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amcgregor / lessons.textile
Created November 16, 2010 00:02
Lessons learned from #python on regarding support.

Lessons Learned from #python

Over the years myself and others have attempted to utilize the #python support channel on when solving problems. For the most part the time spent explaining the problem, the rationale behind the design, uncovering the exact question to ask to get the desired (helpful) response, and personality conflicts have resulted in more frustration than problems solved. So I’m writing up this lessons file in an effort to not repeat the past mistakes in supporting my own users.

What it really comes down to, other than wasted development hours, is not having to explain to your boss that your team should rewrite 30% of your project because some random git in a chat room said you were Doing it Wrong™.

Alternate Support Channel

In an effort to produce a place where individuals can ask questions without fear of being directly or indirectly called an idiot, I’ve opened #python-friendly, the friendly place to discuss Python, ask questions, and get helpful answers. #pyt

omz /
Last active June 23, 2024 14:50
File Transfer script for Pythonista (iOS)
# File Transfer for Pythonista
# ============================
# This script allows you to transfer Python files from
# and to Pythonista via local Wifi.
# It starts a basic HTTP server that you can access
# as a web page from your browser.
# When you upload a file that already exists, it is
# renamed automatically.
# From Pythonista's settings, you can add this script
# to the actions menu of the editor for quick access.
kates /
Last active August 31, 2019 05:22
bulk search and replace with the silver searcher, awk, sed and xargs
ag "sometext" --nogroup | awk '{print substr($1,1,index($1,":")-1);}' | xargs -I {} sed -i .bak -e 's/sometext/anothertext/g' {}
killercup / pandoc.css
Created July 3, 2013 11:31
Add this to your Pandoc HTML documents using `--css pandoc.css` to make them look more awesome. (Tested with Markdown and LaTeX.)
* I add this to html files generated with pandoc.
html {
font-size: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
dashed / github-pandoc.css
Created September 26, 2013 13:42
GitHub-like CSS for pandoc standalone HTML files (perfect for HTML5 output). Based on's GitHub CSS. Added normalize.css (v2.1.3) in the prior to GitHub css.
/*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | */
/* ==========================================================================
HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
danfinlay / How to download streaming
Last active June 29, 2024 04:41
How to download a streaming video with Google Chrome

How to download streaming video

Streaming just means a download that they don't want you to keep. But Chrome's developer tools make it easy to access what's really going on under the hood.

Open Developer Tools

From the page where you want to download some things, go into your chrome menu to open the developer tools. You can either:

1.  (On a mac): Command-option-J
2. (On a PC): Control-alt-J
porjo /
Last active May 25, 2023 16:14
ffmpeg time-lapse

Convert sequence of JPEG images to MP4 video

Simple glob:

ffmpeg -r 24 -i '*.JPG' -s hd1080 -vcodec libx264 timelapse.mp4

Start from DSC_0079.JPG

ffmpeg -r 24 -f image2 -start_number 79 -i DSC_%04d.JPG -s hd1080 -vcodec libx264 timelapse2.mp4
katemonkeys / gist:e17580777b57915f5068
Last active July 16, 2024 16:00
Everything Wrong With The Withings API

Top Six Things You Need To Know About The Withings API*

*where “you” is probably a developer, or at least a strange user

I should preface this by saying that I got a Withings Smart Body Analyzer for Christmas last year and I’ve been generally happy with it. It purports to be able to take my heart rate through my bare feet and that seems not to work for my physiology, but overall I’m a fan. If if their Wikipedia page is to be believed they are having a pretty rad impact on making the Quantified Self movement more for normal people and they only have 20 full time employees. Also they try hard to use SI units, which I can get behind. Anyway, on to the rant.

I originally called this post “Everything wrong with the Withings API” and I meant it. For every useful field I can extract from their “award winning” app, I have spent an hour screaming at the inconsistencies in their implementation or inexplicable holes in their data

samhocevar / gist:00eec26d9e9988d080ac
Last active January 13, 2024 23:40
Configure sshd on MSYS2 and run it as a Windows service
# — configure sshd on MSYS2 and run it as a Windows service
# Please report issues and/or improvements to Sam Hocevar <>
# Prerequisites:
# — MSYS2 itself:
# — admin tools: pacman -S openssh cygrunsrv mingw-w64-x86_64-editrights
reggi /
Last active March 16, 2022 16:47
A tutorial on how to get started using glob patterns in your terminal. #writing

Glob Up and Running

To test a glob pattern go over to globtester and play around with creating your own file structure online, it's super easy to get started that way.

If you want to test out a glob pattern in the terminal use echo followed by the pattern, for instance.

echo **/*.js