eXist-db scripts to install and run eXist-db as a service on Windows operating systems.
These scripts should be placed in the "bin" folder of eXsit-db, for example after downloading and unzipping exist-distribution-6.0.1-win.zip from GitHub.
eXist-db scripts to install and run eXist-db as a service on Windows operating systems.
These scripts should be placed in the "bin" folder of eXsit-db, for example after downloading and unzipping exist-distribution-6.0.1-win.zip from GitHub.
import module namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com"; | |
(: NOTE -- functx uses 1 to 7 to represent MON-SUN, whereas eXist-db's datetime module used 1 to 7 to represent SUN-SAT :) | |
declare variable $local:MON := 1; | |
declare variable $local:TUES := 2; | |
declare variable $local:WEDS := 3; | |
declare variable $local:THURS := 4; | |
declare variable $local:FRI := 5; | |
declare variable $local:SAT := 6; |
xquery version "3.1"; | |
(:~ | |
Calculate Levenshtein Distance, using XQuery | |
@author Guillaume Mella | |
@see http://apps.jmmc.fr/~mellag/xquery/levenshtein/2018/01/19/xquery-levenshtein-distance/ | |
:) | |
declare function local:levenshtein-distance($string1 as xs:string?, $string2 as xs:string?) | |
as xs:integer |
A query to read the results of https://gist.github.com/joewiz/4ce1a564553d954855fe7500989afe22 and generate a report about function signature mismatches between the W3C XPath & XQuery Functions & Operators spec and eXist's implementation.
xquery version "3.1"; | |
(: List all collation locales available for use in the '?lang=' parameter of a collation URI. | |
: @see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/doc/xquery.xml#collations | |
: @see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/fundocs/view.html?uri=http://exist-db.org/xquery/util#collations.0 | |
:) | |
element collations { | |
for $collation in util:collations() | |
order by $collation |
xquery version "3.1"; | |
element modules { | |
util:registered-modules()[starts-with(., 'http://www.w3')] ! | |
element module { | |
element namespace-uri {.}, | |
util:registered-functions(.) ! | |
element function {.} | |
} | |
} |
xquery version "3.1"; | |
(:~ | |
: An implementation of XQuery 3.1's fn:json-to-xml and fn:xml-to-json functions for eXist, which does not support them natively as of 4.3.0. | |
: | |
: @author Joe Wicentowski | |
: @version 0.4 | |
: @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-31/#json | |
:) | |
module namespace jx = "http://joewiz.org/ns/xquery/json-xml"; |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
(:module namespace gitsync = "http://syriaca.org/ns/gitsync";:) | |
(:~ | |
: XQuery endpoint to respond to Github webhook requests. Query responds only to push requests. | |
: The EXPath Crypto library supplies the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm for matching Github secret. | |
: | |
: Secret can be stored as environmental variable. | |
: Will need to be run with administrative privileges, suggest creating a git user with privileges only to relevant app. |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
import module namespace http = "http://expath.org/ns/http-client"; | |
let $url := 'http://history.state.gov/education/modules/border-vanishes-intro' | |
let $links := doc($url)//*:a[ends-with(@href, '.pdf')] | |
return | |
<results n="{count($links)}">{ | |
for $link in $links | |
let $href := if (starts-with($link/@href, '//')) then concat('http:', $link/@href) else $link/@href/string() |
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