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.css-selector {
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    -webkit-animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
    -moz-animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
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card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:12:10+00:00 2c49d66b-a521-49f5-b8a2-5986923871f1 4e668b7f-c8d4-4494-ac54-81cc1635aaf6 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa New expiry date No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH
card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:11:57+00:00 6d8f98be-4c63-4fea-aaf7-783a65bcded6 0a7ee957-f41e-462f-8d03-623fcba803b0 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa New account number No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH
card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:11:48+00:00 8aa2b033-9da8-438c-9d4f-2b9e1ffef9d0 5065d533-83d7-4c16-b9ed-0bcabe7756f0 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa Match found - card is current No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH
x86_64-linux tests.nixos-functions.nixos-test
x86_64-linux tests.overriding
aarch64-linux nixos-install-tools
x86_64-linux nixpkgs-manual
x86_64-linux nixos-install-tools
card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:11:40+00:00 b0629367-ddcc-4209-a885-044c189f0151 49d9a90c-d04f-4ae3-ab36-892198c6b8e0 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa Error No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH
.css-selector {
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    background-size: 1400% 1400%;
    -webkit-animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
    -moz-animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
    -o-animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
    animation: AnimationName 45s ease infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes AnimationName {
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card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:11:26+00:00 e490d5f5-afe4-4cb2-8116-6bc4e90bcf8e 9d68386e-c7fd-48df-9f31-2047ae58db74 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa Do not retry No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH
card_updated_at payment_method_token customer_id old_last_4 old_expiration new_last_4 new_expiration new_card_type update_type prepaid healthcare debit durbin_regulated commercial payroll issuing_bank country_of_issuance product_id source
2024-07-27T04:11:13+00:00 8e961ac2-0b15-42ec-991a-c49cd2c90dbd b7cd3d31-5a27-49be-bd8c-722d76718d42 1111 03/30 9999 06/36 Visa Call issuer for updates No No No No Yes Yes Chase USA P BATCH