As easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Aug, 08, 2022 update
docs for npm 8+ - Jul 27, 2021 add private scopes
- Jul 22, 2021 add dist tags
- Jun 20, 2021 update for
- Sep 07, 2020 update docs for
npm version
- Jul 22, 2020 add appendix on node install
If you haven't already set your NPM author info, do that now:
npm config set init-author-name "Your Name"
npm config set init-author-email ""
npm config set init-author-url ""
npm config set init-version "1.0.0"
npm config set init-license "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE"
npm adduser
Side notes:
- There's a 🐛 rare but nasty node PATH bug that's wontfix for compatibility with systems that rely on it.
Setnpm config set scripts-prepend-node-path true
to fix it. - .npmrc comments must start with
and end with=
. This is due to historical issues.
Ex:// My comment here=
Then create a package.json
and publish it:
cd ./path/to/your-project/
npm init
# Bump the version number in package.json (and git tag) before each publish
# (npm also has `npm version major|minor|patch|preminor|premajor|prepatch|prerelease`)
npm version patch -m "an optional description"
npm publish --access=public ./
Tip: Use your @
: is pretty crowded these days, but every user (and organization) has a scope.
I recommend using it.
Your username: npm whoami
Your scope: @
+ <your-username>
Your next package: @<username>/<packagename>
Example: @root/async-router
Tip: Add build stepts to package.json.scripts
npm pkg set scripts.fmt="npx -p prettier@2 -- prettier -w '**/*.{js,md}'"
npm pkg set scripts.prepublish="npm run build"
Tip: Check Dependencies:
# Note you may want to use one of these to make sure:
# 1. Your real dependencies are listed in package.json
# 2. Your development only dependencies are in the devDependencies section
# depcheck:
# dependency-check:
- Beta and Release versions
- Private Packages
- Licensing (SPDX Identifiers)
- Live Stream Walkthrough
- Installing Node.js
- Other Resources
Typically if you publish something, it should be v1.0.0 (you won't run out of numbers, after all), but it should be at least 0.1.0.
npm config set init-version "1.0.0"
If you want a new version to not install with @latest
npm version preminor
npm publish ./ --tag beta
If you published a bugfix as v1.0.7 and need to set v1.1.3 back to latest
git checkout v1.0.7
npm publish ./
git checkout v1.1.3
npm dist-tag add foobar@1.1.3 latest
npm dist-tag rm foobar beta
# Set the message template as a package.json script
npm pkg set scripts.version='npm version -m "chore(release): bump to v%s"'
# Run with the same parameters
npm run version patch
See The Vanilla DevOps Git Credentials & Private Packages Cheatsheet
If you don't know which license to choose, then pick MPL-2.0
(open source, but gives you legal protection against bad actors)
npm config set init-license "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE"
Open Source:
- Trademark & Brand Safe:
- Legally Open Source:
- Public Domain:
- you don't care (not great for CYA)
Dual License:
(<x> OR <y>)
(MPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0)
SEE LICENSE IN <filename>
If you haven't already installed node + npm, or you'd like the latest version:
macOS, Linux:
curl -fsS | bash
Windows 10/11:
curl.exe -fsSA "MS" | powershell
- (original)
- (original)
If this helped you, and if you or someone you know is just getting into development, check out my upcoming online course: