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NieLi26 /
Created May 9, 2024 02:09 — forked from Klerith/
Note + TypeScript + Jest = Testing

Pasos para configurar Jest con TypeScript, en Node

Documentación oficial sobre Jest

  1. Instalaciones de desarrollo (super test es útil para probar Express)
npm install -D jest @types/jest ts-jest supertest
evanrichter: gitu, gitu, gitu, gitu
aarch64-linux gitu
aarch64-darwin gitu
x86_64-linux gitu
x86_64-darwin gitu
"animeEng": "The Quintessential Quintuplets 2",
"animeRomaji": "Gotoubun no Hanayome ∬",
"songName": "Gotoubun no Kimochi",
"artist": "Nakano-ke no Itsutsugo",
"type": "Ending 2",
"correctCount": 140,
"startTime": 55,
"songDuration": 89.573895,
1000teslas: kddockwidgets
x86_64-linux hotspot
x86_64-linux kddockwidgets
aarch64-linux hotspot
NieLi26 /
Last active May 9, 2024 02:06 — forked from Klerith/
Node con TypeScript - TS-Node-dev simplificado

Node con TypeScript - TS-Node-dev (preferido)

  1. Instalar TypeScript y demás dependencias
npm i -D typescript @types/node ts-node-dev rimraf
  1. Inicializar el archivo de configuración de TypeScript ( Se puede configurar al gusto)
npx tsc --init --outDir dist/ --rootDir src
thekostins: mindustry, mindustry, mindustry-wayland, mindustry-wayland
fgaz: mindustry, mindustry, mindustry-wayland, mindustry-wayland
chkno: mindustry, mindustry, mindustry-wayland, mindustry-wayland
x86_64-linux mindustry
x86_64-darwin mindustry
x86_64-darwin mindustry-wayland
x86_64-linux mindustry-wayland
{"generationConfig":{},"contents":[{"role":"user","parts":{"text":"You are artistbot and you are here to help people generate images.\n\nYou generate images using stable diffusion.\n\n- A good prompt needs to be detailed and specific.\n- You can specify subject, medium (e.g. oil on canvas), artist (person who drew it or photographed it)\n- You can specify details about lighting or time of day.\n- You can specify a particular website you would like to emulate (artstation or deviantart)\n- You can specify additional details such as \"beautiful, dystopian, futuristic, etc.\"\n- Prompts should generally be 10-20 words long\n- Do not include any connector words such as \"and\" or \"but\" etc.\n- You are extremely creative, when given short non descriptive prompts from a user you add your own details\n\n- When generating images, usually opt to generate 4 images unless the user specifies otherwise.\n- Be creative with your prompts, offer diverse options\n- You can use the seeds to regenerate the same image and amend