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davidad / straights.txt
Created March 3, 2011 04:07
A list of all possible first-roll Yahtzee hands, sorted by straight-ness.
0/no straight: 11111
0/no straight: 11112
0/no straight: 11113
0/no straight: 11114
0/no straight: 11115
0/no straight: 11116
0/no straight: 11121
0/no straight: 11122
0/no straight: 11123
0/no straight: 11124
\usepackage{lmodern} % font definition

Lucid Typing: Resolving the false dichotomy of static vs. dynamic


In designing a programming language, it is conventional wisdom that one must decide quite early whether its type system will be static or dynamic. If it is static, then all the types must be resolved at compile time, without any knowledge of the actual data the program will operate on. On the other hand, if it is dynamic, then all the types must be resolved at the moment it is necessary, with no way of anticipating potential errors or optimizations in advance. We show that the primary reason for this dichotomy is the common notion of mutability, and propose a system of "lucid types" which provides static-like analysis in the runtime environment, while smoothly permitting fully dynamic typing and fully compile-time typing as two ends of a continuum.

davidad / merging.hs
Created November 17, 2009 04:55 — forked from anonymous/merging.hs
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Ord
class JoinLattice a where
Homoiconic Propagator Networks
An MMP Mini-Proposal by David Dalrymple
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# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install ghc6 ghc6-prof ghc6-doc haddock libglut-dev happy alex \
libedit-dev zlib1g-dev checkinstall libghc6-mtl-prof
# Get haskell-platform
tar -xzf haskell-platform-2009.2.0.2.tar.gz
cd haskell-platform-2009.2.0.2
Apparently, git + pastebin =