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Working from home

Daniel Gomes dcsg

Working from home
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webmozart /
Last active July 22, 2018 13:38
Composer Resource Integration
webmozart / .gitattributes
Last active July 22, 2018 13:39
Automatically replacing variables in PHP files when doing "git add"
*.php filter=subvars
namespace OpenSky\Bundle\APIBundle\Serializer;
use JMS\Serializer\JsonSerializationVisitor;
class ArraySerializationVisitor extends JsonSerializationVisitor
public function getResult()
jbenet /
Last active June 17, 2024 14:53
a simple git branching model

a simple git branching model (written in 2013)

This is a very simple git workflow. It (and variants) is in use by many people. I settled on it after using it very effectively at Athena. GitHub does something similar; Zach Holman mentioned it in this talk.

Update: Woah, thanks for all the attention. Didn't expect this simple rant to get popular.

tlberglund / git-loglive
Last active January 12, 2024 03:40
Log Live Git Command
while :
git --no-pager log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate --all $*
sleep 1
tlberglund / gist:3208768
Created July 30, 2012 18:08
Live Log Script
while :
git --no-pager log -$1 --graph --all --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
sleep 1
csanz /
Created April 29, 2012 15:41
Hackathons 101


Just some quick notes on how to create a hackathon, super simple really.

Sponsors & Judges

  • Prepare one page summary of the event (Name, venue, audience numbers)
  • Reach out to tech evangelist from various companies, offer 10 minutes to pitch their APIs (skype or in person)
  • Reach out to influential hackers to be judges and includes sponsors
ziadoz /
Last active July 13, 2024 05:29
Awesome PHP — A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
saetia / gist:1623487
Last active July 16, 2024 05:56
Clean Install – OS X 10.11 El Capitan

OS X Preferences

most of these require logout/restart to take effect

# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
nathos / twitterbutton.sass
Last active September 26, 2015 18:17
Scalable twitter button
// change size to any (reasonable) percentage/px you want
// font-size: 200%
color: #4e839e
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif
font-weight: 300
line-height: 1em
text-decoration: none !important
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility
padding: 0.5em 0.7em