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7th Saga, The (USA)
ActRaiser (USA)
Aladdin (USA)
Alien 3 (USA)
Arkanoid - Doh it Again (USA)
Axelay (USA)
davidrenne / gist:c903998b98b7920d529f9c9f169e2f3b
Created May 24, 2022 14:02
Calculate moment-timezone GMT time regardless of users local timezone offset.
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
moment().tz("America/Detroit", true).utcOffset(0, false).format();
davidrenne / gist:638d10102fc75ac62334dc85301be836
Created January 18, 2019 09:27
ALT + ` (Switch between same application windows)
!`:: ; Next window
WinGetClass, ActiveClass, A
WinGet, WinClassCount, Count, ahk_class %ActiveClass%
IF WinClassCount = 1
WinGet, List, List, % "ahk_class " ActiveClass
Loop, % List
index := List - A_Index + 1
davidrenne / gist:af714f8b683a478931edfd8381adb598
Created December 21, 2018 10:45
Paste into console to scroll forever and be able to stop it later. Perfect for screen scraping and just printing a pdf of most sites who forever load.
var scrollInt = 0;
function ScrollForever() {
scrollInt = window.setInterval(function() {window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);}, 1000);
function StopScrolling() {
davidrenne / gist:28e123e27417f3326aee18363f69bc77
Created June 6, 2018 14:41
This is an example abstraction for TextField MUI slowness to convert your onChange callers to set parent state onBlur instead and keep state local to render the individual textbox component
import MUIField from 'material-ui/TextField';
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class TextField extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
value: props.value || props.defaultValue
davidrenne / gist:8a090f68d62192e2aed8a57a6da38130
Created January 7, 2018 20:43
All stories exported
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file. User Bjorn_Freeh Memories
=========================MEMORY INFO=====================================
|Memory Name:Answering Interview:Batman for TV, 1966<br/><br/>Do you remember when Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) climbed the charts in prime-time TV?
|Place:Marysville, Michigan
davidrenne / gist:b5fe3cd6ba5ecb05f3fe5f78ed43ae82
Created January 7, 2018 19:41
Description of memorycrawler podcast Podcast Episode 1: Our First Podcast!
Alan Jackson song was removed so we dont have any copyright issues (Search for a song called www.memory). TheMemoryCrawler is nervous about first podcast and tries to give a site overview. Calling grandpataylor (memory about catching fish). Shithouse memory from grandpataylor. Facebook integration with memorycrawler. Toe Jam and Earl relation to memorycrawler rankings. Post a memory of being a home wrecker. Calling brother dan10878 (sorry about the low audio). Beth Stalker plug. All you need is a little TCF bank! Susan loves my pathetic things I have done. Bank nightmares/learning experiences. Release of the wii. Name that videogame tune. Podcast Episode 2: Thanksgiving Special
Memorycrawler Thanksgiving special. Interview with Aunt Becca. Knock down of her Ex-Husband and popping babies out. Baby stories of when Becca was born. Dan, Dave and Noel talk about Pickled Pigs Feet. Uncle Kirt talks about Marthon experience. Barb Taylor tal
if [[ "$1" == "y" ]]; then
echo -n "Enter username>";
read username;
echo "$username"
davidrenne / gocore_install
Last active October 11, 2017 05:37
gocore install
set -e
rm -rf $appName/
mkdir -p $appName/build$camelUpper
mkdir -p $appName/modelBuild$camelUpper
cd $appName/
Ebay 96 case 1: 1990s/2000s Rock/Metal Collection
The Mars Volta\De-Loused in the Comatorium
Cave In\Jupiter
Jimmy Eat World\Bleed American
Spawn\The Album
Stone Temple Pilots\Shangri La Dee Da
Queens of the stone age\Songs for the Deaf