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DanAlvarez5280 danalvarez5280

  • Denver, CO
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Link to my google Calendar

Monthly Goals:

I would like to be employed in one month's time from Graduation. I set the date to December 20th because of Thanksgiving.

I would like to teach myself C# and start to develop a XCOM style game.

Weekly Goals:

Template: Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

I want to go on 4 interviews before the MOD is over I want to go to at least 3 meet ups for networking purposes. I want to have at least 1 job offer by the time I graduate turing I want to make a game in my spare time using C#

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

Most Valued Knowledge/Fields of Interest:
Preferred Place(s) to Live:
My Preferred Pay and Level of Responsibility:
My Favorite Working Conditions:
* Date of feedback conversation:
* "7/11/17"
* How did you prepare for the conversation?
* "I wrote down some of the best aspects of the paring. I wrote down areas we could improve on. Then I wrote down my feelings from the pairng."
How did the conversation go for you?
* What project management strategies did you use in your projects this module?
* "In the our weatherly project, my partner Laura and I have been trying use the strategy of 'stints.' Working is small period with small goals to establish good foundational framework for extra add ons."
* What went well?
* "We actually reached a lot of our goals quickly without having to stay crazy hours and beat our heads against the walls."
* What would you do differently next time?
* Name of contact
* "The mentors (or alums) I contacted is Kriss Foss, Adam Hundley."
* Date of contact
* "Adam Hundley actually reached out to me in MOD 1. My girlfirend's brother is a friend of Adam. When he heard I was attending turing he reached out to me for advice and guidance."
* "I reached out to Kriss Foss 7/27/17. She became a defacto mentor for our posse and she came down 7/28/17"
* Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?)
* "Kriss became a defacto mentor for our posse and she came down on 7/28/17 to speak to us and answer our questions about the hiring process, transition to a work envirornment and her Turing experience."
I had a blast working with you Dan. I loved the constant communication we had and I really appreciated the fact that you respect my time. Whenever we worked, we worked hard. It was super satisfying. I also want to say that I really appreciate your patience with me especially when it came to the localStorage part in our code and how you were using a counter to define each individual idea. I know it took me a while to understand it, but it was really helpful that you continued to explain it to me and even let me explain it through a couple times to you to make sure I was understanding it correctly. You were an awesome partner.
If I have one bit of advice to offer, I would say maybe next time you work with a partner, if you get some advice from your brother, see if your partner can sit in on the conversation. That way they don't have to play catchup later. Rather, they can hear the same awesome feedback your brother gave you. Otherwise though, again, I really had a great time working with you and look forwar
danalvarez5280 / FeedBack III
Last active July 31, 2017 04:21
Feedback III
* What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator?
* "I am showing that I and partners see myself as trustworthy, responsible, friendly, available, communicative and adaptable amoung other things."
* How do you use your strengths as a team member?
* "I try and stay on top of communicating where I am in the process and hold myself responsible for the work ahead."
* How would you like to continue to develop your strengths?
danalvarez5280 / Strengths and Storytelling Reflection
Last active July 25, 2017 19:10
Strength Finder and Personal Story.
# Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines
* Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?
My perceptions of my top 5 strengths have not really changed.
1. Communication - People who are good communicators have an easy time talking to people. In my experience this does describe me as I am almost always able to find a topic that I enjoy speaking to others about.
2. Consistency - I think this means that people are able to expect, rely or predict my behavior. People can expect certain class of work, behavior, attitude and demeanor.
3. Harmony - I think Harmony and empathy have similar meanings. I do not look for conflict. If avoidable I will avoid it. However that doesn't stop me from having conflict in my life. Sometime conflict will lead to harmony. But by understanding what others are feeling, or thinking I am able to create an atmosphere where we all can collectively enjoy ou
Template for DTR Memo
Group Member Names:
***Travis Rollins Dan Alvarez