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print "Hello, world\n";
import os, os.path
import sys, time, re, shutil
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from threading import Thread
from traceback import print_exc
"""The greatest Warez-Unpacking tool of all times!"""
## stuff to set
RARPATH = "C:/Programme/WinRAR/rar.exe"
RARFILEPATTERN = re.compile("Entpacke aus (.*)") ##match what file we extract from
We couldn’t find that file to show.
class Test(object):
def __init__(self):
self.test1 = "lala"
def __call__(self):
print self.__dict__
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is a test again
require_once 'NEWX.php';
class Newsletter extends NEWX {
var $_table = 'newsletter';
var $_pk = 'newsletter_id';
var $tpl_dir = '';
var $newsletter_tpl = 'newsletter.tpl';
# The only way I have found so far to get all hard_macro cells in DC.
# Sucks that there isn't an "is_hard_macro" attribute like there is in ICC :(
# The area of 200 is arbitrary. YMMV
set all_hard_macros [get_cells * -hierarchical -filter {is_hierarchical==false && area > 200}]
# Tags: Synopsys, Design Compiler, DC, Tcl, get_cells, macro cells
echo "test";