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Created June 5, 2020 14:07
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---- MODULE DecidePeerSourcing ----
\* BaseCurrencyNetwork
NetParams(btcMode) ==
CASE btcMode = "BTC_MAINNET" -> "MainNetParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_TESTNET" -> "TestNet3Params"
[] btcMode = "BTC_REGTEST" -> "RegTestParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_TESTNET" -> "RegTestParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_BETANET" -> "MainNetParams"
[] btcMode = "BTC_DAO_REGTEST" -> "RegTestParams"
(* --algorithm algo1
\* BaseCurrencyNetwork
btcMode \in {
netParams = NetParams(btcMode),
\* RegTestHost
regtestHost \in {"NONE", "LOCAL", "REMOTE"},
regtestHostAddrType = UNDEFINED,
\* Checked in WalletConfig.setToOnlyUseRegTestHostPeerNode
isRegtestHostAnOnionAddress \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* PreferencesPayload.useTorForBitcoinJ
\* Either default value (TRUE) or as set by NetworkSettingsView
prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* Preferences.getUseTorForBitcoinJ
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ = UNDEFINED,
\* Config.ignoreLocalBtcNode
toldToIgnoreLocalBtcNode \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeUsed
shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode = UNDEFINED,
\* LocalBitcoinNode.isDetected
localBtcNodeDetected \in {TRUE, FALSE},
\* Preferences.readPersisted
configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly \in {TRUE, FALSE},
configUseTorForBtcOption \in IF configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly THEN {TRUE, FALSE} ELSE {UNDEFINED},
\* Config.useAllProvidedNodes
useAllProvidedNodes \in {TRUE, FALSE},
isUseClearNodesWithProxies = UNDEFINED,
\* Preferences.getBitcoinNodesOptionOrdinal
bitcoinNodesOption \in {"CUSTOM", "PUBLIC", "PROVIDED"},
customNodesProvided \in {TRUE, FALSE},
proxyPassed = UNDEFINED,
doProposePeers = FALSE,
warnings = {},
discoveryType = UNDEFINED,
peerAddressType = UNDEFINED,
explicitPeers = UNDEFINED,
sourcingMethod = UNDEFINED;
\* Any operators in a define block can reference PlusCal variables
TypeInv ==
/\ peerAddressType \in {UNDEFINED, "ONION_AND_PROXIED", "ONION", "CLEAR"}
/\ sourcingMethod \in {UNDEFINED, "EXPLICIT_LIST", "DISCOVERY"}
/\ discoveryType \in {UNDEFINED, "DNS", "SOCKS5MULTI"}
/\ \A warning \in warnings : warning \in {"PUBLIC_MAINNET", "NO_TOR"}
/\ netParams /= "IMPOSSIBLE"
/\ regtestHostAddrType \in {UNDEFINED, "ONION", "INET_FROM_NAME"}
UsingExplicitPeerList == sourcingMethod = "EXPLICIT_LIST"
UsingBisqProvidedPeers ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "PROVIDED"
UsingCustomPeers ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "CUSTOM"
UsingOnlyLocalhostPeer ==
/\ UsingExplicitPeerList
/\ explicitPeers = "LOCALHOST"
UsingDiscovery == sourcingMethod = "DISCOVERY"
WarningsContain(warning) == warning \in warnings
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeIgnored
shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode ==
\/ toldToIgnoreLocalBtcNode
\/ btcMode = "BTC_DAO_REGTEST"
\/ btcMode = "BTC_DAO_TESTNET"
\* TODO what about BTC_DAO_BETANET?
InDesiredState ==
/\ bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM" =>
\/ /\ ~customNodesProvided
/\ UsingBisqProvidedPeers
\/ /\ customNodesProvided
/\ UsingCustomPeers
/\ shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode =>
/\ localBtcNodeDetected
/\ ~shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode
/\ UsingOnlyLocalhostPeer
/\ shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode =>
\/ ~UsingExplicitPeerList
\/ explicitPeers /= "LOCALHOST"
/\ UsingDiscovery = WarningsContain("PUBLIC_MAINNET")
end define;
\* LocalBitcoinNode.shouldBeUsed
shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode := ~shouldIgnoreLocalBtcNode /\ localBtcNodeDetected;
\* Preferences.readPersisted
if configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly then
prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ := configUseTorForBtcOption;
end if;
\* Preferences.getUseTorForBitcoinJ
if (/\ \/ btcMode # "BTC_MAINNET"
\/ shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode
/\ ~configUseTorForBtcOptionSetExplicitly) then
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ := FALSE;
prefUseTorForBitcoinJ := prefPayloadUseTorForBitcoinJ;
end if;
\* WalletsSetup.initialize
proxyPassed := prefUseTorForBitcoinJ;
\* WalletsSetup.setupSourceOfPeers
if netParams = "RegTestParams" then
\* relevant: BitcoinModule.configure
if regtestHost = "LOCAL" then
explicitPeers := "LOCALHOST";
elsif regtestHost = "REMOTE" then
explicitPeers := "REGTESTHOST";
if isRegtestHostAnOnionAddress then
regtestHostAddrType := "ONION";
regtestHostAddrType := "INET_FROM_NAME";
end if;
doProposePeers := TRUE;
end if;
elsif shouldUseLocalBitcoinNode then
explicitPeers := "LOCALHOST";
doProposePeers := TRUE;
end if;
\* doProposePeers represents a substantial layer of complexity
\* that's sometimes bypassed.
\* WalletsSetup.proposePeersFromBtcNodesRepository
if doProposePeers then
\* BtcNodesSetupPreferences.selectPreferredNodes
if bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM" then
if customNodesProvided then
explicitPeers := "CUSTOM";
explicitPeers := "PROVIDED";
end if;
elsif bitcoinNodesOption = "PUBLIC" then
explicitPeers := UNDEFINED;
explicitPeers := "PROVIDED";
end if;
\* BtcNodes.getProvidedBtcNodes
if explicitPeers = "PROVIDED" then
if btcMode # "BTC_MAINNET" then
explicitPeers := UNDEFINED;
end if;
end if;
isUseClearNodesWithProxies := useAllProvidedNodes \/ bitcoinNodesOption = "CUSTOM";
if explicitPeers # UNDEFINED then
\* BtcNodesRepository.getPeerAddresses
if proxyPassed then
if isUseClearNodesWithProxies then
peerAddressType := "ONION_AND_PROXIED";
peerAddressType := "ONION";
end if;
peerAddressType := "CLEAR";
end if;
\* WalletsSetup.proposePeers
elsif proxyPassed then
discoveryType := "SOCKS5MULTI";
warnings := warnings \union {"PUBLIC_MAINNET"};
elsif btcMode = "BTC_MAINNET" then
warnings := warnings \union {"PUBLIC_MAINNET", "NO_TOR"};
end if;
end if;
\* WalletConfig.setupSourceOfPeers
if explicitPeers # UNDEFINED then
sourcingMethod := "EXPLICIT_LIST";
\* WalletConfig.setupDiscovery
if netParams # "RegTestParams" then
sourcingMethod := "DISCOVERY";
if discoveryType = UNDEFINED then
discoveryType := "DNS";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end algorithm; *)
Done == pc = "Done"
Inv ==
/\ IF Done THEN InDesiredState ELSE TRUE
/\ TypeInv
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dmos62 commented Jun 11, 2020

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