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### A Pluto.jl notebook ### | |
# v0.11.3 | |
using Markdown | |
using InteractiveUtils | |
# ╔═╡ 7154a0e6-d7a3-11ea-2657-db1e00c80460 | |
md"Define a function which will do some logging. Note that this could just as well be in an external library" | |
# ╔═╡ 514ac9ea-d7a0-11ea-1512-e99df979d240 | |
md"Let's collect some logs using `with_logger`, and `Test.TestLogger` for a quick and dirty way to demonstrate this (`TestLogger` is a semi-internal API). In practice, Pluto.jl may want its own logger." | |
# ╔═╡ 86794d1c-d7a0-11ea-393b-f540f7fd608b | |
md"Format the logs as a tabular view. | |
In practice this would presumably be part of the Pluto cell UI somehow; perhaps folded away but available in a popup. | |
Obviously there's a lot of options for how to do this nicely, and it would be cool if there was UI to do some light filtering, and perhaps an option to map variables to column of the table, and to display Julia values richly in a similar way to the default Pluto output. | |
The example here is a bit of a formatting disaster, really! | |
" | |
# ╔═╡ 16cb8602-d79f-11ea-1230-55a5ece049fc | |
md"A function to create a tabular view of logging info" | |
# ╔═╡ f6ebcfb8-d79e-11ea-00e5-79a5d6e0d812 | |
md"Primitive styling experiments. Pardon the mess, I know only enough HTML/CSS to be dangerous :)" | |
# ╔═╡ 9a565fe6-d796-11ea-01ef-5f2e3c3bbbd0 | |
html""" | |
<table style="width:100%"> | |
<tr><th style="width:10%">Level</th><th>Module</th><th>Message</th></tr> | |
<tr style="background-color:#DDDDFF;"><td>Debug</td><td title="Hover!">Base</td><td>"Debugging!"</td></tr> | |
<tr style="background-color:#DDDDDD;"><td>Info</td><td>Base</td><td>"Some information"</td></tr> | |
<tr style="background-color:#FFEEDD;"><td>Warn</td><td>MyPkg</td><td>"Uh oh"</td></tr> | |
<tr style="background-color:#FFDDDD;"><td>Error</td><td>MyPkg</td><td>"Bad things"</td></tr> | |
</table> | |
""" | |
# ╔═╡ e1859b80-d7a4-11ea-2bcd-ed8a0cbf4c7d | |
html""" | |
<detail style="display: block;"> | |
<summary> | |
A summary | |
</summary> | |
<p> | |
Hi blah blah | |
</p> | |
</detail> | |
""" | |
# ╔═╡ 176456f8-d7ad-11ea-0796-158017db0c16 | |
md"Trying to make use of Pluto's builtin value formatting... Almost, but not quite. Some styling thing is going wrong here!" | |
# ╔═╡ 47652cb6-d79d-11ea-33c4-c175255a6101 | |
using Logging, Test, TerminalLoggers, Markdown | |
# ╔═╡ 86d5c12c-d7a6-11ea-2733-f7e48ab50543 | |
using Pluto | |
# ╔═╡ 5239d6cc-d7a3-11ea-03a6-5d92a5ef9538 | |
function some_logging(x) | |
@debug "Debugging some julia code! `x^2`" x x^2 | |
for i=1:3 | |
@info "Iterating" i | |
end | |
end | |
# ╔═╡ 2cb8772e-d79d-11ea-1e80-9fb5faaa2b63 | |
logs = begin | |
# May not want debug level by default... but it's here for demonstration | |
t = Test.TestLogger(min_level=Logging.Debug) | |
with_logger(t) do | |
x = rand(UInt8, 2,2) | |
some_logging(x) | |
@warn """ | |
Uh oh, something weird happened and we needed to warn you about it. You could try: | |
* foo | |
* bar | |
""" | |
try | |
1÷0 | |
catch ex | |
@error "An error" exception=(ex,catch_backtrace()) | |
end | |
end | |
t.logs | |
end | |
# ╔═╡ 96d92068-d79d-11ea-2eb4-1d4fbe697824 | |
level_colors = Dict( | |
Logging.Debug=>"#DDDDFF", | |
Logging.Info=>"#DDDDDD", | |
Logging.Warn=>"#FFEEDD", | |
Logging.Error=>"#FFDDDD" | |
) | |
# ╔═╡ a673f174-d79d-11ea-3290-f76c71cb8cba | |
function make_logs_table(logs) | |
rows = [] | |
for log in logs | |
# The message should be formatted as markdown | |
message = if log.message isa AbstractString | |
sprint() do io | |
show(io, MIME"text/html"(), Markdown.parse(log.message)) | |
end | |
else | |
sprint(show, log.message) | |
end | |
if !isempty(log.kwargs) | |
# Hooking into Pluto's output system would be nice, | |
# but I've busted the formatting somehow... | |
# vars = first(Pluto.PlutoRunner.format_output(log.kwargs)) | |
ctx = IOContext(devnull, :displaysize=>(200,100)) | |
var_rows = TerminalLoggers.format_key_value_pairs(log.kwargs, ctx) | |
vars_detail = join([' '^r[1]*r[2] for r in var_rows], "\n") | |
vars = """ | |
<pre>$vars_detail</pre> | |
""" | |
else | |
vars = "" | |
end | |
# Drop the Pluto cell from the file name | |
file,cell = split(string(log.file), "#==#") | |
push!(rows, | |
""" | |
<tr style="background-color:$(level_colors[log.level]);"> | |
<td title="$(log.level) @ $(log._module) — $(file):$(log.line)"> | |
$message</td> | |
<td>$vars</td> | |
</tr> | |
""") | |
end | |
HTML(""" | |
<table> | |
<tr> | |
<th>Message</th> | |
<th style="width:40%">Variables</th> | |
</tr> | |
$(join(rows, "\n")) | |
</table> | |
""") | |
end | |
# ╔═╡ a42f5718-d79e-11ea-0335-7f2ba6bbf61f | |
make_logs_table(logs) | |
# ╔═╡ 98455c7c-d7a6-11ea-17b7-15bb344ad833 | |
HTML("""<pluto-output class="inline_output "><div>$(first(Pluto.PlutoRunner.format_output(logs[1]))))</div></pluto-output>""") | |
# ╔═╡ ba0f02a0-d7a5-11ea-2f91-75041665e3e5 | |
# Trying to make use of Pluto's builtin value formatting... Almost, but not quite. Some styling thing is going wrong here! | |
HTML(sprint(show, MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+xml"(), Dict(string(k)=>v for (k,v) in logs[1].kwargs))) | |
# ╔═╡ a0469142-d7ae-11ea-009a-79e8b45cb010 | |
logs[1] | |
# ╔═╡ Cell order: | |
# ╟─7154a0e6-d7a3-11ea-2657-db1e00c80460 | |
# ╠═5239d6cc-d7a3-11ea-03a6-5d92a5ef9538 | |
# ╟─514ac9ea-d7a0-11ea-1512-e99df979d240 | |
# ╠═2cb8772e-d79d-11ea-1e80-9fb5faaa2b63 | |
# ╟─86794d1c-d7a0-11ea-393b-f540f7fd608b | |
# ╠═a42f5718-d79e-11ea-0335-7f2ba6bbf61f | |
# ╠═96d92068-d79d-11ea-2eb4-1d4fbe697824 | |
# ╟─16cb8602-d79f-11ea-1230-55a5ece049fc | |
# ╠═a673f174-d79d-11ea-3290-f76c71cb8cba | |
# ╠═47652cb6-d79d-11ea-33c4-c175255a6101 | |
# ╟─f6ebcfb8-d79e-11ea-00e5-79a5d6e0d812 | |
# ╠═9a565fe6-d796-11ea-01ef-5f2e3c3bbbd0 | |
# ╠═e1859b80-d7a4-11ea-2bcd-ed8a0cbf4c7d | |
# ╠═86d5c12c-d7a6-11ea-2733-f7e48ab50543 | |
# ╟─176456f8-d7ad-11ea-0796-158017db0c16 | |
# ╠═98455c7c-d7a6-11ea-17b7-15bb344ad833 | |
# ╠═ba0f02a0-d7a5-11ea-2f91-75041665e3e5 | |
# ╠═a0469142-d7ae-11ea-009a-79e8b45cb010 |
What do you mean with that last sentence?
I only mean that the third party library could be using the logging system too. And you can collect those messages just the same way as you collect ones from the user code.
We'd probably want some context-specific filtering though: the user's less likely to care about logging from other libraries than they are about messages which originate from their own code in the notebook. (The logging system records detailed source information for all events so that should be fairly easy.)
Just found this discussion while working on JuliaPluto/PlutoUI.jl#31 ...
What is not possible that way is the idea to allow to capture output qualified with sources.
JuliaIO/Suppressor.jl#36 (comment)
But I see with the logging system this possibly could be done by accessing log messages before they are made into strings.
So one way would could be to re-route print to the logging system via capturing stdout if this can be synchronized with other output (this is triggering for me so probably will try this out...)
Alternatively we could keep not supporting print and introduce @note and @Notef (the later like @printf) for pluto
I think the idea here was to not route things through stdout/stderr because they are limited to unstructured text (boo!). Instead, it would be kind of like your final suggestion, but with the default @warn
, @info
, etc instead of our own @note
@c42f Do you want to work on integrating this gist into Pluto? I could help with the communication protocol and UI.
The Test.LogRecord
already contains all info needed to create https://www.notion.so/a-cooler-way-to-print-24e1c517c3f64bbbbcb97499e2539611
Maybe we can call sometime? fonsvdplas@gmail.com
See also https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl/blob/master/src/stdio.jl : they implement their own AbstractPipe...
Proof of concept: route stdout lines to @info messages
macro log_stdout(block)
original_stdout = stdout
out_rd, out_wr = redirect_stdout()
function myread(out_rd)
while !eof(out_rd)
@info readline(out_rd)
# ^ could be special @from_stdout message for PlutoLogger
with_logger(ConsoleLogger(stderr)) do
# ^ could be PlutoLogger
reader = @async myread(out_rd)
# result=grab_data(logger)
# result
would return an Array{Pair{SomeMsgType, String},1}
But not sure what would happen if @distributed or @threads is in the block.
Let's keep things simple for now
agree to stick to simplicity in order to be able to maintain things...
But how do you plan to define @info etc ? Via a PlutoLogger <:AbstractLogger pushing data to your channel ?
ok I see it in cell 2cb8772e ....
But then I think the re-routing could be even simpler once the PlutoLogger is already running.
There might be a @from_stdout loglevel which could control this.
macro log_stdout(block)
original_stdout = stdout
out_rd, out_wr = redirect_stdout()
function myread(out_rd)
while !eof(out_rd)
@info readline(out_rd)
reader = @async myread(out_rd)
If not in Pluto this could also go into PlutoUI instead of the current idea. I would wait for fonsp/Pluto.jl#437 and try this out.
@fonsp I'm happy to help with integrating this as much as you need. I think the tooling on the Julia side is actually almost all there, it's the UI which seems like a lot of work to me ;-)
route stdout lines to
@j-fu note that Logging2.jl library already has a way to do this. It's nascent but I can release a version if it's useful.
I see. Indeed it seems that Logging2.jl has what I would love to see, with a more profound way to implement this.
IMHO worth to be merged into Logging.jl ...
Yeah, that's the plan — it's basically a staging area for Logging
. The problem with Logging is that — like all other stdlibs — its release cycle is tied to releases of Julia. So for now Logging2 is separate.
Awesome!! What do you mean with that last sentence? That you tag a mutable variable before putting it into a 3rd party function?