFI Interface Stability The current Foreign Function Interface (FFI) in Lean 4 was primarily designed for internal use within the Lean compiler and runtime. As such, it should be considered unstable. The interface may undergo significant changes, refinements, and extensions in future versions of Lean. Developers using the FFI should be prepared for potential breaking changes and should closely follow Lean's development and release notes for updates on the FFI system.

Table of Contents

import algebra.lie.cartan_matrix
open widget
variables {α : Type}
namespace svg
meta def fill : string → attr α
| s := attr.val "fill" $ s
digama0 /
Last active June 16, 2021 15:55
breen deligne homology
// [package]
// name = "breen-deligne-homology"
// version = "0.1.0"
// authors = ["Mario Carneiro <>"]
// edition = "2018"
// [dependencies]
// modinverse = "0.1"
// rand = "0.8"
from leancrawler import LeanLib, LeanDeclGraph
import re
# lie_data_old = LeanLib.from_yaml('lie_data', '/Users/olivernash/Desktop/mathlib/src/algebra/lie/lie_data_old.yaml')
# lie_data_old.dump('lie_data_old.dump')
lie_data_old = LeanLib.load_dump('lie_data_old.dump')
# lie_data_new = LeanLib.from_yaml('lie_data', '/Users/olivernash/Desktop/mathlib/src/algebra/lie/lie_data_new.yaml')
# lie_data_new.dump('lie_data_new.dump')
lie_data_new = LeanLib.load_dump('lie_data_new.dump')
eric-wieser / choosable.lean
Created February 3, 2021 16:59
Choice without the axiom of choice
import data.quot
import tactic
variables {α : Type*} (P : α → Prop)
/-- A choosable instance is like decidable, but over `Type` instead of `Prop` -/
@[class] def choosable (α : Type*) := psum α (α → false)
/-- inhabited types are always choosable -/
alreadydone / choice_and_excluded_middle.lean
Last active February 19, 2023 19:07
Implications involving choice principles, extensionality / quotient exactness, excluded middle, and classical/intermediate logics in type theory.
import tactic data.setoid.basic
universes u v
def em (p) := p ∨ ¬p
def lem := ∀p, em p
def np {α : Sort u} (β : α → Sort v) := (∀ a, nonempty (β a)) → nonempty (Π a, β a)
-- [Coq] AC_trunc = axiom of choice for propositional truncations (truncation and quantification commute)
axiom nonempty_pi {α : Sort u} (β : α → Sort v) : np β
-- A One-Line Proof of the Infinitude of Primes
-- [The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 122, No. 5 (May 2015), p. 466]
import data.finset.basic -- for finset, finset.insert_erase
import -- for nat.{prime,min_fac} and related lemmas
import data.real.basic -- for real.nontrivial, real.domain
import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric -- for real.sin and related identities
import algebra.big_operators -- for notation `∏`, finset.prod_*
import algebra.ring -- for domain.to_no_zero_divisors
import data.nat.digits
lemma nat.div_lt_of_le : ∀ {n m k : ℕ} (h0 : n > 0) (h1 : m > 1) (hkn : k ≤ n), k / m < n
| 0 m k h0 h1 hkn := absurd h0 dec_trivial
| 1 m 0 h0 h1 hkn := by rwa nat.zero_div
| 1 m 1 h0 h1 hkn :=
have ¬ (0 < m ∧ m ≤ 1), from λ h, absurd (@lt_of_lt_of_le ℕ
(show preorder ℕ, from @partial_order.to_preorder ℕ (@linear_order.to_partial_order ℕ nat.linear_order))
_ _ _ h1 h.2) dec_trivial,
by rw [nat.div_def_aux, dif_neg this]; exact dec_trivial
import data.buffer
universe u
@[derive decidable_eq, derive has_reflect] inductive group_term : Type
| of : ℕ → group_term
| one : group_term
| mul : group_term → group_term → group_term
| inv : group_term → group_term
fpvandoorn / typeclass_stats.lean
Last active December 3, 2020 02:33
prints stats about typeclasses and instances
import tactic -- all
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""