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Created June 5, 2020 14:07
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---- MODULE DecidePeerSourcing ----
\* BaseCurrencyNetwork
NetParams(btcMode) ==
CASE btcMode = "BTC_MAINNET" -> "MainNetParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_TESTNET" -> "TestNet3Params"
[] btcMode = "BTC_REGTEST" -> "RegTestParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_TESTNET" -> "RegTestParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_BETANET" -> "MainNetParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_REGTEST" -> "RegTestParams"
(* --algorithm algo1
\* BaseCurrencyNetwork
btcMode \in {
netParams = NetParams(btcMode),
\* RegTestHost
regtestHost \in {"NONE", "LOCAL", "REMOTE"},
regtestHostAddrType = UNDEFINED,
\* Checked in WalletConfig.setToOnlyUseRegTestHostPeerNode
isRegtestHostAnOnionAddress \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* PreferencesPayload.useTorForBitcoinJ
\* Either default value (TRUE) or as set by NetworkSettingsView
prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* Preferences.getUseTorForBitcoinJ
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ = UNDEFINED,
\* Config.ignoreLocalBtcNode
toldToIgnoreLocalBtcNode \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeUsed
shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode = UNDEFINED,
\* LocalBitcoinNode.isDetected
localBtcNodeDetected \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* Preferences.readPersisted
configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly \in {TRUE, FALSE},
configUseTorForBtcOption \in IF configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly THEN {TRUE, FALSE} ELSE {UNDEFINED},
\* Config.useAllProvidedNodes
useAllProvidedNodes \in {TRUE, FALSE},
isUseClearNodesWithProxies = UNDEFINED,
\* Preferences.getBitcoinNodesOptionOrdinal
bitcoinNodesOption \in {"CUSTOM", "PUBLIC", "PROVIDED"},
customNodesProvided \in {TRUE, FALSE},
proxyPassed = UNDEFINED,
doProposePeers = FALSE,
warnings = {},
discoveryType = UNDEFINED,
peerAddressType = UNDEFINED,
explicitPeers = UNDEFINED,
sourcingMethod = UNDEFINED;
\* Any operators in a define block can reference PlusCal variables
TypeInv ==
/\ peerAddressType \in {UNDEFINED, "ONION_AND_PROXIED", "ONION", "CLEAR"}
/\ sourcingMethod \in {UNDEFINED, "EXPLICIT_LIST", "DISCOVERY"}
/\ discoveryType \in {UNDEFINED, "DNS", "SOCKS5MULTI"}
/\ \A warning \in warnings : warning \in {"PUBLIC_MAINNET", "NO_TOR"}
/\ netParams /= "IMPOSSIBLE"
/\ regtestHostAddrType \in {UNDEFINED, "ONION", "INET_FROM_NAME"}
UsingExplicitPeerList == sourcingMethod = "EXPLICIT_LIST"
UsingBisqProvidedPeers ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "PROVIDED"
UsingCustomPeers ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "CUSTOM"
UsingOnlyLocalhostPeer ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "LOCALHOST"
UsingDiscovery == sourcingMethod = "DISCOVERY"
WarningsContain(warning) == warning \in warnings
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeIgnored
shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode ==
\/ toldToIgnoreLocalBtcNode
\/ btcMode = "BTC_DAO_REGTEST"
\/ btcMode = "BTC_DAO_TESTNET"
\* TODO what about BTC_DAO_BETANET?
InDesiredState ==
/\ bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM" =>
\/ /\ ~customNodesProvided
/\ UsingBisqProvidedPeers
\/ /\ customNodesProvided
/\ UsingCustomPeers
/\ shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode =>
/\ localBtcNodeDetected
/\ ~shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode
/\ UsingOnlyLocalhostPeer
/\ shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode =>
\/ ~UsingExplicitPeerList
\/ explicitPeers /= "LOCALHOST"
/\ UsingDiscovery = WarningsContain("PUBLIC_MAINNET")
end define;
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeUsed
shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode := ~shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode /\ localBtcNodeDetected;
\* Preferences.readPersisted
if configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly then
prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ := configUseTorForBtcOption;
end if;
\* Preferences.getUseTorForBitcoinJ
if (/\ \/ btcMode # "BTC_MAINNET"
\/ shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode
/\ ~configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly) then
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ := FALSE;
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ := prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ;
end if;
\* WalletsSetup.initialize
proxyPassed := prefUseTorForBitcoinJ;
\* WalletsSetup.setupSourceOfPeers
if netParams = "RegTestParams" then
\* relevant: BitcoinModule.configure
if regtestHost = "LOCAL" then
explicitPeers := "LOCALHOST";
elsif regtestHost = "REMOTE" then
explicitPeers := "REGTESTHOST";
if isRegtestHostAnOnionAddress then
regtestHostAddrType := "ONION";
regtestHostAddrType := "INET_FROM_NAME";
end if;
doProposePeers := TRUE;
end if;
elsif shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode then
explicitPeers := "LOCALHOST";
doProposePeers := TRUE;
end if;
\* doProposePeers represents a substantial layer of complexity
\* that's sometimes bypassed.
\* WalletsSetup.proposePeersFromBtcNodesRepository
if doProposePeers then
\* BtcNodesSetupPreferences.selectPreferredNodes
if bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM" then
if customNodesProvided then
explicitPeers := "CUSTOM";
explicitPeers := "PROVIDED";
end if;
elsif bitcoinNodesOption = "PUBLIC" then
explicitPeers := UNDEFINED;
explicitPeers := "PROVIDED";
end if;
\* BtcNodes.getProvidedBtcNodes
if explicitPeers = "PROVIDED" then
if btcMode # "BTC_MAINNET" then
explicitPeers := UNDEFINED;
end if;
end if;
isUseClearNodesWithProxies := useAllProvidedNodes \/ bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM";
if explicitPeers # UNDEFINED then
\* BtcNodesRepository.getPeerAddresses
if proxyPassed then
if isUseClearNodesWithProxies then
peerAddressType := "ONION_AND_PROXIED";
peerAddressType := "ONION";
end if;
peerAddressType := "CLEAR";
end if;
\* WalletsSetup.proposePeers
elsif proxyPassed then
discoveryType := "SOCKS5MULTI";
warnings := warnings \union {"PUBLIC_MAINNET"};
elsif btcMode = "BTC_MAINNET" then
warnings := warnings \union {"PUBLIC_MAINNET", "NO_TOR"};
end if;
end if;
\* WalletConfig.setupSourceOfPeers
if explicitPeers # UNDEFINED then
sourcingMethod := "EXPLICIT_LIST";
\* WalletConfig.setupDiscovery
if netParams # "RegTestParams" then
sourcingMethod := "DISCOVERY";
if discoveryType = UNDEFINED then
discoveryType := "DNS";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end algorithm; *)
Done == pc = "Done"
Inv ==
/\ IF Done THEN InDesiredState ELSE TRUE
/\ TypeInv
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dmos62 commented Jun 5, 2020

This is a TLA+ specification of the algorithm we use for deciding what Bitcoin peers to use (or where to find them). I wrote it because informal reasoning wasn't enough to have a clear understanding of how this process works in Bisq, and because this would be a valuable experience if we ever want to use model checking on more critical parts of the system.

The readability is subpar and there are practically no explaining comments: that's because I wrote this for myself, not intending anyone else to use it (at this point at least). Nonetheless, I thought it would be interesting to other contributors to see what a complicated sequential algorithm looks like in TLA+. Note that the main purpose of TLA+ is checking concurrent algorithms, so this sequential example doesn't play into TLA+ strenghts.

The main part of the file is in gray, because Github doesn't know how to syntax highlight PlusCal code. PlusCal is a sublanguage within TLA+ (that's unfortunately written entirely in a comment).

  • The algorithm is described between lines 120-223. That's where Bisq's code for deciding peer sourcing is described. Notice how difficult to understand it is.
  • Lines 18-64 describe the variables and their initial state. Those having the form varName \in {A,B,C} are what you'd call inputs. For example, localBtcNodeDetected \in {TRUE, FALSE} means that we'll check if the algorithm is correct both when a local Bitcoin node has been detected and when it hasn't.
  • Lines 103-116 (InDesiredState) is where we define what it means for the end state of this algorithm to be correct. At the moment this describes only very few requirements (like being configured to use custom nodes causing custom nodes to be used). This is what I'm working on now: describing what it means for our peer sourcing decisions to be correct.

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dmos62 commented Jun 11, 2020

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