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Setup OSX 10.9 with a Clean Install

After two years of tinkering my machine is a bit all over. With Mavericks I wanted to start fresh

1. Run Software Update

Make sure everything is up to date.

Software Update

2. Install XCode

  • Open the App Store and search for XCode
  • Open XCode after it finishes installing and accpet the "Terms of Service"

3. Set OSX to show hidden files

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true
killall Finder

4. Configure Git and Generate SSH keys for GitHub

Copy the attached gitconfig settings and set your user info (left out to avoid issues)

Be sure to setup your SSH keys first... visit GitHub's official guide for instructions.

cd ~/ && curl -O
git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global

5. Install Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Run brew doctor after installing to ensure it installed correctly.

6. Install Bash-It (via git clone)

Visit the Bash-It repo for more details.

Chruby (install via brew install chruby) is required for the rest of the setup, be sure to enable it when setting up Bash-It plugins

git clone ~/.bash_it

Open a new terminal window to use the Bash-It options you've set

7. Install Phix Terminal Theme (via git clone)

Visit my OSX Phix Theme repo for more details.

mkdir ~/Repos && cd $_
git clone
open ~/Repos/OSX-Terminal-Phix-Theme/Phix_Dark.terminal

Open Terminal > Preferences (or CMD + ,) and select "Default" to make Phix the default theme

8. Install Brew-It (via git clone)

Many apps can be installed through Homebrew and homebrew-cask which makes the process way simpler

Visit my Brew-It repo for more details.

git clone ~/.brew_it
brew update
brew upgrade

9. Install Rubies

ruby-install ruby 2.0
ruby-install ruby 1.9.3

10. Update PATH

Open .bash_profile and make the following edits

  • Add local bin and local sbin ahead of $PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:
  • Switch Ruby version in PATH ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.3/bin:
  • Add chruby ruby-1.9.3 to the end of the file

11. Manual App Installs

Unfortunately some apps aren't available through homebrew, so you need to install it manually.

App Store

12. Install Global Node Packages

npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp

13. Configure Sublime Text

ln -s /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/sublime-text3/3047/Sublime\  /usr/local/bin/subl

14. Install Alfred Workflows

Download Alfred Workflow Searcher


  • Audio Switch
  • Colors
  • Dash
  • Domainr
  • Emoji
  • Github Commands
  • Kill Process
  • MyIP
  • Package Managers
  • TerminalFinder
  • TimeIn
  • Transmit Favorites
  • VirtualBox Control


15. Set NPM user

npm adduser username

16. Download IE test VMs for VirtualBox

These take a while to download, so maybe do it on a separate day as a background process.

# IE8 - XP
curl -O ""

# IE9 - Win7
curl -O "{1.sfx,2.rar,3.rar,4.rar,5.rar}"

# IE10 - Win8
curl -O "{1.sfx,2.rar,3.rar}"

16. Download a base Ubuntu box for Vagrant

I'm using Vagrant to setup a few VMs locally for development.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bits

vagrant box add precise64

17 Configure Environment for Genesis

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-list
curl >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
gem install capistrano -v 2.15.3
gem install capistrano-ext colored

All done, have fun!

This process has been borrowed from here, here, here and here

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