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Last active May 26, 2021 18:52
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insane parenthetic style for javascript

[thoughts in progress ~ started 9 NOV 2013]

update 12 DEC 2103

insane parenthetic style for javascript

Lately I've been looking at the various jvm alternative languages (groovy, scala, jruby, clojure) to see which one's syntax makes life easier for us front-end typists dealing with JavaScript.

There's a nice bit of clojure on this page:

(ns rosettacode.24game
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn parse-infix-data
  "input '1+2+3+4'
   output (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
   where the numbers are clojure numbers, and the symbols are clojure operators"
  [string] (map read-string (next (str/split string #""))))

I can't tell you how map or read-string work, or what next is really doing exactly, but the structure is clear enough that I'm not mystified by ns, require, the str alias, defn, or the heredoc string (which actually does explain how this works).

This is not an argument for using yet another {?}-to-javascript transpiler such as scriptjure or clojurescript. But if you could write your JavaScript in a declarative manner, easy to read and organize, etc., without need of a source transformation a la CoffeeScript or browserify, wouldn't you just do it?

an AMD version

Assuming we have a shim for clojure.string like so

function clojureString(string) {
    return string.split('').join(' ');

we could translate the clojure bit above straight into AMD as:

require.config({ 'str' : 'clojureString' });

define('rosettacode.24game.parseInfixData', function (require, exports, module) {

  var str = require('str');
  module.exports = parseInfixData;
  function parseInfixData(string) {
    return str(string);

This is the short form of AMD's define method which @jrburke has done a pretty good job getting to work in requirejs - it's pretty close to ideal IMO ~ see fixing imports - but there's still something wrong with the picture.

alternative APIs

In my years-long search for a better CommonJS/AMD API, I would have translated that to JavaScript as

ns('rosettacode.24game'); // similar to dojo.provide

importScripts({ 'str' : 'clojureString' }); // similar to dojo.require && require.config

define('parseInfixData', function (module) {  // similar to dojo.declare

  var str = module.require('str');
  module.exports = parseInfixData;
  function parseInfixData(string) {
    return str(string);

Or in a chained manner:

importScripts({ 'str' : 'clojure.string' }).
defmodule('parseInfixData', function (module) {

  var str = module.require('str');
  module.exports = parseInfixData;
  function parseInfixData(string) {
    return str(string);


There's even a Universal Module Definition variant on all this. The following example is taken from Bob Yexley's UMD: JavaScript modules that run anywhere:

(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
        define(["jquery", "underscore"], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === "object") {
        module.exports = factory(require("jquery"), require("underscore"));
    } else {
        root.Requester = factory(root.$, root._);
}(this, function ($, _) {
    // this is where I defined my module implementation

    var Requester = { // ... };

    return Requester;

alternative chaining API

As I was working out various alternatives, I used the following require statement in a test (using @substack's tape:

test('inline', function (t) {

    var result = require('rosettacode.24game.parseInfixData')('1+2+3+4'); // <-- chained functions
    t.equal(result, '1 + 2 + 3 + 4');

That seems slightly cryptic at first. The require call returns a module.exports object - which in this case is the parseInfixData function - which is then invoked with the '1+2+3+4' argument.

So, rather than returning a common object, the chain returns a common function.

so what? how does that help?

It seems like a nice pattern for breaking up methods with multiple arguments and argument types into declarative invocation sequences (excuse the gratuitous ten-dollar jargon).

Now, instead of the short form of the AMD define method which takes only the factory function parameter, let's look at the long form.

define('id', ['array', 'of', 'dependencies'], function factory(array, of, dependencies) {
    // etc.

Here everything has to be laid out in order - the id, the array of dependencies to be loaded, and the factory function whose argument list must match the order of names in the dependency array. That's heavy (which is why the short form was develoeped), but it's actually pretty close to the declarative format.

The declarative or chained API version would look like this, where define kicks off the sequence:

define('id')('array', 'of', 'dependencies')(function factory(array, of dependencies) {
    // etc.

I tried that with the following fake module boilerplate (where defn replaces define):

// chain method that returns itself
function consume(arg) {

  // decide by arg type
  var type = typeof arg;
  if (type == 'function') {
    return void def(arg) // <-- note use of void to return undefined
    // alternative: just call def(arg) w/o blocking a return value
  else if (type == 'string') {
    load.apply(this, arguments)
  return consume

// first call here
function defn(id) {
  // set up this context with id, etc., and start cpi
  return consume 

// fetch items not loaded
function load() {
  // proceed with require resolutions

// final stop for this pattern
function def(fn) {
  // process fnbody if using triple comment strings (bear with me)
  // then invoke when all dependencies available
  var exports = {}, {exports: {}})
  // finally, reset context for next defn() call...

then called this

defn('id')('array', 'of', 'dependencies')(function factory(array, of, dependenciese) {
  // etc.

and it worked, printing out

["array", "of", "dependencies"]
factory(array, of, dependencies)

I then broke up the same-line layout with newlines

  ('array', 'of', 'dependencies')
  (function factory(array, of, dependencies) {
    // etc.

and it worked. Then I added whitespace for some readability


  ('array', 'of', 'dependencies')
  (function factory(array, of, dependencies) {
    // etc.

and it worked. Then I removed some indentation


('array', 'of', 'dependencies')

(function factory(array, of, dependencies) {
  // etc.

and it worked. Then I added grouping parentheses


('array', 'of', 'dependencies')

(function factory(array, of, dependencies) {
  // etc.

and it worked.

Thus, a clojure-like syntax for JavaScript modules - sans significant whitespace - which is practically readable.

chained cpi

Not sure what to call this pattern but "chained consumer api" or "chained cpi" for short stands a reasonable chance. In this pattern, a function always returns another function unless by argument type or value it is designated last in the chain.

The chained CPI pattern has some interesting benefits:

  • only one new global loader/definer variable to use
  • only one semi-colon required per defn() blob
  • the trailing semi-colon prevents successor statements from being processed as arguments
  • you can use void in the method that ends the sequence (rescuing a JS bad part for good)
  • multiple requires or setup can be grouped in one blob,
  • ...or stacked on separate lines
  • runtimes allow spaces between blobs for readability
  • indentation is optional
  • parentheses can be used for grouping instead

fixing imports

Addy Osmani says somewhere (his Backbone or Design Patterns series) that "the elephant in the room" with respect to JavaScript is the lack of built-in module/dependency loading/resolution.

With all due respect, the elephant in the room is CommonJS and the synchronous require() method. Here are several libs and articles that attempt to deal with this for various use-cases:

To make up for that in the browser, AMD specifies - and RequireJS and SeaJS both implement - this:

define(id, [list, of, dependencies], function (module, require, exports, a, b, c,) {
    // your mileage variance here

As stated earlier, that is one big method call with 6 possible argument variations. RequireJS and SeaJS both implement another variation:

define(function(module, require, exports) {

  var a = require('a')
  module.exports = {
    getA: function () {
      return a

RequireJS then examines the function via toString() for require statements and loads them as needed, calling the function when they are ready. (AngularJS does something similar.)

For some, this pattern is just too much:

but again, I think this version of define is very close - it still leaves us with some configuration to do - mainly elsewhere - which I think should instead be as close to the code as possible. For that I suggest...

configuration injection

A configuration specifier argument for dependencies helps us out here. Instead of just paths we can provide the alias or local varName we would have used with require() - so instead of:


  (function () {
    var a = require('a');
    var b = require('b');
    module.exports = fn;
    function fn(arg) {
      return 'fn(arg): ' + a(arg) + b(arg);

we can use a and b as if declared 'globally'


  ({'a' : 'path',
    'b' : 'path' })
  (function () {
    module.exports = fn;
    function fn(arg) {
      return 'fn(arg): ' + a(arg) + b(arg); // <-- pseudo globals for dependencies

and eliminate the require statements altogether.

For that to work we need to execute the factory function inside another function that receives the varName references as arguments. That way you do not need to specify every argument in the correct order in the factory param list.

[ TODO ~ details , maybe an implementation ]

And suddenly we have shorter code, easier on the eyes, plus:

  • specifying configuration and imports in one statement allows us to mock things as necessary for tests
  • we can declare/pass a global for window
  • we need only specify global.<some_name> for anything that exports itself to the global scope rather than imports.

cpi pattern in CoffeeScript

Alas, CoffeeScript does not support the whitespace-between-lines pattern or the triple-chars comment. You can use backticks in CoffeeScript which will include the ticked source as pure JavaScript, but that gets us out of CoffeeScript proper so what is the real win?

For the imports and factory parts, you have to write your CoffeeScript version of this as

defn("d")('a', 'b', 'c')(->
  F = ->
    a() + b() + c()

  module.exports = F

to produce this:

defn("d")('a', 'b', 'c')(function() {
  var F;
  F = function() {
    return a() + b() + c();
  return module.exports = F;

However where the imports list gets big for a single line, start parens on one line are needed to keep order.

So this

  'a', 'b', 'c')(
  'd', 'e', 'f')(->
    F = ->
      a() + b() + c()

    module.exports = F

or this

defn( "F" )(  'a', 'b', 'c'  )(
  'd', 'e', 'f'
 )( ->
    F = ->
      a() + b() + c()

    module.exports = F

will produce this:

defn("F")('a', 'b', 'c')('d', 'e', 'f')(function() {
  var F;
  F = function() {
    return a() + b() + c();
  return module.exports = F;

However, that feels awkward to write. Using a config spec argument for the imports part makes the CoffeeScript easier to type, and to read.

This in CoffeeScript:

  a: "path"
  b: "path"
  c: "path"
)( ->
  F = ->
    a() + b() + c()

  module.exports = F

produces this in JavaScript:

  'a': 'path',
  'b': 'path',
  'c': 'path'
})(function() {
  var F;
  F = function() {
    return a() + b() + c();
  return module.exports = F;

which you can write straight in JavaScript as


  ({'a' : 'path',
    'b' : 'path',
    'c' : 'path' })
  (function () {

    module.exports = F;
    function F(arg) {
      return a() + b() + c();


deferred parsing/evaluation

"defer javascript parsing/evaluation" has emerged as an accepted performance tip. Not surprisingly, like so many other front-end performance tips, this advice is not uniformly well-supported by browsers (i.e., a source file loaded is parsed and evaluated as soon as possible - ajax responses excepted).

We can get around that by supporting functions with special comment chars such as mstring by (@rjrodger):


('a', 'b', 'c')

(function(){/*** // <-- the triple comment denotes the start of a multi-line string
  console.log( // main
  var a = require('a')
  var b = require('b')
  var c = require('c')
  module.exports = function ashley() {
    return // "main"
***/}));// <-- ... and the closing triple comment denotes the end of the multi-line string

The strategy there is to parse the function body for its content between the /*** and ***/ tokens with

var fs = fn.toString();
var table = fs.match(/\/(\*){3,3}[^\*]+(\*){3,3}\//);

and store that somewhere until the factory needs to be run.

The heroic Tobie Langel has addressed this approach in some detail.

So, the win for us here is that only those modules required on a page are actually parsed, evaluated and executed. The others may be loaded in stringified fashion, possibly even pre-packed together so that a site can download one file and cache it without the eval-all cost that normally brings.

This pattern gives us a few more benefits:

  • no need to type the module param/argument in the factory function definition anymore
  • our module loader can do the 'injecting' of various pseudo-globals (module, require, exports, global)
  • our module loader can also pass other dependencies, like defer, debug, assert, or imports for the list of imported dependencies, etc.
  • the triple-comment need only be used on deferred stuff - leaving the possibility of smoke testing the factory functions beforehand.

commented factories in CoffeeScript

For the stringification, CoffeeScript supports backticks for pure JavaScript (again, I do not recommend that), or going with the YUI compressor copyright comment indicator - /*! - so that

defn -> ###!
  your code here


defn(function() {
    your code here


The copyright comment indicator may be the way to go here but I suspect we are really going to have to use a different kind of linter/compressor solution for the stringification of commented code.

update: I'd also been alerted that some browsers don't return comments in source when using function.toString(). I'm not worried yet, as those tend to be older browsers, or just incompetent mobile providers (... and who uses mobile anyway?).


JavaScript has no built-in annotation support. We can fake it with labels,

  some code here

but you have to add more symbols around them just to prevent their removal by minifiers

{{ 'annotation' : some code here })

which means layering on some new capability just to beat the minifiers.

Insted of that, the cpi pattern can be used for declaring / expecting certain annotation statements:



Now that is becoming a more general pattern as I stream my conscious thought process through this concept.

The 'example' method here uses a cpi that expects annotation labels or directives, followed by implementation blocks (objects or functions).

[ __need an implementation of this, please ~ see defmacro __ ]

bdd boilerplate using the cpi pattern

Take the fairly common bdd describe-it-expect pattern

describe(str, function() {

  describe(str, function() {
    it(str, function(done){
    it(str, function(done){

and turn it into a cpi variant like this:


    (before) // a before object or annotation string
    (after) // an after object or annotation string
    (str) // it statement - should do something
    (str) // it statement - should not do something

Not a huge improvement but one difference stands out: There are no comma-delimited multi-argument method calls. So, again, you can structure your program vertically into declarative statements.

basic pattern

So the pattern underneath it all might look slightly ruby-ish:



(end));  // maybe??

def is a method, name is an object or string, followed by an implementation object or function, and end is an object or string terminating the cpi sequence for the given def() call.


All we need now is a way to create these macro-like invocation chains - defmacro.js - which I'll be focusing on the next few days. GOD HELP ME

Update 12 DEC 2013

an implementation of the macro pattern

based on learning tests with metafunction.

// 12 DEC 2013
// IT RUNS BUT I'm not completely happy with this yet
// having to call macro() already bugs me
// need a way to defer function executions:
// + functions in the 3rd input step in macro tests are executed immediately
// + need to expose the api of each created instance to real tests with jasmine or tape 
// + maybe add a way to save a reference to the macro, like meta() or something...

// the count++ statements are unindented so they're easier to scan from the rest of the implementation.

var count = 0;
var start = (new Date()).getTime();

;(function () {
    if (typeof global == 'undefined' && window) { = window
    var macros = {};
    global.macro = macro;
    function macro(id) {
        return macros[id][id]
    global.defmacro = defmacro;
    function defmacro(id) {
        var m = macros[id] || (macros[id] = function (value) { 
        }); = id
        return get(m)(id)
    function get(m) {
        return function (s) {
   = s
            return set(m)
    function set(m) {
        return function (fn) {
            (typeof fn == 'function') || (function (msg) { 
                throw new Error(msg); 
             }('must define a function argument for \'' + + '\''));
            m[] = function () {
                fn.apply(m, arguments);
                return m[]
            return get(m)


// simple by-arg-type delegation test

  (function test(arg) {
      var t = typeof arg;
  (function string(arg) {
      console.log('string %s', arg)
  (function object(arg) {
      console.log('object %o', arg)
  (function fn(arg) {
      console.log('function %o', arg)

  ({ id: 'object' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

  ({ id: '2' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)
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I'd dig into this further but I'm on a deadline. Fun stuff.


string str
object %o { id: 'object' }
function %o function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)
string 2
object %o { id: '2' }
function %o function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)


object %o { id: 'object' }
function %o function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)
object %o { id: '2' }
function %o function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

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dfkaye commented Dec 12, 2013

Lightbulb moment ~ use commonjs api instead of abstracting it away...?




var test = require(name);


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dfkaye commented Dec 23, 2013

// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

// update to Jamon's take. fixed global assignment & fn return statement to call m[id][id](value)

var count = 0;
var start = (new Date()).getTime();

;(function () {
    if (typeof global == 'undefined' && window) { = window

    var macros = {};

    global.defmacro = defmacro;
    function defmacro(id) {
        var m = macros[id] || (macros[id] = global[id] = function (value) { 
            return macros[id][id](value); // <-- oops, wasn't invoking with (value)
        }); = id
        return get(m)(id)

    function get(m) {
        return function (s) {
   = s
            return set(m)

    function set(m) {
        return function (fn) {

            (typeof fn == 'function') || (function (msg) { 
                throw new Error(msg); 
             }('must define a function argument for \'' + + '\''));

            m[] = function () {
                fn.apply(m, arguments);
                return m[]

            return get(m)


// simple by-arg-type delegation test

  (function test(arg) {
      var t = typeof arg;
  (function string(arg) {
      console.log('string %s', arg)
  (function object(arg) {
      console.log('object %o', arg)
  (function fn(arg) {
      console.log('function %o', arg)

  ({ id: 'object' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

  ({ id: '2' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

Copy link

dfkaye commented May 26, 2021

// 26 May 2021: another update to move start/end parens around.
// Suddenly feels like... Behavioral Programming, without the generators.
// Also needs fixing around the params for type function - not sure what to do about it.

var count = 0;
var start = (new Date()).getTime();

;(function () {

    // TODO: replace this with ES export syntax
    if (typeof global == 'undefined' && window) { = window

    var macros = {};

    // TODO: replace this with ES export syntax
    global.defmacro = defmacro;
    function defmacro(id) {
      var m = macros[id] || (macros[id] = global[id] = function (value) {
        return macros[id][id](value); // <-- oops, wasn't invoking with (value)
      }); = id
      return get(m)(id)

    function get(m) {
      return function (s) {
        count++ = s
        return set(m)

    function set(m) {

      return function (fn) {

        (typeof fn == 'function') || (function (msg) {
            throw new Error(msg);
         }('must define a function argument for \'' + + '\''));

        m[] = function () {
          fn.apply(m, arguments);
          return m[]
        } = void 0;
        return get(m)

// Test it out with simple by-arg-type delegation test

  (function test(arg) {
      var t = typeof arg;
  (function string(arg) {
      console.log('string %s', arg)
  (function object(arg) {
      console.log('object %o', arg)
  (function fn(arg) {
      console.log('function %o', arg)
      // TODO: FIXME, Can't pass anything in from elsewhere.

  ({ id: 'object' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

  ({ id: '2' })
  (function (s) {
      console.log((new Date()).getTime() - start)

  ({ id: '3' })
  (function (s) {
      console.warn((new Date()).getTime() - start)

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