Save deanet/3427090 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
## uploading to google | |
## rev: 22 Aug 2012 16:07 | |
det=`date +%F` | |
browser="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1" | |
username="user@domain-apps.com" | |
password="password" | |
accountype="HOSTED" #gooApps = HOSTED , gmail=GOOGLE | |
pewede="/tmp" | |
file="file-$det.tar" | |
tipe="application/x-tar" | |
/usr/bin/curl -v --data-urlencode Email=$username --data-urlencode Passwd=$password -d accountType=$accountype -d service=writely -d source=cURL "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" > $pewede/login.txt | |
token=`cat $pewede/login.txt | grep Auth | cut -d \= -f 2` | |
uploadlink=`/usr/bin/curl -Sv -k --request POST -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" -H "GData-Version: 3.0" -H "Content-Type: $tipe" -H "Slug: $file" "https://docs.google.com/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full?convert=false" -D /dev/stdout | grep "Location:" | sed s/"Location: "//` | |
/usr/bin/curl -Sv -k --request POST --data-binary "@$file" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" -H "GData-Version: 3.0" -H "Content-Type: $tipe" -H "Slug: $file" "$uploadlink" > $pewede/goolog.upload.txt |
Drocsid: I had the same issue. When I looked at what was being returned, I was getting an authentication error because I have 2 factor authentication turned on. To get around this I have opted to create an application password for this script. Using that password and it all works fine again.
Updated the version by @andreapergola to use Zenity for username/passwords and upload progress making it cleaner to integrate via a nautilus action or similar. I had to use a trap to kill the curl
command if the Zenity progress is cancelled, if anyone has a better solution please update
# based on https://gist.github.com/deanet/3427090
# useful $HOME/.gdrive.conf options:
# curl_args="--limit-rate 500K --progress-bar"
trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT
browser="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36"
destination_folder_id=${@: -1}
if expr "$destination_folder_id" : '^[A-Za-z0-9]\{28\}$' > /dev/null
# all but last word
set -- "${@:0:$#}"
# upload to root
unset destination_folder_id
if [ -e $HOME/.gdrive.conf ]
. $HOME/.gdrive.conf
umask 0077
if [ -z "$username" ]
ENTRY=`zenity --password --username --title="Drive Login"`
case $? in
username=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f1`
password=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f2`
unset token
echo "username=$username" >> $HOME/.gdrive.conf
if [ -z "$account_type" ]
if expr "$username" : '^[^@]*$' > /dev/null || expr "$username" : '.*@gmail.com$' > /dev/null
if [ -z "$password$token" ]
ENTRY=`zenity --password --title="Password" --text="Enter your Google Drive password"`
case $? in
unset token
if [ -z "$token" ]
token=`curl --silent --data-urlencode Email=$username --data-urlencode Passwd="$password" --data accountType=$account_type --data service=writely --data source=cURL "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" | sed -ne s/Auth=//p`
sed -ie '/^token=/d' $HOME/.gdrive.conf
echo "token=$token" >> $HOME/.gdrive.conf
umask $old_umask
for file in "$@"
if [ "$file" != "$0" ]
slug=`basename "$file"`
mime_type=`file --brief --mime-type "$file"`
upload_link=`curl --silent --show-error --insecure --request POST --header "Content-Length: 0" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "https://docs.google.com/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full${destination_folder_id+/folder:$destination_folder_id/contents}?convert=$convert_to_googledocs" --dump-header - | sed -ne s/"Location: "//p`
echo "$file:"
curl --request POST --output /dev/null --data-binary "@$file" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "$upload_link" $curl_args -# 2>&1 | stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' | grep -o --line-buffered '[0-9]*\.[0-9]' | zenity --progress --title="Uploading..." --text="${file##*/}" --auto-close --auto-kill
case $? in
I've adapted (improved? You judge!) this script still further by allowing the destination_folder_id to be stored in the ~/.gdrive.conf file. I have written a HOWTO which describes how to use this tool as part of backing up medium-resolution family photos to Google Drive:
One more thing that might help get this working:
You may need to enable access to less secure apps at this page.
Also, there's a problem with the various enhanced scripts on this page: in order to determine if the type is HOSTED or GOOGLE, they check the username (email) to see if it's a Gmail address. This is not correct because you can now use a non-Gmail account to set up a Google account; that's what I'm doing. I have a non-Gmail account with email hosted somewhere else, but I'm using Google's other services (Drive).
I think I am looking for this one. but I don't understand how to use these script. anyone explain?
Edit: OK, I got it now, great works.
Great script - but having a problem getting it to run properly on a raspberry PI.
Weird problem. When I run it I'm getting "curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL" in the final curl in the definition of $upload_link.
If I then edit the script and replace $upload_link variable with the actual $upload_link string it runs fine.
For example:
curl --request POST --output /dev/null --data-binary "@$file" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "$upload_link" $curl_args
replaced with:
curl --request POST --output /dev/null --data-binary "@$file" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "https://docs.google.com/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full?convert=true&upload_id=######" $curl_args
works fine.
Any ideas?
@nzbaxterman I ran into this problem too. The request to get the upload URL seems to have a line break in it now. Stripping that works for me:
upload_link = `curl ... | tr -d '\r\n'`
@kane-c tnx works for me
Nice work!
Anyone know how to avoid the file duplication?
Here have some info about how manage folders, could be nice get the list of folder names and overwrite the files to avoid duplication:
Here have info about how make an update case the file exist:
Here the author is using the new google drive api, where you can specify the 'uploadType':
I think we have elements to make a complete sync client in bash!
does this still works? I always get
when authenticating. Seems like Google deprecated this kind of authentication
@nicolabeghin it doesn't work anymore.
This code doesn't work anymore because google has enforced OAUTH 2.0.
Grive doesn't depend on Qt or Xorg.
Google enforcing OAuth this script doesn't work any more;
You will get a 404 on "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" when requesting the "${token}"
This one works fine with OAuth 2 : https://github.com/labbots/google-drive-upload
You will need an API client and secret : Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/ and create a "Google Drive" credential of type "OAuth client ID", sub type "other"
(Adding that here as this gist still popups first on google search)
evolution happens:
* automatically gleans MIME type from file * uploads multiple files * removes directory prefix from filename * works with filenames with spaces * uses dotfile for configuration and token * interactively configuring * uploads to target folder if last argument looks like a folder id * quieter output * uses longer command line flags for readability * throttle by adding `curl_args="--limit-rate 500K"` to $HOME/.gdrive.conf
#!/bin/bash # based on https://gist.github.com/deanet/3427090 # # useful $HOME/.gdrive.conf options: # curl_args="--limit-rate 500K --progress-bar" browser="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36" destination_folder_id=${@: -1} if expr "$destination_folder_id" : '^[A-Za-z0-9]\{28\}$' > /dev/null then # all but last word set -- "${@:0:$#}" else # upload to root unset destination_folder_id fi if [ -e $HOME/.gdrive.conf ] then . $HOME/.gdrive.conf fi old_umask=`umask` umask 0077 if [ -z "$username" ] then read -p "username: " username unset token echo "username=$username" >> $HOME/.gdrive.conf fi if [ -z "$account_type" ] then if expr "$username" : '^[^@]*$' > /dev/null || expr "$username" : '.*@gmail.com$' > /dev/null then account_type=GOOGLE else account_type=HOSTED fi fi if [ -z "$password$token" ] then read -s -p "password: " password unset token echo fi if [ -z "$token" ] then token=`curl --silent --data-urlencode Email=$username --data-urlencode Passwd="$password" --data accountType=$account_type --data service=writely --data source=cURL "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" | sed -ne s/Auth=//p` sed -ie '/^token=/d' $HOME/.gdrive.conf echo "token=$token" >> $HOME/.gdrive.conf fi umask $old_umask for file in "$@" do slug=`basename "$file"` mime_type=`file --brief --mime-type "$file"` upload_link=`curl --silent --show-error --insecure --request POST --header "Content-Length: 0" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "https://docs.google.com/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full${destination_folder_id+/folder:$destination_folder_id/contents}?convert=false" --dump-header - | sed -ne s/"Location: "//p` echo "$file:" curl --request POST --output /dev/null --data-binary "@$file" --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=${token}" --header "GData-Version: 3.0" --header "Content-Type: $mime_type" --header "Slug: $slug" "$upload_link" $curl_args done
Still working, great !
curl: (3) malformed