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Last active December 29, 2023 03:54
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  1. 為什麼這個職位要招人?之前有過這個職位的人嗎?他是為什麼離職的?還是單純因為公司高速增長所以多了這個職缺?
  2. 你覺得大家想留在貴司的理由是什麼?文化、價值觀、薪資之類的嗎?
  3. 如果我錄取了,公司希望我在頭三個月內做的三件事情是什麼?
  4. 在你心目中,要成功地做好這份工作,需要做到哪幾點或特質?
  5. 公司怎樣衡量員工的 performance 的?
  6. 公司去年有遇到什麼重大問題?最後是怎麼克服的?
  7. 員工通常都待多久?
  8. 公司會辦什麼活動給員工參加嗎?
  9. (最後一題問):剛才說過的話裡,有沒有哪些內容讓你覺得我不合適的?


  1. Tell me about some of the most difficult problems you worked on and how you solved them.
  2. Why do you want this job?
  3. Why do you want to leave your current job?
  4. What is your biggest failure in your current job

for C 字輩:

  1. 公司的 core value?
  2. 如果員工犯錯,你都怎麼處理?(是看他犯錯讓他成長,還是插手干預?)
  3. 如果員工吵架,你都怎麼處理?
  4. 如果聽到員工在公司 talk behind others back,what would you do? (jaded employees)
  5. 如果屬下的提案你不同意,你都怎麼處理?
  6. 如果你要離開公司、公司倒閉,最有可能會是什麼原因?
  7. 你在這間公司犯過罪大的錯是什麼?


  1. 尋找雙贏的局面(理解對方的利益訴求)
    1. identify rival's negotiation style: if they're using a competitive negotiation style, we need to be ready for the chance that the deal might fall through
  2. 開局:
    1. 營造雙贏氛圍
    2. 扮演不情願的一方
    3. 開場開出高於心理預期的條件
    4. 永不接受對方第一次的出價
    5. 學會感到意外
    6. 使用沈默成交法
  3. 中場:
    1. 營造虛擬的上級
    2. 作出讓步時,要用遞減法,而且必須是交換
    3. 絕不主動提出價格折中策略,而是鼓勵對方提出(這樣他才會覺得是他主導他贏了談判)
    4. 遇到僵局,問題暫且放下,轉聊其他方面
  4. 終局:
    1. 可以揭穿對方的黑臉白臉策略、自己也用、或是找場外的虛擬上司做黑臉
    2. 用蠶食策略再多要利益
    3. 在不得已的情況下收回條件回到原點
    4. 談判結束後,要恭喜對方贏得了談判
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如果我錄取了,公司希望我在頭三個月內做的三件事情是什麼?onboard 的時候希望先帶流程. If i was hired, what would you expect me to do in the first 90 days?
在你心目中,要成功地做好這份工作,需要做到哪些事?希望 open-minded, 股力溝通. In your opinion, what kind of personality or skill sets is required for this job?netbase: 細心、資料敏感度、溝通能力、工程能力、QA 能力
剛才說過的話裡,有沒有哪些內容讓你覺得我不合適的? Did what i just said make you feel inappropriate for this position?
公司怎樣衡量員工的 performance 的?How do evaluate employee‘s performance?
公司去年有遇到什麼重大問題?最後是怎麼克服的?What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in ? how do you solve it?
這個團隊有幾個人? How many people are there in ?
這份工作會用到哪些技術? What’s the tech stack of ?

We are looking for someone with experience in multiple areas. Such as Scala/Java/Python, Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Spark Streaming, Flink, Presto, Hbase, Kafka, Zookeeper, Airflow.

Scala, Java, Python, Hadoop, Spark, Elasticsearch, Redis, Hbase

目標:When i was 20 years old, i was pretty interested in data science, especially NLP area. So when i graduate, i joined Dcard, a Taiwan version of Reddit.
障礙:the first
to build recommendation system using some NLP model. After finishing the first edition, we had about 10% progress of user’s retention and the average time they spent on Dcard per day. But we met a bottleneck after that. Because Taiwan doesn’t have as much users as Reddit do, so sometimes there’s no contents for recommendation system to recommend. Therefore, i’ve been looking for a new company and want to be a machine learning engineer.

And then Tresl, which is my current company. it’s a us-based startup. At tresl, i take charge of warehouse architecting and ETL pipeline.

That’s the reason why i would like to apply this , i think my skill set really aligns this position and make me have more chance to use much Spark and Hadoop.

I’ve noticed that handshakes SEER is made of name entity recognition and nlp algorithm, which aligns to my experience. And i also have hands-on experience of ETL, Akka and Spark. I hope these would make me a good fit for Handshakes!

500 columns + 10M rows
用 nosql 或 casandra
wide table: clickhouse

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doorstep: work with scientist team. scale crawler, data architecture (live pricing system, precompute all property

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zepillin: 把錄影的資料跟結帳的資料做 attribution,很難做;engineering 上是 streaming 資料的切割、attribute 很難,還要能回查影像

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david30907d commented Oct 28, 2021

appier: Spark 我偏弱、但他覺得可以學這樣、他們有用 denormalization 但是做得比我爛、覺得怎麼選 framework 很重要、
這個職缺是掛在 enterprise data team 底下

怡婷 (axion product lead):怎麼賣產品、是新產品要讓其他產品來 adopt 這個東西,有點難
討論到沒共識的時候:快到 deadline 才做決定,怡婷會做決定(一兩次)
但他不會 coaching,會直接給建議

HR: 會給 manager training
公司最大的 risk: 投資者 buy 不 buy in

robert: 會議後 1-on-1 給 feedback�。
提案是錯的的話呢?:robert 會分享經驗給他看
組員的意見跟他不同的話,通常會 defer his/her decision

Joe: 最大風險是 recruiting、公司做得最不好的事情:沒有...
pipeline 問題:3大類、地圖、dashboard

DH: clarity 管理上面給同事的方向要清楚、emotion 的 control、不要太過保守、
下一層往往不夠清楚上面的理念;direct communication、如果重新創業會多找同學一起來、問他如果重新來過的話你會做哪些調整,他說往前看的人沒辦法回答這個問題

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  1. 90 days: understanding our ETL pipeline/system works, make recommendation for system/crawlers stability; system didn't work as intended.
  2. CTO: one thing that comes to mind: property-ready, need to log some line items like your wall need to be repainted or your sink is broken (TO-DO list to make your property ready); The way to store our data is not very structure.; Operation team needs to type-in data manually
  3. CEO: In some cases, you prefer building our own tools to avoid slowing us down!

advice for me:
need to know the lifecycle of property!

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by Yilin:

  1. 90 days: speed up inference
  2. CTO: reduce CTO's coding time, scale the team, not enough engineer resource!
  3. CEO: make sure we can scale our business to other market!

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By Devon:

  1. me: speed up our Airflow pipeline for the sake of scaling~
  2. CTO: focus on giving improving each teams process and bring 3 teams in sync. improving processing, not having great visibility. Goal management!
  3. CEO: serious B funding

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