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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
layouts=(dot neato fdp sfdp twopi circo)
for layout in $layouts; do
echo $filename
madge --exclude '^node_modules|templates|^test' --layout $layout --image $filename "$1"
#convert $filename -fuzz 30% -fill \#FFFFFF -opaque \#000000 filtered.$filename
corburn /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Schedules a vcf_to_matrix job and diff the output against a reference folder
# Schedules a vcf_to_matrix job and diff the output against a reference folder
# The REPO_PATH and VCF_TO_MATRIX variables must be set by the user
# REFERENCE_PATH is an output folder from the nasp program. The vcf_to_matrix
# program will read its files and write its output to a folder
# Set Script Name variable
corburn /
Created April 3, 2015 19:01
Fix docker can't connect to boot2docker because of tcp timeout when using Cisco Anyconnect
# I am using OSX Yosemite and Cisco Anyconnect (which are apparently a bad combo for using boot2docker)
# and the following finally worked for me (thanks to the linked GitHub issue comment):
# These steps will add a port forwarding rule and modify your environment to have docker point to
# (instead of or other NATed IP).
# First - boot2docker needs to be installed but not running.
# If it is currently running - stop it now:
boot2docker down
- [Intel XDK](
HTML5 Cross platform dev tool.
- [Vagrant](
Lightweight portable deve environments.
- [Docker](
An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
corburn /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19 — forked from h12w/
# The script does automatic checking on a Go package and its sub-packages, including:
# 1. gofmt (
# 2. goimports (
# 3. golint (
# 4. go vet (
# 5. race detector (
# 6. test coverage (
set -e
# Remove file from history
git filter-branch \
--index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch filename.orig' merge-point..HEAD
import {bootstrap, Component, Decorator, View, If, For, EventEmitter} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {FormBuilder, Validators, FormDirectives, ControlGroup} from 'angular2/forms';
selector: 'app',
injectables: [FormBuilder]
template: `
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ioBridgeDial
* @restrict E
* @description
* @element io-bridge-dial
* @param {expression} label The name of the device being monitored will be displayed on the dial.
* @param {expression} value Current dial value.
# A boilerplate script template
# Cleanup files from the backup dir
# Globals:
corburn / RFC
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
Address Allocation for Private Internets
Choosing a Name for Your Computer
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification Road Map