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Created February 9, 2021 15:29
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413 - Newsletter

Minimum steps to palindrome

A string is a palindrome if it is equal to its reverse.

(= "racecar" (str/reverse "racecar")) ;=> true, so palindrome

Your task is to write a function that adds a minimum of letters to the end of a string to make it a palindrome.


(->palindrome "race") ;=> "racecar"
(->palindrome "mad") ;=> "madam"
(->palindrome "mirror") ;=> "mirrorrim"

Note: the generated string does not have to be a real English word.

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Expert in JavaScript. The problem has been modified from the original.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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nwjsmith commented Feb 9, 2021

(defn ->palindrome
  "Returns a string with the minimum number of letters appended to make s a
  (->> (reductions #(str %2 %1) "" s)
       (map (partial str s))
       (filter #(= % (str/reverse %)))

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mchampine commented Feb 9, 2021

(defn ->palindrome [s]
  (->> (reductions conj '() s)
       (map (partial concat (seq s)))
       (some #(when (= % (reverse %)) (apply str %)))))

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(require '[clojure.string :as st])

(defn ->palindrome [s]
  (->> (reductions str "" s)
    (map #(str % (st/reverse s)))
    (filter #(st/starts-with? % s))

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@jgoodhcg you may want to take another look, in particular the example mirror

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jgoodhcg commented Feb 9, 2021

@jgoodhcg you may want to take another look, in particular the example mirror

Oh no! How embarrassing 😬
I thought I was so clever for not having to use reductions. I'll update my entry.

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(defn ->palindrome 
  ([xs] (->palindrome xs 0))
  ([xs n]
   (let [xs' (apply str (concat xs (reverse (take n xs))))]
     (if (= xs' (clojure.string/reverse xs'))
       (recur xs (inc n))))))

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cloojure commented Feb 9, 2021

(ns tst.demo.core
  (:use tupelo.core tupelo.test)
    [schema.core :as s]
    [tupelo.string :as str]))

(s/defn palindome? :- s/Bool
  [arg :- s/Str] (= arg (str/reverse arg)))

  (is (palindome? "racecar"))
  (isnt (palindome? "racecar9")))

(s/defn ->palindrome :- s/Str
  [orig :- s/Str]
  (loop [cnt 0]
    (let [extra-chars (str/join (reverse (take cnt orig)))
          candidate   (str orig extra-chars)]
      (if (palindome? candidate)
        (recur (inc cnt))))))

  (is= (->palindrome "race") "racecar")
  (is= (->palindrome "mad") "madam")
  (is= (->palindrome "mirror") "mirrorrim"))

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Today I (and my entire company) learned about reductions

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miner commented Feb 10, 2021

Refactoring some other solutions to use transducers:

(defn ->palindrome [s]
  (let [r (str/reverse s)]
    (first (sequence (comp (map #(str (subs s 0 %) r))
                           (filter #(str/starts-with? % s))
                           (take 1))
                     (range (count s))))))

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alex-gerdom commented Feb 11, 2021

(defn palindrome? [w] (= (seq w) (reverse w)))
(defn ->palindrome [w]
  "Return `w` with minimum number of letters added to end to make it a palindrome"
  (let [possible-endings (->> (range (count w))
                              (map #(take % w))
                              (map reverse))
        possible-palindromes (->> possible-endings
                                  (map (partial concat w))
                                  (map (partial apply str))
                                  (filter palindrome?))]
    (first possible-palindromes)))

Somewhat reduced:

(defn palindrome? [w] (= (seq w) (reverse w)))
(defn ->palindrome [w]
   (->> (reductions conj '() w)
        (map #(concat w %))
        (filter palindrome?)
        (apply str)))

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dfuenzalida commented Feb 15, 2021

A little late to this one, but similar to the others above:

(defn palin? [s]
  (= (seq s) (reverse s)))

(defn ->palindrome [s]
  (->> s reverse rest (reductions str s) (filter palin?) first))

;; (->palindrome "race") ;; => "racecar"
;; (->palindrome "mad") ;; => "madam"
;; (->palindrome "mirror") ;; => "mirrororrim"

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(defn ->palindrome [string]
  (->> (range 1 (count string))
       (map #(str string (str/reverse (subs string 0 %))))
       (some #(#{%} (str/reverse %)))))

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