Taken from StackExchange
Thanks to LangLangC
For temperature and other improvements see https://gist.github.com/cdleon/d16e7743e6f056fedbebc329333d79df
Shutdown, unplug everything except power and hold
leftShift + Ctrl + Option + Power
I holded for 5 seconds, but holding just for an instant should work
Command + Option + p + r
Until you hear the startup chime two times.
if you are on high sierra 10.13.6+ you might need to use
Command + r
Command + r + s
csrutil disable
nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00
nvram boot-args="-v"
Command + s
It might look as if it hanged, but press enter and you should see the shell (root#)
/sbin/mount -uw /
mkdir -p /System/Library/Extensions-off
mv /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext /System/Library/Extensions-off/
touch /System/Library/Extensions/
It will show a bunch of text in the screen (don't be alarmed, let it finish) and then it will restart again In second restart it will show text in the screen again and then it will show normal login screen Your computer now should work properly (dGPU off and iGPU on, shown as i in gfxCardStatus
If an update that contains changes to the AMD drivers is about to take place it is advisable to move back the AMDRadeonX3000.kext to its default location before the update process. Otherwise the updater writes at least another kext of a different version to its default location or at worst you end up with an undefined state of partially non-matching drivers.
After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra.
I forgot to tell you something important, sorry.
These steps are important for all those people who have an older MacBook Pro that is no longer repairable and have a bad GPU beyond repair.
Because what these steps do is to BYPASS the AMD Radeon graphics card on the motherboard and use only the Intel graphics card that I think is embedded in the CPU and thus thus not boot failed again and again because the graphics card or AMD Radeon GPU soldered on the board does not work, fails and makes the computer hang without being able to start it.
It is important to be clear about this
Regards to all
P.S.: I have read that some people have completely disassembled the motherboard and put it 8 minutes in the oven of their kitchen at 185º C "thinking" that this way the thermal paste of the Radeon Chip is "cooked" again... Seeing is believing and I don't dare to fry the whole motherboard and be without a computer forever. Too much risk and foolishness, don't you think?