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Alex cyxou

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danhab99 /
Created January 21, 2022 03:32
I3 keybindings for moving the mouse

I3 Keybindings For Moving The Mouse

This is really just meant to be goofy, noone should use this instead of a mouse.


Add these lines to your i3 config.

bindsym $mod+Mod1+h exec xdotool mousemove_relative -p 270 10
cor-bee /
Created August 23, 2019 17:35
Overdocumented Instant View Template for (
## General info:
# Function starts with @
# Variable starts with $
# Return of the most recently run function made by $@
# Key comments marked with ##
## Version of IV must be set first
~version: "2.1"
# Telegram doesn't support JW Player which is used in videoheaders
jeffjohnson9046 /
Last active May 8, 2021 22:36
How to update kubectl to see a new Kubernetes cluster
# This is something that I always forget and had a surprisingly hard time finding (or better yet, understanding). Here's the
# scenario: a colleague creates a new kubernetes cluster, named"". You want to look at it (for
# troubleshooting, updating the deployment, whatever). To get your kubectl installation to "see" the new cluster, take the
# following steps:
# ASSUMPTION: You have pointed kops to some location where the cluster configurations are stored
# (I have this in my ~/.bash_profile):
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://example-state-store
# Use kops to get the list of clusters
mosquito /
Last active July 18, 2024 19:07
Add doker-compose as a systemd unit

Docker compose as a systemd unit

Create file /etc/systemd/system/docker-compose@.service. SystemD calling binaries using an absolute path. In my case is prefixed by /usr/local/bin, you should use paths specific for your environment.

Description=%i service with docker compose
duluca /
Last active June 30, 2020 02:20
Starting with Docker

What is Docker?

  • Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
  • Combines a lightweight container virtualization platform with workflows and tooling that help manage and deploy applications.

Why is Containerization Important?

  • Containerization allows for encapsulation of app specific configuration concerns.
  • Encapsulation allows for decoupling of dependencies, so each app can depend on different versions.
  • Simpler dependency management results in a low friction IT environment, less things to learn and break.
  • Low friction allows to ship code faster, test faster, deploy faster, shortening the cycle between writing code and running code.
// iMacro CheatSheet - Command Reference
// iMacros supports 3 types of variables:
// * The macro variables !VAR0 thru !VAR9. They can be used with the SET and ADD command inside a macro.
// * Built-in variables. They contain certain values set by iMacros.
// * User-defined variables. They are defined in-macro using the SET command.
miguelfrde /
Last active August 29, 2022 08:29
Preinstalled Windows 8.1 and Arch Linux dual boot

Arch Linux installation (preinstalled Windows 8.1 dual boot)


  1. Disable Windows Fast-Startup
  2. Disable Secure Boot


rainerborene / ctrlp.vim
Last active November 22, 2017 13:52
Close buffer via <C-@> using CtrlP
let g:ctrlp_buffer_func = { 'enter': 'CtrlPMappings' }
function! CtrlPMappings()
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-@> :call <sid>DeleteBuffer()<cr>
function! s:DeleteBuffer()
let path = fnamemodify(getline('.')[2:], ':p')
let bufn = matchstr(path, '\v\d+\ze\*No Name')
exec "bd" bufn ==# "" ? path : bufn
mweibel / passport-mock.js
Last active May 14, 2024 09:32
Mock passport.js with an own strategy
* Author: Michael Weibel <>
* License: MIT
var passport = require('passport')
, StrategyMock = require('./strategy-mock');
module.exports = function(app, options) {
// create your verify function on your own -- should do similar things as
m3nd3s / NERDTree.mkd
Last active November 23, 2023 13:45
My Vim Cheat Sheet


o.......Open files, directories and bookmarks....................|NERDTree-o|
go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go|
t.......Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab.................|NERDTree-t|
T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T|
i.......Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-i|
gi......Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gi|
s.......Open selected file in a new vsplit.......................|NERDTree-s|
gs......Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gs|

O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O|